Part 2 | Child

After wandering around the tower for about half an hour, you came across the training rooms.

You walked in to see Loki and Thor sparring. You watched the two gods curiously and immediately noticed how good they were.

Loki had two long daggers and Thor had large, heavy looking sword.

Thor ran at Loki, swinging the blade, only for Loki to slip out of the way neatly, stabbing Thor in the side as he did. Thor groaned and turned around to see Loki advancing on him.

They fought in hand to hand combat, Loki sometimes making illusions. Thor always went for the obvious attack, crashing around while his brother was quicker and more elegant in the way he fought.

Eventually Loki had Thor pinned to the ground, one foot on his stomach and a dagger held to his throat.

"I yield" Thor sighed and Loki grinned, vanishing the blades and stepping back. He held a hand out to Thor who took it, pulling himself up.

"Norns" Thor groaned, looking at a cut on his arm slowly knitting itself back together.

"No, Loki" Loki corrected with a smirk. Thor rolled his eyes and punched him lightly on the arm.

They turned around to see you. Thor smiled and waved as Loki raised his brows.

"Impressed?" Loki asked, walking towards you with Thor following behind.

You nodded. "Extremely."

"I am pretty impressive" Thor said, striking a pose. Loki rolled his eyes.

"I was talking about your brother."

Loki laughed and turned to Thor with a smirk on his lips, Thor pouting at you.

"In your own words brother, I am pretty impressive" Loki said, his smirk widening.

"So humble" you snorted. Loki looked at you, his green eyes filled with amusement.

"Do you think you could beat him Y/n?" Thor asked.


"Chicken" Loki commented, smirking at you.

"Fine then."

Loki shimmered himself back into his training gear as he approached you.

"This is going to suck in jeans" you sighed, readying yourself to fight. A sudden cold wave washed over you.

You looked down to see you were in training gear consisting of a sports top and shorts.

"Thanks" you said to the God.

"I may as well help you out" he said with a grin.

You rolled your eyes as Thor called for the match to begin.


Six minutes later Loki had you beaten.

He had an arm around your waist, pinning your back into his chest as he held a knife to your throat.

"You win" you sighed and he gently removed the dagger with a grin, turning you around to face him. He put a finger under you chin and tilted your head up, checking your throat for any mark from the blade.

"I'm going to beat you one day" You declared.

"I'm sure" he answered with a smirk. "Let's go floaty."

"Don't you dare."

"Or what?"

"Or... I'll call you green bean."

"Terrifying" he said, rolling his eyes.

"Mr Stark has requested everyone's presence in the living room" Friday said.

"Does it speak everywhere in the building?" You asked.

Thor nodded enthusiastically. "Even in the bathroom!"

"And you know that how?"

"No reason."

Loki snickered. "I may or may not have dyed his hair pink so he hid."


"Understand everything floaty?"

"Sure do Stank."

He glared at you as you smiled sweetly.

"Alright, Wilson, your turn for dinner" Steve said. Sam groaned and made his way towards the kitchen.

You went up to your room and sat cross legged on a large pillow. Waving your hand, it floated up and out the door.

You hummed to yourself as you sped down the hallway, whizzing through the door and into the kitchen.

"What are you doing??" Bucky exclaimed as you grabbed a glass of water and floated back out into the living room.

"Flying" you answered simply, taking a sip of water.

"But you could fall off!" Wanda stressed as you drifted around the room.

"Already done that."

You lowered the pillow down to table height and placed the glass down on it before shooting back up to the ceiling.

"Y/n can you please get down?" Wanda begged. You sighed.


And with that you rolled forwards off the pillow, falling through the air and landing on the couch. The pillow fell with you, landing in your lap.

Wanda gasped and ran over to you, taking your face between her hands and inspecting it for injuries.

"Wanda I'm okay, I do that all the time" you chuckled.

"Please don't sweetie" she responded, looking worried.

"You'd make a very good Mother" you said with a small smile. She smiled back happily, kissing your forehead before sitting back down beside Vision.

"You've just been adopted by my sister, you are officially her child now" Pietro announced.

"I wouldn't mind" you answered.

"There you go Wan, you have a child" Vision said to the witch who was smiling widely.

Let's just say that Wanda is 22 in this fic

"Dinner is served!" Sam shouted in a terrible French accent.

"Sam what is this?" Clint asked warily.


