Part 9 | The Real Mission

"You ready green bean?"

"As always floaty."

You grinned at each other as you walked down pavement. You both slipped into a dim alley way, looking up the walls.

"I can't believe I can't use magic to get up there" Loki muttered as you walked over to large industrial pipe.

"Poor Loki, his one interesting feature cannot be used" you replied with a smirk, scaling the pipe quickly.


Stark had warned Loki not to teleport you both up to the roof as civilians may see, much to the Gods irritation.

He followed after you, climbing up the pipe elegantly.

"How the fuck did you manage to make that elegant" you complained as you slid off the side of the pipe, landing unsteadily. Loki jumped off and landed perfectly beside you, smirking.

"I am a God darling, now let's go."

Loki walked quickly over the rooftop, crouching down to pull the vent cover off. He stood back and looked down at you.

"Are we using the wires or are you floating us down?" He asked, looking at the drop.

Loki was his Asgardian armour and you were wearing your suit:

Change if you want <3

"I'll float us down" you answered, stepping closer to him.

He wrapped his arms tightly around your waist while you put one arm his neck. With small flick of your wrist you were both heading at a steady pace towards the floor.

"See Stark, I told you we don't need your stupid wires" you whispered, looking at where you knew the camera was on Loki's armour.

Tony had decided he would keep putting cameras on you so he could see your missions. You and Loki were pissed at first, but the others wanted to see what happened, claiming you were both really funny.

Loki landed silently on the floor, placing you down beside him.

"Alright, where's the head office?" He whispered, turning around.

"That way idiot, did you read the map?"

"Nope, I knew you would" he answered with a smirk.

You rolled your eyes and carefully made your way across the room, checking for any security systems. Peeking through the crack in the door, you could see around guards stationed behind it.

You reached up to whisper in Loki's ear. "There's ten, five each. You take the left, I'll take the right."

He nodded once and conjured three large daggers, taking two and passing the other to you. You slid it into your belt and readied yourself.

"Ready darling?"

"Open the fucking door Loki."

He smirked and shot a pulse of magic at the metal. It was wrenched off it hinges, falling back and trapping two men underneath it.

"Four each" he says pleasantly, as this was a day at the park.

You both run into the room, you with your hands ready and Loki twirling his daggers.

"Evening!" You say at the same time before attacking.

"One, two-"

"Shut the fuck up greasy."

"I am not greasy!"

"Oh really?" You questioned, throwing a guard up and smashing him into the ceiling.

"My hair is amazing" he declared, throwing a dagger at a man behind you. You flicked your wrist and threw the last man Loki was fighting through the wall.

He huffed and flicked his hair out of the way. "That one was mine."

You shrugged. "You took one of mine, fairs fair."

Loki moved forward and began clicking through the security panel at the other end of the room.

"So you did read the Manuel!"

"Of course I read it, what happens if you get kidnapped and I'm left all alone?" He replied with a smirk.

"Then I'll make you come and save me."

"Uh huh, sure."

"Um, Loki."

"Yes darling?"


He rolled his eyes, turning around to face you. "Wha- oh fuck."

"Steve he said a bad language word!" You said, causing Loki to chuckle.

"Stop acting like children!" The man grunted. In front of you were around thirty men, all with their guns pointed at you.

"Well we're not even adults yet, so good luck with that" You retorted.

"I'm am old enough, why does everyone keep calling me a child!" Loki whinged.

"Seventeen is a minor kid" one of the others said.

"I'm not a kid."

"Yes you- oh. You're that god, from the superhero team."

"Correct" you and Loki answered at the same time before running at them. You flicked your wrists and four of them flew back, slamming into the walls.

"And all I need is to be stuck, by, your electric loveee" you sang to yourself as you rolled out of the way of a gunshot.

"Really n/n?"

"Oh come on! Everyone knows I sing when I'm stressed, why is this such a surprise!" You exclaimed, pulling out your dagger and stabbing two men in one go.

"Because it's weird!" He called back, twirling his daggers in a complicated pattern as he took out man after man.

You were all finished on your side you leant against the wall watching. He was concentrating, his normally amused features stony as he fought.

"Your thoughts are very loud darling" he said, smirking at you. You rolled your eyes.

"Oh for fucks sake Loki, get on with it and stop reading my mind" you complained.

