
"I'm scared, Scott just won't stop, he's not going to" I said the the rest of the band in the police station "what's up with this fuckin dude?" Ryan asked "I don't know he won't leave her alone though" Chris said.

We left and i just tried to relax but I couldn't, especially that Monica died in our house.

"Vivian were moving" Chris said "but the bands coming over to pack, I couldn't completely process this so I just said "ok? Why?" I asked "because I don't want anybody else to get hurt" he said.

The band came over and moved everything out of the house. I walked to the front door but I first stopped to the bloodstain that was left from Monica's death,

"...when he needs a fix, it's you, when he needs to feed his craving..."

I shook my head and walked out and left.

Chris bought a new house it was isolated in the middle of nowhere I guess it was better, I don't think Scott will find us it's deep in Pennsylvania so I'm hoping he doesn't find us.

"Vivian?" Ricky called my name "yes?" I said slopping myself down in the car seat "so? Your still gonna be in our band right? Cause I mean your gonna be a mother?" He asked "yea don't worry, cause it's also gonna be Chris's kid" I said "oh yea" he said awkwardly, maybe he just wants to be a band with no problems with kids or something.

We arrived to the house, two story, it was nice, open stairwell, nicely furnished, it was a modern look, it had French doors it the back to a pool?! That's cool, and it had big huge windows. "Chris how much did you pay for this house!?" I asked "let's just say I had a friend who hooked me up" he said "come, I want to show you something" he said as he grabbed my hand, he took me upstairs and stopped at a room, he slowly opened it "a baby's roommate!" I said excitedly "it's wonderful!" I looked around to find all sorts of stuff for our baby.

Then he showed me the master bedroom, it had a kind size bed with a huge ass bathroom and closet perfect for my clothes.

"I knew you would like it" Chris said as he kissed my cheek.

Me and Chris were still unpacking everything one by one, I pulled out a book Ryan gave me before he left it was called "Are you pregnant?"
Nice one I guess, was it a joke or was he just trying to help me?

I woke up in the new oversized bed, it was way too big for me, I was only 5,1 but Chris on the other hand is 6,1 so yea he's way taller than me.
I smelt something good, maybe eggs? I got up and walked into the kitchen and well there was Chris making eggs "how did you learn how to cook?" I asked with sarcasm " I learned off of a cooking channel" Chris laughed "though I appreciate your sarcasm" .

A few days passed and all I could think about was Chris? Who is the real Chris? Monica's words kept stalking my mind.

I woke up in the middle of the night to Chris talking, I got up and looked out the bedroom door a little bit, he sat on the couch in front of a lit fire place talking to someone

"I don't give a fuck, she is not like the others, ...sluts" he said

"Sluts?" I whispered, Monica was one of his...sluts?

"they don't mean anything to me at all...yes I know...I don't care...just please we promised to keep this away from..."

I tried to move away from the door but end up hitting my funny bone on our dresser by the door

"Vivian?...Hold on Ricky" Chris hung up the phone and walked to the door, I ran and jumped back into the bed before he could open the door, I feel Chris's presence walk up to me "baby?" Chris whispered into my ear "hm?" I say in a very tired tone "I love you" he says and kissed my head.

I woke up the next morning tired...struggling to keep myself together about Chris..."baby? you've seen droopy all day today" Chris pet my hair, I felt a set of chills run down my spine "yea" I said scratching my arm.

"who is the real Christopher Cerulli? I feel like I'm a lost puppy just looking for him"

I wrote this little segment into my journal thinking about more to write

"it doesn't make since? SLUTS? I hope I'm not becoming one...does he have a plan of some sort? I don't want to be hurt, but it seems like I am about to, I just want to know the real Chris, who is he faking to be? Or has he changed?"

Ugh, I don't understand this shit anymore.

"He's so complicated" I wrote last and I put my journal up.

I felt like I didn't know Chris at all, I just felt like a stranger, it's a weird feeling.

I just occupied my time around the house, I lifted weights and put up more clothes.

"Vivian?" Chris walked into the room "yes baby" I said playing some shitty mobile game "what's this?" Chris threw the journal on the ground "c-Chris" I stuttered "I'm complicated? Protective, faking to be someone else?" He said "Chris it's not what you think" I said "no shut the fuck up! You wanna know the real me?" Chris sat down and well I couldn't help but flinch.

"I was...just a control freak, I still am...but not as much, Monica was one of the girls I had as...I called slut, I really didn't do it a lot but she kept coming back to me, if I fucked her i hatefucked her, she was disgusting like the other three, I had four sluts, but when I found you I saw a pour innocent soul who was lost."

My mind just couldn't stop thinking about this situation

"you mean more, your not a slut nor any other girl. Your my girlfriend...I wanted you ever since I saw you...I couldn't tell you cause you'd probably think I'm disgusting, I'm sorry" Chris finished

"Chris...don't worry...I have kept some secrets also...I was a drug dealer...I worked for Scott...he had interest in me but I didn't in him. I had a crush on one of his dealers too and well Scott...he found out and killed him, I got heavy into drugs at one point"
Chris gave me a intense look
"I'm sorry" he said

"I'm sorry too" I said back.
