Part 6 | Breakfast

"A table for two please" Loki asked politely.

The man smiled and led you both over a small booth in the corner of the cafe.

"What are you going to have darling?" Loki asked, looking at you over the top of menu.

"Are you calling me that as part of the act or not?"

He smiled. "Maybe both."

You shook your head, hiding your now pink face as he chuckled quietly.

"What can I get for you today?" A sickly sweet voice asked.

You looked up again to see the one and only Miranda standing beside your table, smiling at Loki.

Again, he ignored her and looked at you. This was very satisfying to you, and Loki (having clearly read your mind) smirked slightly at your reaction.

"I'll have the (favourite breakfast) please" you said politely, closing the menu and laying it down on the table.

"And for you?" She asked, looking at the god. Damn him for being so attractive, now all the ladies were after him.

He stifled a laugh and ordered his food, passing her the menu. She looked slightly disappointed that he hadn't taken his eyes off you the whole time she had been at the table. She glared at you and went to walk away.

"Excuse me, you haven't taken my wife's menu" Loki said, still not looking at her. You smiled at him and he grinned.

"Wife?" She questioned, looking even more disappointed.


She glared at you again and snatched the menu off the table before stalking away.

"It's rude not to look at someone when you talk to them" you teased as he leant back in his seat, folding his arms.

"Can't admire a beautiful face instead of looking at an ugly one?" He asked.

"Loki you can stop pretending, no one can hear us."

He raised his eyebrows. "What makes you think I was pretending?"

You rolled your eyes, your cheeks heating up slightly. He smiled, turning to thank the waiter who had just brought the drinks over.

"So" he said, taking a sip of his tea. "You seem to think my appearance is problematic."

"Yes! Do you realise how hard it is to work with an attractive person?!" You huffed, stirring your drink.

"In fact I do, she's sitting across from me."

"Real smooth Loki" you laughed.

"I'm being serious."

You smiled slightly. "Then thank you."

"I suppose I should thank you as well" he added with a smirk. You rolled your eyes as he chuckled.

"Here's your food" Miranda said bluntly, putting the plate down in front of you, interrupting Loki.

"And here is yours"she said sweetly, batting her lashes as she gave Loki his food, taking as much time as possible. "Is there anything I can get you? Another drink-"

"You can get us a new server" He answered, still looking firmly at you.

You tried not to laugh as she looked taken aback. "Why??"

Loki was still looking only at you. "Because I'm a bit sick of your crap."

"Loki!" You whispered, snickering as she gasped. He grinned proudly at you.

"You can leave now" Loki said, standing up from the booth and sliding in beside you.

"Sir you cannot speak to me like that" Miranda replied, doing anything to stay.

"Just did" Loki said, kissing your temple and wrapping an arm around your waist.

"I'd like to eat breakfast with my husband now, preferably without you" you commented. With one final glare she stalked off.

"Can we accidentally kill her?" Loki whinged as he took his plate, placing it beside yours.

"No Loki, we can't kill anyone" you laughed, looking up at him.

He kissed your forehead and whispered "Miranda seems to be quite jealous of you."

Out of the corner of your eye you could see her standing behind the counter, looking angrily at the two of you.

"She's thinking about how she would be so much better" he whispered again.

"Well she's wrong, I am wonderful" you declared, waving at her. She scowled as Loki snickered.

"She's fantasising about throwing you out of the café and having breakfast with me." He made a face of disgust and began eating.

"She shouldn't think like that about a married man" you sigh in mock disappointment. "This is actually quite fun."

"What, being married?" Loki asked with a smirk.

"We're not married. Being fake married and making people jealous is fun" you answered, grinning.

"You could just court someone, then you can make people jealous all the time."


"Dating for Midgardians."

"Oh. Well no one likes me enough to date me" you shrugged, eating your food.

"And would you know that? There might be someone."

You gave him a sceptical look. "Tell me if you find someone who wants to put up with a sixteen year old weirdo who can make things float and has an unhealthy obsession with plants."

Loki laughed. "I'll keep an eye out."

"Oh, um for tonight, can you cover things up with your illusions? Like, scars?"

"Yes, why?"

You sighed in relief. "Oh thank goodness, that would have been a lot of make up" you said to yourself.

He gave a confused look. "Oh, Hydra scars. I cover up the obvious ones like on my neck and arms, but I've got some on my back that will be visible in the dress."

"You have some on your neck?" Loki asked. You nodded, taking a sip of your drink.

"Makeup" you say simply and he nods, looking troubled.

"You don't have to cover them up at the tower you know, we all have scars."

"I look like knife target."

Loki took your hand, pulling you up. "Show me" he instructed, leading you towards the elevator.

You looked over shoulder to see a sulky Miranda clearing your table and shooting you annoyed looks. You waved at her and turned back around to see Loki grinning at you.


You had changed into a tank top and shorts and had removed all of your makeup.

Loki was sitting in an armchair, fiddling with his fingers, looking up when you exited the bathroom.

His face stayed impassive but his jaw clenched slightly as he stood up.

"Ta daaa" you said, doing jazz hands.

Loki held your waist gently, spinning you around. He ran his hand over the scars, inspecting them. You looked over your shoulder to see him with his eyes closed, concentrating.

"Don't move" he murmured. You felt a cold wave move down your body. Looking down, you expected to be wearing different clothes, but saw that your scars had considerably faded. You gasped and turned around to face him.

"How- how did-" you sputtered, running over to the small mirror beside the bed and looking at the faded scars on your neck and collarbone.

"I can't remove them all in one go, but a few more tries should do it" he answered, walking up behind you. The scars now looked many years old.

You spun around and hugged him tight. "Thank you so much" you mumbled into his chest. Chuckling, he wrapped his arms you as he said "That's quite alright darling."

A moment later there was knock on the door. You went to get it but Loki pushed you down gently onto the bed. "You're wearing too little clothing, I'll get it" he instructed.

"Wh- ohhhhh. Are you jealous?" you asked with grin. He went a bit pink and shook his head firmly before turning towards the door.

"Room service" a sickly voice called. You heard Loki groan.

You jumped up and grabbed a black hoodie beside you, pulling it on as you strode towards the sound of Miranda.

"We don't need room service, thank you" you interjected, cutting her off.

"Its mandatory" she insisted, batting her eyelashes at Loki.

"It isn't actually. Section forty-six, clause twenty-nine. Fuck off" you replied, slamming the door shut and locking it.

You turned around to see an extremely amused Loki. "How did you know that?" he questioned.

"I didn't, I made it up. So either she's going to spend ages trying to find the clause, or she's going to give up and fuck off" you answered with a shrug. He burst out laughing.

"Why is this jumper so big?" you wondered, reaching back to look at the tag. "Oh, that's because its yours."

Loki chuckled. "Sorry, I just grabbed a random one to deal with that bitch" you said, pulling your arms out of the sleeves.

"No no, its okay, you can wear it" he said quickly.

"Thanks Lokes" you replied, reaching up to kiss his cheek.


"Yep, I figured you'd prefer that to green bean."

He rolled his eye as he followed you towards the large French doors leading to the balcony. You pushed them open and stepped outside. Leaning over the railing you could see the casino being set up for tonight.

Loki wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you away from the edge. "Darling you're going to fall off."

"Darling, I will float myself back up" you say in a posh accent.

Loki just laughed as he let go and leant on the railing.
