
"Wooooooooooo!" Vinny yelled after we played another show. It was a few weeks we only had a few tour dates left and me and Chris have been getting along very well. "So how's your morning" I asked Chris in the front lounge "good I'm just...thinking" he said biting his lip piercing "about what?" I asked "nothing to worry about just things" he said and smiled at me "ok" I said.

Another off day and I was bored I walked to my bag which was in the lounge and grabbed some wine and poured it into a glass "hey" I jumped as I turned to see Chris on his phone "mother fucker you scared the shit out of me!" I said "what are you doing in here so late?" I asked
"Playing a game" he said, I put the wine down and sat next to him "I feel like you and me have a connection over the tour we've been on" I said, he gave me a smile "yea I feel the same" I smiled back "come on we need to get some sleep" I said as we walked back to the bunk area.

"Vivian" he said "you can called me viv" I said "no I feel like I should say Vivian" Chris said "can I sleep with you tonight" I said "yes you can" I got in his bunk and he laid next to me. He had a big bunk so I had enough room. I fell asleep next to someone I think...I...loved.

It was the last day of tour and finished our last show. I packed my bags and walked off the bus and realized I was in Scranton. "Hey" Chris tapped my shoulder "yea?" I asked "you've got a place to say?" Chris asked "not really my house is on the other side of Scranton" I looked at him "come to my place" Chris bit his lip ring "oh? Ok!" I said, I put my stuff in Chris's trunk and got into the car, as Chris got in the car he drove off. Instead of going to his house he drove to a spot I guess "Chris what are we doing here" I asked he looked at me he grabbed my head and I felt his warm lips touch mine "what the hell was that?" I said "I don't know I just...had a craving to do that all tour...but I don't feel satisfied" he said.

We drove back his place and As I walked in I noticed that he had an amazing house "you have a really nice house" I said he grabbed me and kissed me and dragged me to his bedroom "Chris!" I said pushing him off me "what? I'm sorry" he said "is this a bad thing to do...don't let this get awkward between us" I said "I promise you" he said as his lips were two inches away from my lips.

He trailed his hand up my thigh and caressed his hands on my waist and unbuttoned my pants and pulled them down then he took off my shirt I stood there in my bra and panties. I crossed my arms as Chris looked up and down on my body then he started to kiss me, he took off his shirt and in hooked my bra, he rubbed up against me as he slowly slid my panties down, "are you ready?" He whispered "yes" I said softly.

'Ohhhhhhh? Fuck...I'm in deep shit right now!'
'I'm so fucking screwed!...it's fucking CHRIS MOTIONLESS!?...I have to admit it was kinda nic- SHUT UP VIVIAN!' I thought as I woke up beside FUCKING CHRIS MOTIONLESS! What am I gonna do!? I can't be with him! I can't risk another relationship! Especially afte-
"Morning" Chris put his arm around me "m-morning" I kinda liked it I haven't felt this loved since? I hate saying his name three years of therapy and just to forget him, why do I still remember him? I don't want to...I don't even think I want another relationship.

I got up and got dressed "what's wrong?" Chris asked "this is! I fucked you! This is terribly wrong! Like maximum level wrong!" I yelled as I grabbed my stuff "how are you gonna get home?" He asked "the bus" I said and walked out of his house.

I walked down the street and saw the bus it started coming down the rode and well it didn't stop...it looked like it started going faster...w-wha? Oh fuck! Instead of it stoping it hit a puddle and that puddle got me completely soaked. 'Great!' I though 'another reason why I need to get a car.' I continued walking and I did  dry up a little.

A car stopped on the side of the road I thought i recognized the car but of course it was..."get in" Chris said and I did get in "look at you, let me drive you home" he said "are you my dad now?" I asked "I'm trying to be nice so fucking take it!" He snapped "whatever" I said under my breath.

As we got to my house I got out of the car and well Chris followed me inside of my house.
I walked into my room and grabbed some clothes and I turned around and saw him staring at me "um? Bye,bye" I said "I've already seen you naked" I rolled my eyes and just got dressed but I felt kinda weirded out because I Changed my bra and panties to and knowing that Chris was staring at me made me feel uncomfortable.

"What?!" I looked at him "nothing" he said "look Chris it was a one night stand! Were just friends!" 'No were not' "and that sex meant nothing to me last night" 'stop lying' "ok whatever! I get it" 'gosh I just want to rip your clothes off' "I just thought I can have somebody in my life" 'I fucked up' "I'm sorry" I said softly as I started to cry "um? Vivian?" Chris walked over to me and patted my back "I'm sorry! Why are you so sexy!" I bawled "I?! I?! Don't know how to deal with emotional women?" Chris freaked "I'm ok" i said "I call you later I just need some space" I said wiping my tears "ok" he said walking to leave my house.

'Ugh I fucked up!'
