Part 24 | Epilogue

Before we start, welcome back! It's been ages I know, but I promised an epilogue, so here it is :)


*Three years later*


"Time to go little one!" you grinned, scooping up the toddler and running off.

"Y/N! STOP TEACHING YOUR CHILD HOW TO BE A NUISANCE!" Tony shouted, sprinting around in a panic as smoke wafted off the flames on the couch.

"It's in her blood" you shrugged as you teleported back into the room, smirking at the damage. "Look at her Father for example."

"I'm not doing anything!" Loki insisted, hiding the flamethrower behind his back with a grin. "Plus you're equally to blame my love."

"I am not!"

"YOU JUST SET THE FUCKING COUCH ON FIRE!" Pietro shrieked, flashing around the room as Wanda laughed at him.

"Here! Put this on it!" Bucky yelled, picking Sam up and throwing him across the room in the direction of the fire.


The Falcon's loud cursing was cut off by Wanda, her magic swirling to cover his mouth.

"No swearing around Eir!" she scolded, kissing your daughters cheek affectionately. "Hello sweetheart."

You passed the giggling toddler over to the witch happily as Nat dumped a bucket of a suspicious looking brown liquid all over the white couch, effectively dousing the blaze.

"I don't even want to know what that was" Steve gagged.


"Well after it was burnt, no it wasn't" the assassin shrugged with a smug look of her face. "Your fault for buying white couches with these idiots."

"Hey! Who are you calling idiots?!" you said indignantly, teleporting over to your husband as he vanished the flamethrower.

"If the shoe fits" she challenged with a smirk, sipping at her water bottle that she mysteriously wouldn't share with anyone and insisted only had water in it.

"Piss off Natasha. Kidding, you're my favourite, along with Wanda."

"What about me?" Loki sulked, leaning his head on top of yours as his arms slid around waist.

"You're my least favourite."

"Makes sense honestly."

Wanda walked over to the two of you, Eir reaching her arms out for Loki. "She wants to be back with you two."

"Thanks Wan" you smiled, the witch beaming back at you. "Eir, can you thank Auntie Wanda for dealing with you?"

"Thank you Auntie Wanda!" She giggled, waving to the witch as Loki picked her up.

"You are so welcome sweetie" she replied, blowing her a kiss before heading over to talk to Vision and Bruce.

"She can talk remarkably well for a two year old" Bruce noted, adding notes to his observations of her growth.

"She's a Goddess" Loki replied, rolling his eyes at the man as he lifted Eir onto his shoulders. "Of course she can talk, we develop much faster than you mortals. Well, in some ways."

"What do you mean?"

"We can speak fluently by the age of three, so she's progressing on track" you added, tucking a stray piece of ink black hair behind her ear as she had a raspberry blowing competition with Pietro, Bucky and Sam. "But she'll develop a lot slower physically since we live for thousands of years. There's no reason to be fully grown after eighteen years, we'd look positively ancient by the time we're 150."

"Just look at Odin for proof" Loki said snidely, grinning as you burst out laughing.

"Makes sense" the scientist nodded, scribbling away. "You two only look twenty at the most and you're hundreds of years old."

"Thor on the other hand" Loki fake whispered, smirking at his brother's look of outrage.

"I only look... how old do I look?" the Thunder God questioned Steve.

"I'd say late twenties at the oldest" the super soldier answered.

"I only look late twenties!" he declared proudly, high fiving Steve.

"No" your daughter commented as the team looked over at her in amusement.

"How old do you think he looks little one?" Loki asked her, a large grin on his face.

The toddler thought for a moment before saying, "One hundred thousand million!"

"A very big number indeed" You laughed, the rest of the team joining in as Thor laid on the dramatics for her entertainment.

"A hundred thousand million years old?" he gasped dramatically, laying a hand on his heart as Eir nodded proudly. "Are you sure."

"Definable" she agreed, floating off Loki's shoulders and into the air.

"Defiantly" Loki corrected with a smile, the girl mouthing the word to herself before nodding. "Be careful sweetheart, don't fall again."

"I won't!" she insisted before falling out of the air, Loki reaching forward and catching her easily. "Whoops."

"Try again" he encouraged gently, Eir closing her eyes in concentration before she floated up again. "Alright, this time, concentrate on where you want to go."

Everyone watched eagerly as she opened her eyes again and began floating towards Thor, who held his strong arms out for her to land in.

The tiny Goddess of Air continued towards him before landing in a heap in his outstretched arms. "I did it I did it! Did you see?! I did it!"

"We saw" you confirmed with a chuckle, the girl turning to laugh at something her Uncle said.

"Is the pain lowering charm still on her?" Loki asked, looking down at you fondly.

