Part 20 | I Need You

You sat on the couch in Loki's room, flicking through a book. Occasionally you would look up at the bed and see Loki, sleeping peacefully. Your heart throbbed and you quickly looked back down.

"Good morning darling" he said in a raspy voice, sitting up slowly.

You looked at him sadly. "My best work yet" you murmured before going back to your book.

"N/n? What's wrong?"

"You're not real" you answered simply, turning the page. "You're an illusion, made by my brain to cope."

"Darling, I'm real. I'm here" he replied, standing up and moving towards you slowly.

"You say that every morning!" You snapped, tears threatening to spill over. "Every morning you say you're real and then you disappear. Because my brain can't deal with it."

It broke Loki's heart to see this, to hear those words. But he knew he was real.

"Love, It's me, I'm real" he whispered, carefully sitting down beside you.

You laughed quietly. "Now I definitely know it's not real."


"Because he called me darling or float. Not love, because I never got the chance to tell him I love him" you answered, glaring at your book as tears rolled down your cheeks. "And now he'll never know."

Loki gently pulled the book book out of your grasp and wrapped his arms around you. You gasped and looked up at him.

"Yesterday, that wasn't a dream?" You whispered. He smiled softly and shook his head.

"No love, I'm right here. I'm real and I love you."

You looked at him for a moment before snuggling into his arms. "Don't say that, it's going to hurt more when you disappear" you mumbled, burying your face in the crook of his neck.

"Love, I'm not an illusion."

"Prove it."

He tilted your chin up, making you look at him. He slowly wiped the tears off your cheeks before leaning down and pressing his lips against yours.

"Mr Loki! Have you seen- SORRY! SORRY! I PROMISE I'M NOT LOOKING!"

Peter had run in the door to see you two on the couch.

"SORRY!" He shouted again, his hand firmly over his eyes as he backed out of the room, bumping into the walls.

Loki chuckled and pulled away, looking at the spiderling as he stumbled out. "Peter you can open your eyes" he called out.

"Oh, um, thank you Mr Loki, sorry" Peter replied, going a bit red. "I was just wondering if you'd seen Miss Y/n, but um, she's obviously here."

"What do you need Pete?" You asked, laying your head on Loki's chest as he rubbed his hands up and down your back.

"Miss Eira's in the living room."

"Thanks Pete, tell her I'll be down in a moment."

"Okay! Sorry again!" He answered happily, running out of the room again.

"Funny boy" you said with a laugh.

"Indeed" Loki replied, smiling. He kissed you again before shimmering you both into comfortable clothes. "Come on my love, let's go see your sister."

You took his outstretched hand and teleported you both into the living room. A few shrieked and Nat shot a bullet at you which Loki caught.

Everyone looked at him in amazement as he causally threw it across the room, landing in the bin.

"You can catch bullets?!" Peter exclaimed excitedly, swinging over to you both. (Should've had him around Pietro.")

"Yes" Loki answered causally, wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you back into his chest.

Eira beamed at you. "Hi noodle" you said with a small wave, making her smile even more.

"Noodle?" Loki snorted.

"Oh come on, you call me float. That's just as dumb." you counter.

"And you call me bean, even though I'm taller than you."

"It's short for green bean."

"Oh yeah."

"You haven't called me that in years" Eira said happily, smiling at you. "Nice to see you Loki" she added. Loki smiled at her.

"Now, just checking your alive" she continued, turning to you. You nodded once as she grinned.

"Why wouldn't you be alive?" Sam asked curiously.

"Eira, don't" you said quickly.

"Eira, do" Bucky interjected.

"N/n tried to take her own life multiple times" Eira said sadly. There were gasps from those who were blipped, however the others only looked at you sadly, already aware.

"Well none of you would kill me, and my magic prevents me from killing myself. That didn't stop me from trying" you commented.

Loki spun you around to face him and shimmered you into a tank top, showing all the fresh scars. All the fake scars you had made for the Hydra story were gone.

He ran his his fingers over them, healing them. He didn't say a word the whole time as the others talked to you.

"Loki?" You whispered, putting a hand on his cheek.

Suddenly you both appeared back in his room.

"Y/n" he began, walking slowly around the room. You knew it was serious because he used your name.

"Someday, I'm going to die. Whether you like it or not. I will not allow you to do that to yourself."

"What did I have left to live for?" You whispered, watching as he walked back to you, enclosing you in his arms.

"Eira, the team, your kingdom, your people" he answered, kissing the top of your head. "They all need you."

"But I need you. Why should I live my life in misery?"

He sighed. "My love you cannot do this. When I die, you have to go on without me. Live the rest of your life."

"And what would you do if I died?" You retorted, looking up at him. "Are you going to dancing around the tower whistling show tunes?"

Loki remained silent.

"I see" he said finally. "So the answer is either neither of us ever die, or we die at the same time" he finished with a grin.

You laughed, kissing him on the cheek. "Yes, I suppose so."

"I love you" he mumbled into your hair.

"I love you more" you whispered back, wrapping your arms around his waist and hugging him.

"Doubt it" he chuckled as you poked him in the stomach.

The two of you stood there for a while, just holding each other. Until someone rudely interrupted.

"AWWWWW! LOOK AT THESE LOVEBIRDS! ARE YOU TWO DONE?" Someone screeched over the speakers.

"What the fuck?" Loki muttered, looking up at the ceiling. "Friday?"


"We figured dipshit!" You shouted, flipping off the ceiling.

"Love the ceiling can't see you flipping it off" Loki chuckled quietly.

"Well I assume he'll get the message."



"So, who did you work with while I was gone?"

You and Loki were crawling though the ventilation systems in a bank. Your mission was to bypass the security lasers and access the camera records.

"No one" you answered, carefully moving the grate off and looking down.

Below you the lasers moved in a complicated pattern across the floor. But if you both got this right that wouldn't matter.

"Why?" He asked, surprised. "Did you do this alone?"

"Yep. If two people had to do it then it would be given to someone else."


You placed a finger over his lips. "Loki, it's been and gone. And if you decide to die tomorrow I'll do the same thing."

He rolled his eyes as you grinned. "Stop procrastinating love."

"I am not!"

He just raised his eyebrows at you. You sighed.

"Okay fine, you go first" you bargained.

"Nope, you go and I'll wait and see if you die" Loki answered with a smirk, leaning back against the pipe.

You flipped him off and dropped down out of the vent.

Quickly, you made your way through the lasers. You were so close to the door, so close-

A laser moved through your ankle.

