Part 4 | The Hotel

"Alright Kids, we'll be there in about ten minutes" Happy said from the front.

"Kid? I am centuries older than you mortal" Loki scoffed.

"Ignore him, thank you Happy" you said kindly, elbowing Loki in the side. He just raised his eyebrows. You may as well of elbowed a rock.

"I'm going to fuck it up in these stupid heels" you grumbled, reaching down to put them on.

"Don't worry, I'll hold you up" Loki replied with a smirk.

"Good luck you two, your bags will brought up to the room. Remember, Mr and Mrs Simmons" Happy instructed as you stepped out of the car. Loki followed, carefully wrapping an arm around your waist.

"Shall we darling?" He whispered in your ear, smirking slightly.

"Behave" you whispered back.

"Always do."

And with that, you made your way into the hotel. It was bustling with people, all with one thing in common: they were rich.

The hotel had marble floors and a plush red carpet down the centre leading to the staircase that curled upwards. Dark green plants in elegant white pots were dotted around the place and many things were gold. The hotel members all wore red velvet suits with shiny golden buttons as they pushed luggage carts around, moving in and out of the glass floored elevator.

The people there were all snobby looking, dressed in fine suits and fancy dresses.

"Wow" you breathed quietly, looking around you.

Loki merely shrugged. Stupid Prince.

"I would have gone with extremely intelligent and incredibly good looking" he murmured, leading you towards the check in.

"Get out of my head."

"Sorry darling" he replied, just loud enough for the receptionist to hear.

"Do you have reservation today?" She asked, leaning toward on the counter and batting her eyelashes at Loki. Her name badge read Miranda.

Loki completely ignored her and looked down at you. "Yes we do actually, it's under Simmons" you said, stepping forward slightly.

She glared at you and typed something into her computer. She turned to get the key, bending over slightly longer than necessary.

"Calm down darling, she's just a silly mortal" Loki whispered into your ear.

"Stop reading my mind" you whispered back, looking up at him. He kissed your forehead before reaching out to take the key from the girl.

Even though it was all part of the act, you could feel butterflies dancing around in your stomach.

"It seems you have accidentally given me this as well" Loki said, putting a slip of paper back on the counter.

"No no, it's just in case you're ever free you know" she giggled, trying to put the paper back into his hand.

"I'm not free" he replied simply.


"No thank you" you interjected, taking Loki's hand and pulling him away.

"Possessive much darling?" He said with a smirk as you led him towards the elevator.

"Oh shush."

Stepping in, you looked at room key. Level 15.

You pressed the level you needed and stood beside Loki. Across from you there were two men who looked to be around thirty.

"Are you single sweetheart?" One of them asked and the other snickered. They looked you up and down, making you turn slightly away from them as you shifted uncomfortably. You looked up to see Loki's eyes had darkened slightly.

In one quick movement, he had spun you around and pressed up against the wall.

"What are you doing?" You breathed, looking up at him. He was inches away, holding you close.

"I don't like the way they were eyeing you" he mumbled, looking angry.

"So this is how you fix it?" You laughed quietly.

He rolled his eyes, giving you a small smile. "Yes, for obvious reasons I can't teleport you out of here, and now they can't see you."

"We'll yes, but that's because you're super tall. What are you, 6'3?"

"Four" he answered with a smirk. "All gods are tall."

"So, sweetheart, you didn't answer me, are you single?" The same guy asked, moving slightly so he could see you again.

"I'm married, so go fuck yourself asshole" you snapped.

"Ooh feisty. I don't see your husband."

"Are you fucking blind?" You questioned, indicating to Loki beside you. The man shrugged.

You grabbed Loki's tie and pulled him down, kissing him. Without hesitation he cupped your face gently in his hands.

When you broke apart you wrapped your arms around him and lay your head on his chest. You could see in the mirrors that Loki was smirking at the two slightly shocked men.

The elevator stopped on their level and they got out, grumbling about something. The doors slid shut and the machine rumbled on its way.

"I thought we'd be waiting until the casino for that" Loki said suddenly, grinning.

You ignored him and stayed were you were, your eyes shut. "I hate men" you muttered.

"What about me?"

"You don't count, you're a god. But I also hate gods."

He pretended to sulk before the doors opened. He gently took your hand and lead out and down the hall.

Room 17.

Loki rolled his eyes at the door. "Stark thinks he's hilarious."

You looked at him questioningly.

"We'll in mortal years I'm only seventeen, meaning to him I am still a child" he said, unlocking the door and pulling you inside.

"You're only seventeen?"

"More or less."

You wandered further into the room, admiring the beautiful furnishing.

"There's only one bed" you said suddenly. Loki groaned.

"I swear to the Norns I am going to kill Stark" he muttered, pinching the bridge of his nose.

"I'm not that bad."

"No no, its not you darling, Stark knows I don't have a partner so he's now trying to set me up with you" he answered, smiling slightly as you went a bit pink.

"I'll sleep on the couch" he added, walking over to take a pillow.

"Loki, it's a queen bed. It's big enough for the both of us."

He raised his brows at you. You rolled your eyes and threw a pillow at him as you said "Not like that Loki! You have that side I'll have this side. You're way too tall for the couch."

He caught the pillow easily and threw it back, hitting you in the stomach.

"I don't want to make you uncomfortable" he said seriously.

"You won't Loki, just don't kill me in my sleep. I'd feel bad making you sleep on the couch."

"Are you sure?" He asked uncertainly.

"Yes, you're not that scary" you chuckled.

"Oh really?"


He stalked towards you slowly, his eyes dark. You gulped and stepped back, running into the wall.

"I could kill you if I wished. I know a thousand different ways to kill you mortals" he hissed.

"Okay okay you're terrifying" you squeaked. He laughed, his eyes turning back to their emerald green.

"Good to know" he said, before picking you up and throwing you on the bed.

"You should be the responsible one in this situation. You're older and you've been on heaps of missions" you said, rolling over out of the pillow stack.

"Well I'm the God of Mischief. What did you expect?"

"I don't know, maybe you being a little more mature?"

"Well you expected wrong" he chuckled, flopping down beside you. "Remember, in a way I'm only a year older than you."

"Fair point."
