Part 8 | Hair Dye

You burst through the door, sprinting towards the kitchen. "Fuck fuck fuck" you muttered, running hand through your hair.

"Language" Steve said.

"What going on?" Thor asked as you shot past him.

"I'm going to fucking die that's what!" You exclaimed, turning on your heel and running over to Loki.

He raised a eyebrow at you as skidded to a stop in front of him, panting. "Loki, can I please have a knife?"

"What ever for?"

"Please Loki she's going to kill me."

He smirked and conjured a small dagger, handing it to you.

"Thank Lokes."

You turned around to face the door, holding the blade up in front of you.

"Sweetheart please put the knife down" Wanda said from her spot beside Vision.

"No can do sorry, sixteen is way too young to die."


Nat's yell could be heard throughout at least three floors.

"What did you do?" Bucky questioned as you backed up slowly.

"I may or may not have replaced her shampoo with green hair dye thinking it was Thor's room. When I went to go change it back she was already in the shower" you answered, wincing as you heard the elevator chime.

Nat stormed into the room, her hair dripping wet and bright green. She pointed her gun at you.

"How do I get it out?" She demanded, walking quickly towards you.

You laughed nervously. "It should come out soon enough-"

She clicked a bullet into place.

"Two weeks" you squeaked before turning and running.

"Y/N!" She shrieked, running after you.

"Nat I'm too young to die!" You shouted as she chased you in circles around the room. "I've still got to live my life!"

You sprinted towards the couch that Thor and Loki were sitting on. "I would duck Odinson's!" You called.

"What do you-" Thor started ask before Loki grabbed his arm and pulled him down as you leapt over the top, Nat following close behind.

"Life is highway, I'm gon' ride it all night long" you hummed quietly.

"Really Y/n?? You're singing??" Nat exclaimed, still chasing you.

"Nat you know I sing when I'm stressed! And right now your scaring the shit out of me!"

"Well right now my hair is green and you're telling me that's is going to be like this for TWO WEEKS!" She shouted.

"I'm on the highway to hell-"

"Fitting song" Loki snickered.

"That's why I chose it. Nat don't kill me, I'm too young."

"I think sixteen is the perfect age for a funeral."

"I've still got to experience everything life has too offer! I haven't fallen in love yet, surely you wouldn't kill me before that happens!"

"You underestimate me L/n."

You suddenly had an idea, and it involved the dark haired god right in front of you.

"Loki, sit very still" you instructed, waving your hand as you heard Nat getting ready to shoot. He started floating upwards, staying completely motionless, sitting cross legged in the air.

You ran straight at him, leaping though the air as Nat shot right where your feet were a second ago.

Loki caught you as you reached him in midair, landing in his lap. You wrapped your arms around neck and floated both of you up to the ceiling as he held onto you tightly.

"You know, I think this may top the list of stupid ideas you've had" Loki mused, looking down to watch Nat scowl and stalk out the room.

"Shush. Friday, where is Nat right now?" You asked.

"Miss Romanoff is in the elevator heading for her room Miss L/n."

"Thank you Friday" you answered, lowering you and Loki to the floor. Loki landed neatly on his feet before putting you down gently.

"Did you just thank an AI system?" Tony asked.


"You do know it doesn't have feelings, right?"

"Don't listen to him Friday, I love you" you called out.

"Thank you Miss L/n, love you too."

"So you can float other people but not yourself?" Loki questioned, straightening his black button up shirt.

"No, I was just floating your huge ego" you retorted with a smirk. He rolled his eyes as you asked "Why the hell do you dress so formally all the time?"

"This is plain young mortal" he replied, sitting back down on the couch.

"You're only a year older than me" you huffed, flopping down beside Sam.

"On Midgard, yes. On Asgard, no. Either way, I'm still older than you" he said with a smirk. You flipped him off and floated his cup of tea over to you. "Y/n that's my tea."

"I know, and I've just stolen said tea" you answered, taking a sip.

"Go make your own."

"Nope, you make good tea."

He sighed, and conjured another cup. You grinned at him and he smiled slightly.

"I can't believe that just happened" Thor did, his eyes wide.

"What is it Mr Thor?" Peter asked, hanging upside down from the ceiling.

"Well Loki never lets anyone take his tea."

"We've got a mission tomorrow, she needs her strength" Loki commented, conjuring a spoon and stirring his drink.

"From tea?" Pietro asked sceptically.

"Tea doesn't have the nutritional value required for-"

"Bruce, it's okay. He just making excuses to hide that he has a crush" Tony said with a smirk.

"What in the Norns is a crush?" The brothers asked at the same time.

"Rock of all ages likes Floaty" the billionaire answered.

"Why does me giving her my already stolen tea have to be made into that?" Loki sighed.

"Shut it Stank, he didn't want it because I'd already contaminated it with my lips" you added. Loki laughed quietly.

"Sure sure, now do you two know what your doing tomorrow?"

"Yep. Break into (fancy business name that I couldn't be bothered to make up), get into the head office, get the keycard and get out" you replied. Tony nodded in approval.

"This will be fun" Loki chuckled, taking a sip of his tea. "Y/n's first real mission."

"Oh shush, I make an amazing agent" you declared, promptly spilling hot tea on your leg. "Fuck that's hot, Loki why the hell is it this so hot?"


"Not me" he answered with shrug.

You looked over to see Bruce and Tony smiling excitedly. "What the fuck did you two invent now?"


"We put a remote controlled heater in the bottom of all the mugs!" Brice said excitedly. "Except that Loki's isn't working for some reason."

"Because I figured out what you'd done and took it off."

"Oh, make sense now."

You laughed and floated a cloth over to you, pressing it to the tea mark. A moment later Loki appeared beside you.

"Jesus Loki don't do that" you exclaimed as he chuckled.

"Just here to help" he answered, placing his hand on the burn.

"What are you- oh, that actually really helps" you said as Loki leaned back into the couch, taking a sip of his tea. "You have very cold hands."

"I do, I wonder why" he mused, looking at the pale hand resting on your thigh.

"We could do some tests" Bruce asked hopefully.

"But we won't."

You poked him in the side. "Loki, be nice."

"Nice is not in my vocabulary darling."

"Be civil."

"Also not in my vocabulary" he said cheekily, grinning at you. You rolled your eyes and leant against him, taking a sip of your tea and burning your tongue.

"Ow" you whined, poking your tongue out. "Bruce turn the fucking heater off, you're going to burn my tongue off" is what you tried to say, but I came out more like "Broop purn the picking heaper opp, you're gonna purn my pongue opp."

Loki suddenly smirked. He put a finger on your tongue, making you jerk your head away.

He started laughing as you glared at him. "I can't take you seriously when you're still poking your tongue out darling" he chuckled.

"Shup up Lopi."