"I know I'm hot, but you can stop thinking about it" he said with a chuckle, finishing off the last person.

"Quite the contrary, I think you look like a blob fish."

"What's a blob fish?"

"It's a- you know, what never mind."


"Billie Jean is not my loverrr, she just a girl who claimed that I was the one-"

"Shut up n/n!"

"No can do! Why are there so many fucking guards!"

"Steve she said a bad language word!"

"Shut up!"

"No can do."

You and Loki were sprinting though the building clutching the keycard.

You reached the vent and leapt onto Loki, wrapping your legs around his waist.

"Bye fuckers!" You called as you shot upwards.

You could head them all shouting below you as you went up as fast as you could. Suddenly there was gun shot and a searing pain in your calf.

"Asshole!" You yelled, throwing a knife downwards. There was a scream, letting you know it had hit its mark.

"Are you alright darling?" Loki asked quickly as you reached the roof. You jumped off him and knelt down to check the wound.

"I'm fine, I've been shot before" you groan, holding the wound to try and staunch the flow of blood.

Loki vanished his top part of his armour, leaving him in a plain black shirt. He ripped a large piece out of it and tied in to your leg in a tourniquet.

"Come on darling" he said, picking you up and attaching a wire to the pipe before jumping off. You sped toward the ground, him landing neatly on two feet.

"Can you teach me how to land like that?" You asked him as he cuts the wire and walked quickly toward the waiting car.

"Sure can darling" he answered, opening the door and climbing in.

"Hi Happy" you groaned as Loki moved you leg so that it was propped up on his lap.

"Hey Kids, are you alright?" He asked, turning around to look at you.

"Yep, just go."

And with that he sped off. Loki gently untied to the soaked fabric from your leg and rolled the suit leg up, checking the wound.

"That'll be needing stitches" he murmured, balling up the fabric. He took off the remaining part of his shirt and tied back onto your leg, staunching the flow of blood completely.

"Your thoughts are quite loud loud darling" he whispered, helping you sit with your leg in a comfortable position.

"Shut the fuck up, I will kill you" you muttered in response, looking away from him. He chuckled quietly.


"Loki I can walk" you huffed as he picked you up gently.

"Yes, but I'm much faster" he answered with a smirk, teleporting straight to the medical room.

"Welcome back Mr Odinson and Miss L/n, how was your mission?" Friday asked.

"Hi Friday, it was good, I got shot in the leg though" you answered, grabbing a medical kit and sitting on the counter.

"Would you like me to inform Mr Banner of your injury?"

"No it's okay, thank you though."

"That's quite alright Miss L/n."

"Don't tell me you've made friends with the ceiling" Loki said, looking highly amused.

"Ignore him Friday, he's a jerk."

"I agree Miss L/n."

Loki glared at the roof as you burst out laughing.

"Friday is an intelligence system, so she's able to make friends. I am proud to say I'm her first friend" you announce, grinning at a skeptical Loki.

You wince slightly as you untie the tourniquet. The blood immediately began flowing.

"O-o-Ophelia, you've been on my mind girl since the flood" you hummed quietly, grabbing the tweezers kit.

"Really n/n?"

"Greasy, I'm stressed. That equals me singing. Deal with it."

He rolled his eyes and took the tweezers from you, bending down so he could see the wound.

"Put a shirt on" you mumble as he pulled the bullet out in one quick movement. You hissed in pain, watching he dropped it onto a small metal tray.

"It's quite a hot evening, don't you think" he replied, smirking at you.


"Alright alright."

In a shimmer of green he was wearing a black button up shirt as he made quick stitches in your leg. You gritted your teeth and gripped the edge of the counter as the needle went though your flesh over and over again.

"All done" he said proudly, cutting the thread. He packed up to kit and helped you off the bench. He took your hand and teleported you both into the lounge. There were multiple screams and the sound smashing glass as you appeared.

"We're alive, she's shot in the leg, were both tired so goodnight" he announced.

"Shot in the leg??" Wanda shrieked, running over to you.

"Wanda it's okay, Loki stitched it up."

He grinned before teleporting up to your door.

"Can you warn me next time?" You gasp, leaning against the hallway wall.


He smiled at you, placing a quick kiss on your forehead. "Goodnight float."

"Goodnight bean."

He smiled again as he disappeared.
