Part 1 | Floaty

Quick A/n:
This story is set long before New York, Loki is still young like in the first Thor Movie. He is unaware that he is Jotun


"Hi Tony, sorry I'm late the traffic was shit out there" you said as you entered the room.

The Avengers all looked up from where they were sitting in the living room.

"Nope" you said simply, going a bit pale. You backed out the room and shut the door.

They chuckled as Tony stood up and opened the door again.

"Avengers, please meet our possible new member Y/n" he said, smiling at you encouragingly.

You gave them a small wave as you entered the room. There was a chorus of hellos.

"How would a twelve year old be of any help?" Sharon scoffed.

"Last time I checked you were just a girlfriend, not a team member" you quipped. "And for your information I'm sixteen."

She just rolled her eyes.

"Brother she is around the same age as you" Thor said to a young man sitting beside him.

"In Midgardian years, yes" the young man answered in a quiet voice.

"Y/n this Loki Odinson, Prince of Asgard, God of Mischief" Thor said, gesturing to Loki. "And my brother."

"Hello" you said nervously.

"Hello" he answered, looking slightly amused.

"So why do we have another kid on our team?" Steve asked, sound slightly exasperated.

"I'm not a kid" you grumbled.

"Well so far we have two one thousand year old gods, two one hundred year old men and the rest are all adults except for Peter. Sorry kid" Tony said sympathetically, patting your shoulder. He lead you over to the couch where you sat down beside Wanda who smiled kindly at you.

"Now, do you want to explain why you're trialling?" Tony said to you.

"I was was mixed up in a Hydra accident a few years ago and now I have telekinesis" you said simply.

"How did you end up with Hydra?" Bucky asked.

"I was kidnapped on my way back to the orphanage from school when I was eleven. I escaped when I was thirteen and have spent the past three years training in self defence" you finished.

"I'm so sorry that happened sweetie" Wanda said, putting hand on your arm.

"Don't be, I can do this now" you replied, waving your hand. Tony started to slowly float upwards. He shouted and started waving his arms about as the team laughed.

"Y/n you will be kicked off your trial" he threatened. You put your hand back down and he fell back into his armchair with a thud.

"Right, so I figured she might be useful" Tony said, looking a bit stunned.

"If you don't mind asking, what do you do Loki?" You asked, watching as he twirled a dagger in his slender hands.

"Lots" he said simply.

"Such as?"

In a shimmer of green he disappeared. A second later you heard him whisper in your ear "Teleportation", his cool breath tickling the back of your neck.

You spun around to see that he wasn't there. When you turned back he was sitting where he was before, his legs crossed and his hands folded neatly in his lap.

"Shapeshifting" he said, and in another shimmer of green there were two Thor's sitting beside each other.

Thor rolled his eyes and went to poke Loki, but his hand went right through him.

The other Thor smirked and faded away as you heard Loki's voice say "Illusions."

"Invisibility" He added, appearing right in front of you. You jumped, causing him chuckle quietly.


Suddenly there were hundreds of Loki's all around the room. You reached out in front of you to touch Loki but your hand fell right though.

"Conjuring" all the clones said, a small dagger appearing in their hand at the same time.

A moment later they were all gone, replaced by the real Loki sitting on the couch opposite you, twirling the same dagger in his fingers, a small smile on his face as you gasped at him.

"That was amazing" you said finally and he smiled wider.

"Show off" Sam muttered, much to the amusement as of the dark haired god.

"Loki is a sorcerer" Thor explained.

"And a pain in the ass" Pietro added. Loki smirked proudly.

"Thank you, I try hard" he answered, throwing the dagger up in the air and vanishing it with a flick of his wrist.

"So why are you on Earth then?" You questioned.

Loki shrugged. "Thor wanted me to meet his friends and they decided I was helpful to them. Life was slightly boring on Asgard so I'm here for a while."

You nodded thoughtfully. He's hot you thought to yourself. Suddenly Loki started laughing quietly.

"I can also read minds" he said, looking you dead in the eye.


He snickered.

"What was she thinking about?" Nat asked eagerly.

"About how you look like bilgesnipe" he answered without missing a beat. You laughed, Loki smiling slightly as Nat sighed and rolled her eyes.

"Anyway, Y/n's going to be living and training with us for a little while" Tony said.

Everyone nodded, shooting you kind smiles.

"You said orphanage earlier?" Vision questioned.

"My Mother didn't want me so she gave me to my Father. He looked after me until I was around one, and then he left me so he could run his business" you replied, floating a small marble around in front of you.

No one knew what to say.

"Alright kid, let's take you upstairs to your room okay?" Nat said finally. The team got up to come with you.

"You need a nickname" Tony announced suddenly as everyone trailed up the stairs.

"I really don't."

"You really do. How about... floaty? Perfect" he said with a grin.

"Floaty? Really? How original" you replied, rolling your eyes. "Do not call me that."

"No can do floaty, everyone has a nickname. Steve is Capsicle, Sam is bird, Thor is pointbreak, Loki is reindeer games or rock of all ages either one-"

"Reindeer games? Rock of all ages? How the hell did you come up with those?"

Loki turned around to face you, walking backwards as he spoke. "My helmet has horns on it and Stark thinks he's funny" he explained, and in a shimmer of green he was holding his helmet.

"It's beautiful" you said, admiring the golden horns.

"Thank you" he smiled, vanishing it again.

"And we call him and Thor rock of all ages because they're both ancient" Bucky said.

"Says the 106 year old mortal" Loki shot back.

"How old are you?" You questioned.

"I am 1,072 and Thor is 1,500" he said causally.

Your eyes widened slightly. He chuckled before spinning back around and walking forwards again.

"Alright floaty-"

"Y/n" you corrected.

"Floaty. This is your room."

You sighed and pushed open the door. Inside there was double bed, a chest of drawers, a desk and an en suit bathroom.

"Obviously is very plain, but we'll help you decorate" Tony said with a grin.

"I get this whole room?" You questioned, turning to look at him.

He furrowed his brow in confusion. "Of course, why wouldn't you?"

"Well I used to share a room with six others kids" you replied, looking around in slight awe. The team all shot each other sad looks.

"Well it's all yours kid" Steve said with a smile.

"Thank you so much, this is amazing" you said, turning to smile at them all.

"You can wander around the tower for a while, just ask Friday if you need anything. We'll see you in the lounge at three for a small meeting" Steve answered.


"Hey Friday, introduce yourself" Tony called out.

"Hello Y/n L/n, I am Friday, Stark Towers virtual assistant" a smooth voice called.

You stared wide eyes at the ceiling while the others chuckled.

"Have fun" Thor said as they shut the door.


Woo hoo! Chapter one is out!

Welcome one welcome all to my newest story! Thankyou to all those who have come from my other stories, I appreciate you all so much ad I hope you enjoy <3