You nodded. "I'll leave it on for a few months more. She'll be old enough by then for it to not hurt too much when she falls, but will eventually need to learn that it does hurt."

"Exactly" he agreed, kissing your temple. "Failure is a great motivator."

"Not as much as pain."

"But not too much" he said in worry. "I don't want her to hurt herself too badly."

"Of course not Lokes" you reassured with a smile, "I would never do that to her."

"I know you wouldn't my darling, I just worry about her."

"I know you do, a parent should. But she has two Gods, a Goddess and an entire team of superheroes that would tear the planet apart to find her" you reminded him, glancing at the delicate necklace around her neck with the Avengers symbol on it that contained a small tracker in it that Tony and Bruce made for in case of emergency.

"Two Goddess's if you add my Mother" he chuckled. "She'd go through the whole Multiverse if needed."

"Speak of the Devil" you laughed as the woman appeared beside you.

"Hello my darlings!" she greeted happily, beaming at you both as she kissed each of your cheeks. "How is my favourite little family faring?"

"Wonderfully Mother" Loki grinned, embracing her tightly.

"Grandmother!" Eir squealed, shooting out of Thor's arms and into hers, immediately wrapping her little arms around her neck in a hug. "I missed you!"

"Oh I missed you too my sweet girl" Frigga smiled, hugging her. "Look at you! You're making progress with your powers I see."

"What does progress mean?" she whispered in your ear, you whispering the answer back as the AllMother laughter quietly. "I am, look what I can do now!"

Suddenly she shot upwards, Loki's magic wrapping around her and stopping her before she could crash into the ceiling.

"And you say I shouldn't worry about her" he sighed to you as he brought her back down, you placing a comforting hand on his back.

"She's still working on that one" you informed Frigga as her granddaughter landed gently in her arms again.

"Well, it was still very impressive" she told her, her face twinkling in amusement.

*A few hours later*

You were lying in bed, flicking through a book when Loki stepped into the room, looking relived.

"She's finally asleep" he announced, flopping onto the bed at your feet. "That took a long time."

"She's getting a bit better at least" you replied, putting the book aside as you sat up.

"True" he said tiredly, smiling as you traced his features softly with your fingers. "Less than an hour, which is a relief."

"I'm just glad she's out of the bugging us at random times of the morning phase."

"I very much agree my love."

"Never mind."


"It seems she's decided to bug us at random times of the afternoon instead" you chuckled, Loki sitting up beside you as your daughter stepped into your room, her comfort blanket clutched in her small hands. "Hello darling, aren't you supposed to be napping?"

"Hi" she greeted quietly, rubbing her eyes as she yawned. "I have something to tell you that I forgot."

"What is it little one?" Loki questioned, a curious look on his face as floated over to your bed, perching herself on the end.

"Auntie Wanda noticed something a few days ago. She thought I didn't know, but she assidecally said it."

"Accidently" Loki corrected with a soft laugh, kissing the top of head affectionally as she crawled into his lap. "What did she accidently say?"

"She was looking at Mummy and gasped, then said 'a baby', but I don't know what she meant" she explained as Loki's eyes widened, his head whipping around to look at you. "Do you know what she meant?"

"Possibly..." he murmured, his gaze not wavering from you.

"Dammit Wanda" you laughed, taking a deep breath. "How would feel about having a sibling Eir?"

Her eyes lit up in excitement as she leapt out of Loki's lap, landing on the floor as she ran around cheering "I'm getting a sibling!!"

"Are you okay Lokes?" you whispered, placing a hand on his cheek. "Are you mad?"

"Mad??" he said incredulously, beaming at you. "I'm the furthest thing from mad darling, I'm overjoyed!"

He kissed you gently as Eir continued celebrating, dancing around the bedroom as Loki hugged you tightly.

Suddenly the door to your room burst open, the whole team pouring in with shrieks of excitement.

"What the fuck is going on?" Loki demanded.

"No swearing" Steve grinned, scooping your daughter up as she babbled at him excitedly.

"We came to tell you the most amazing news!" Clint grinned, falling ungracefully out of the vent in the ceiling, landing in a heap on the floor.

"Remind me to remove that stupid vent later" you muttered, Loki snickering quietly. "So what's the news?"

Everyone looked to Steve and Bucky.

"Well" Bucky began, looking embarrassed which surprised both of you. "Steve and I... want to get married."

"That's amazing!!" you shouted, leaping up to hug the two of them in joy. "Congratulations! Took you two long enough."

"Careful love" Loki whispered in your ear, pulling you back gently as he congratulated the pair of them. "Are you okay?"

"Oh my goodness Loki" you laughed, turning in his arms to face him as the team chatted around you. "Not this again. Just because I'm pregnant doesn't mean I'm fragile."

"I beg to differ my sweet."

