Part 16 | Your Majesty

It fricking flash flooded OVERNIGHT๐Ÿ™„
At least I get a day off school


"He's going to hate me" Loki mumbled as you both walked down the hall to Thor's room.

"No he's not Loki, he loves you dearly" you answered, holding his hand tightly.

You reached the door and looked up at the God beside you. He took a deep breath and knocked quietly.

Thor let you both in and Loki reluctantly explained everything he had found out last night. There was a silence for a seconds after he finished before Thor crushed Loki into a hug, babbling about how much loves and admires him.


You and the others were currently walking through the Royal Palace of Vanaheim. When you had arrived by the Bifrost the Queen had heard and invited you all to met her. Then you would all be given a tour of the realm.

"Whatever you do, don't say anything" Loki said firmly to the others as you all sat down in the Royal Court.

The Queen was sitting on her throne, trying to get the advisors attention. The noise of hundreds of people shouting and arguing was deafening.

"Order!" She called out.

"No, get your sister back and we'll listen" someone shouted out and many people cheered.

"What the fuck" you muttered before standing up from your seat and walking forward. Loki and Thor called out for you but you ignored them.

"AS THE QUEEN OF VANAHEIM I COMMAND YOU STOP THIS NONSENSE!" You shouted as you strode forwards, power and authority ringing through your voice.

Every sound in the hall immediately ceased.

The Queen gasped, standing up as you walked though the large hall.

"This is atrocious!" You shouted, moving towards her. The Queen stood quickly before moving off to the side of the Throne.

You stood in front of the golden throne, your arms folded in front of your chest. "What I have just witnessed is unacceptable! The citizens of Vanaheim rely on your decisions to bring peace and prosperity to the realm! I did not think I would return to this!"

Everyone bowed their heads in shame. Sighing, you pinched the bridge of you nose, taking a breath.

"I did not think I would return like this" you muttered.

"How do we know it's really you?" Someone shouted out. You shimmered yourself into the clothes of the Queen:

There were gasps and everyone bowed. You could see the Avengers and the Princes gaping at you. You just grimaced and turned back to the people.

"I have business to attend to. My sister will continue her role as temporary Queen until I return. Do not disappoint me" you said finally, stepping back down.

"Y/n" your Mother whispered, reaching out to hug you.

"No" you snapped, walking away quickly.

"Come on guys" you called out as you passed the two Princes and the Avengers.

"Your Majesty!" Someone called out.

"Yes?" You responded, turning on your heel to face them. "Oh wonderful, Freya. Eira why is she back?" You call out.

"Because I'm next in line to the throne" she smirked.

"When I was gone" you corrected. "Now I'm back, so you're out of the running."

"Eira won't remove me" she answered smugly.

"As the leader of the Senate and Queen of Vanaheim I permanently remove you from this court room" you replied, turning back around.

"Cant do that."

"Get the fuck out" you snapped. "Doors that way."

She looked shocked. "You can't speak like that in the court room!"

"Actually I can and I will."


"Not now Stark. Freya, I said fuck off."

She stayed firmly seated. You flicked your wrist and she disappeared in a puff of smoke.

"Right. Sorry about that everyone. I'll see you all tomorrow" you finish and they all give you nervous smiles. "Come on you lot."

The Avengers scrambled after you, the Princes of Asgard following behind.

"What on Earth is going on?" Tony exclaimed as they followed you throughout the castle.

"We're not on Earth Stark" you retorted, frustrated.

"Care to explain?" Steve asked.

"No, fuck off. Give me a minute."

And with that you stopped in the middle of the hallway. "Move back everyone, this may not end well" you said, flicking your wrist.

Freya appeared on the floor, chained up. You crouched beside her as she spat insults at you.

"Watch it bitch, I can get you executed for crimes against the throne. If you're not careful I'll kill you right now" you smile innocently.

"You wouldn't" she answered.

"Actually I would" you replied, conjuring a dagger. "Now, stay away from that court or I will slit your throat dear sister."

She whimpered. You rolled your eyes and flicked your wrist, vanishing both her and the dagger.

"Sorry about that" you said, standing back up and brushing off you clothes. The others just gaped at you. "I promise I'll explain everything soon, now follow me."

"I can't believe your a Queen! How old are you really? *gasp* That means you're not human! Oh my gosh this is amazing!" Peter babbled as everyone hurried after you.


"I am Queen Y/n L/n of Vanaheim and leader of the Senate. I am the first born child of three and I am 1,056 years old. When I was a child my youngest sister Freya attempted to kill me multiple times, however no one believed me because she was the golden child. I signed a statement saying that my other sister Eira was to take my place as stand in Queen should my parents step down before I return. Then I left for Midgard, made up a cover story and here I am. My sister has been replacing me for four years. I wasn't planning on returning, but I couldn't avoid this trip with you guys without being suspicious."

The others all sat there, shocked.

"I know it's a lot to take in."

"A lot to take in?" Wanda said weakly. "We just found out our sweet little sixteen year old recruit is actually a thousand year old Queen of a far away land."

"I wouldn't call her sweet" Loki commented with a smirk. You conjured a dagger and threw it at him.

"You can do that now?" Bucky asked.

"I've always been able to do it, I'm a sorceress. I just hid it."

Peter sighed. "That means I'm back to being the youngest on the team."

"No, she's still sixteen in Midgardian years" Thor interjected, recovering from his shock slightly.

"Shut it Thunder Man."


"So, you're a Queen?" Loki said with a grin.

"Yep. Sorry I didn't tell you" you answered, smiling at him apologetically.

"Darling, that's the most incredible secret ever kept. Don't be sorry."

You grinned and laid your head in his lap as the ship sped along the dark waters of Asgard.

"You were so convincing" he added. "I never guessed you weren't mortal."

"I hated having to pretend to be human." The others glared at you while you smiled sweetly.

"So your majesty, what are you going to do now?" He asked, running his fingers through your hair.

"I don't know" you sighed. "I suppose I could abdicate the throne, but that would be letting my people down. I also don't want to spend all my time in Vanaheim either. I think I'll just teleport between the realms."

"I must say, you're pretty young for a Queen. Aren't most queens at least 3,000?"

"Yeah, I'm the youngest ever on Vanaheim."

"Pretty impressive darling."

You smiled up at him as he traced your features lightly with a cool finger.

"You two should date" Sam commented from the other end of the little flying boat.

"Fuck off" you and Loki answered at the same time, flipping him off.
