Part 5 | The Dress

You woke up in the morning with Loki's arm draped over your waist. You blushed slightly and slipped out from underneath it, moving towards the bathroom.

You were brushing your teeth when Loki leant against the doorframe, his hair messy from sleep.

"Hello" he mumbled in his morning voice.

"Hello" you replied with a small laugh, rinsing the toothbrush and putting it back on the sink. "How did you sleep?"

"Better than usual. You?"


As you walked past him he reached out ruffled your hair, a smirk on his face.

"You're so much better when your asleep" you complained. "It's like your life's purpose to annoy me has gone away."

He chuckled, watching as you wandered towards your suitcase. You looked through it and found the bag labelled 'Casino.'

"Oh fuck no."

"Quite a mouth you have on you darling" Loki mused as you pulled the outfit of the bag.

It was a black satin gown, a slit running running up one side of the leg, a low cut v-neck with a pair of matching heels.

Loki walked up behind you, looking at it over your shoulder. "That's a beautiful dress."

"It's is, but I'm sixteen going into a casino full of probably drunk men. I'm going to get looked at" you fretted, FaceTiming Tony.

"Hello" he said pleasantly.

"Stark, I'm going to get hit on by all the drunk men wearing this" you growled, holding up the dress.

"Does it fit? I had to guess when I told the seamstress."


"Calm down float, I'm sorry but you have to wear that."

"And why is that?"

He fiddled nervously. "Well, um-"

"That is not happening" Loki growled suddenly, glaring at the camera.

"Sorry, it's the only way! Bye!"

The call ended. You groaned and shut it off, throwing it on the bed.

"What does he want?" You asked, hanging the dress up on one of the wall hangers and picking up the heels.

"He wants you to seduce the man who has the case" Loki answered, his voice vibrating with anger.

You dropped the shoes in shock.

"No way."

"Exactly, no way. We're going to approach him as a couple and figure it out from there" Loki said firmly, sitting on the side of the bed.

"But you could get in trouble from SHIELD."

"I don't care. I am not letting that happen."

You smiled and floated the heels back up to your hands before sitting beside him, slipping them on.

"Quite stylish if I do say so myself, sleepwear and heels" Loki snickered. You rolled your eyes and stood up, wobbling slightly.

"Let's hope I don't break anything" you muttered, taking a careful step forwards.

Loki stood up and moved in front of you, holding his hands out. You looked at him questioningly.

"Hold onto me until you get the hang of it. I'll steady you."

You took his hands, taking another step forward. Loki walked slowly backwards around the room as you practiced.

Half an hour later were able to strut around the room.

"I see why Nat wears heels on missions" you said with a grin.

"And why is that?" Loki questioned from his spot on the bed. He had been watching you practice with slight amusement.

"I feel like a complete badass" you announced, striking a pose. Loki chuckled.

"Alright drama queen, go try on your dress and practicing walking in it."

You slipped the heels off and took the dress into the bathroom.

Once you had it on your admired it in the mirror. As much as the cut was slightly lower than you liked, it did look stunning.

You stepped out from the bathroom shyly to see Loki reading a book. He vanished the novel and looked up, his eyes widening slightly.

You put the heels back on and stood at the end of the bed.

"What do you think?" You asked, walking around the room easily. It was a light material, probably chosen by Nat.

"It's lovely" Loki said quietly, watching.

"Are you okay?"

He nodded quickly, looking out the window. "Do you want to go get breakfast?" He asked.

"Ooh yes, I'm starving."

He laughed and shimmered you both into going out clothes.

"Why so fancy?" You questioned, looking down at the elegant skirt and blouse you were now wearing.

"Formal place darling" he answered, taking your hand and walking out of the room.