The door opened again as Peter returned from school, immediately moving to hug Eir and asking her how her day was. "Hey everybody! What's going on?"

"I'm going to have a sibling!" she yelled happily.

The team stopped dead and gaped at the two of you as you both groaned.

"Here we go again" you mumbled, leaning into your husband as the shrieking resumed. "This is why you don't tell a toddler anything."

Loki just laughed, running a comforting hand up and down your back as the others poured out congrats. "Well spiderling, the original news was that patriot and bucket are getting married, but I suppose there's that too."

Peter ran to hug the two super soldiers, everyone babbling happily about all the exciting news.

"I also have exciting news!" Pietro announced as everyone silenced, looking to him expectantly. "I finally found my missing sock today!"

"That's just fabulous Pietro" you laughed. "Thank for sharing that."

"You're welcome. Turns out your daughter stole it."

"Well done sweetheart" Loki approved with a smirk.

"Don't teach her that it's a good thing to do!" Thor exclaimed.

The two of you just smirked at him as the God sighed.

"Why do I even try?"

"I really don't know muscle man" you shrugged. "Now out you get you lot, she's supposed having a nap."

The team began filing out, giving you waves as Wanda and Nat blew you a kiss each, saying that they need to take you out later to celebrate.

Loki sighed in relief, hugging you tightly. "I love you so much my darling."

Before you could answer Eir jumped up in between you and him, glaring at both of you.

"Stop hugging each other without me" the girl grumbled, wiggling her way in between your bodies. "It makes feel sad."

"Sorry little one" Loki chuckled as she looked up at you with eyes that matched yours. 'I'm just trying to thank you Mother."

"Not without me!"

"Well, you are supposed to be napping" you smiled, running your fingers through her hair.

"Okay" she sighed, floating up into the air. "But no hugging without me!"

"We would never" Loki grinned as you stood, taking her hand and leading the floating girl through the air to her room conjoined to yours and Loki's.

"I don't want to go to sleep!" she complained as she landed in your arms, pouting up at you.

"Don't give me those eyes" you scolded, kissing her temple as you sat her down amongst her pillows. "I am not your Father, you know those don't work on me."

"Fuck" she grumbled.

You stared at her for a moment, turning to slowly to look at a laughing Loki through the doorway. "Loki Laufeyson."

"Y/n Laufeyson" he responded, sobering up and putting on a serious face.

"I wonder where she learnt that from."

"I wonder" he mused, trying to look innocent.

"Sweetheart, that's not a word you should be using" you said to her as you turned back around.

The toddler looked up at you in confusion. "But you say it! All the time!"

"You just got called out by a two year old."

"Zip it Loki. I know love, but I'm an adult, you can say it when you're a bit older, okay?"

The girl sighed, before nodding in agreement.

"Good" you siled, kissing her forehead as you tucked her in. "We'll come and get you in an hour or so."

She nodded sleepily, waving to you as you left the room, blowing her a kiss before shutting the door softly.

"Loki" you said immediately, rounding on the grinning God. "She's swearing. At two years old."

"Don't worry darling, with continual reinforcement that it's not okay, she'll learn not to" he comforted, wrapping his arms around your waist where you stood in front of him.

"But what if she doesn't??"

"Then she'll turn into us when she's older" he laughed. "Calm down my love, she's only young. Children will learn and unlearn habits as they grow."

"You're right" you agreed, sitting down beside him and sliding your arms around him.

"And you say I worry too much."

"We just worry about different things."

He nodded, placing a cautious hand on your stomach. "I can't believe I didn't figure it out earlier. I normally sense it almost immediately, like when Barton's wife came in for a visit."

"You were just blinded by your love for me and by how incredible I am" you replied in an airy voice.

"So humble" he chuckled.

"Says you."

"Fair point my love."

"Hey! I said you can't hug without me!" Eir whinged as her door cracked open, her little face peering through. "That's not fair!"

The tiny Goddess bounded towards you both, leaping up and into your laps before circling up like a cat.

"I don't think that will be very comfortable after a while" Loki commented.

"I guess we're both joining her nap then" you smiled as the girl tugged on both of your arms, pulling the two of you up to the top of bed and burrowing under the covers with you and Loki on either side.

"There" she said happily, closing her eyes again. "Now you can hug."

"You're in the way sweetheart" Loki laughed, brushing her hair back gently.

"Work it out then. I thought you two were the God of Mischief and Havoc."

"Little miss sassy" he smirked, looking over at you with raised brows. "I wonder where she got that from hm."

"Definitely not me" you grinned, leaning against the headboard and picking your book up again. "That 100% comes from you."

He thought for a moment before shrugging. "I can see that."


I have no idea how this ended up being 2,700+ words long

Anyway, to those who have come back, thank you, and I hope this was a good ending🫶🫶
