Part 23 | Illusions

"On your left!" You called out to Loki as you fought off the Mafia guys.

"Thank you love" he answered, flicking a blade sideways without looking.

After a few minutes you had managed to get to the door, Loki slipping in behind you before you slammed it shut.

"Alright darling, you get through the door lock while I go disable the cameras" Loki said. You nodded and he planted a kiss on your forehead before disappearing through the office door.

You move towards the vault door, sliding your gun back into your holster.

Just as you reached the keypad, you stepped on a hidden trap. A slim rope tangled around your ankle, yanking you up into the air.

You placed a finger on the comm you had attached to your ear. "Position compromised" you muttered, hanging pathetically in the air.

"Alright, don't move Y/n" Steve instructed. "Lokis almost done, we're sending him to you in a moment. We don't want you to land on anything else."

You sighed, folding your arms over your chest as you swung gently.

"Someone's coming in" Steve said sharply. "Don't speak to them."

"Thanks Steven, great help" you hissed as the door clicked open.

"What do we have here?" A tall man drawled, walking towards you slowly. Two others stepped in behind him, grabbing your wrists and cuffing them behind your back.

You stayed silent, choosing to glare at him. He smirked and moved out of your sight, standing behind you. You felt him grab your hand, looking at it.

"This is a pretty thing" he said boredom, sliding the ring off your left hand. "Special, I assume?"

"Give it back" you demanded, twisting around to see him. The man moved back into your line of sight, admiring the beautifully shaped metal.

"Engagement?" He asked with a smirk, throwing it up and catching it again. "Marriage?"

"What do you want?" You hissed through gritted teeth.

He merely shrugged. "Nothing."

"Then give me back my ring and let me go."

Where was Loki when you needed him? You tried to hold back a snicker as you thought of him trying to figure out to use the cameras. Technology wasn't his strong point.

"I don't think I will" the man replied, sitting down in an armchair in front of you. The other two men stationed themselves on either side of him, guns at the ready.

You sighed, rolling your eyes.

"I am Martin Straghoff" he said in an important voice. "And I am the leader of the Italian Mafia."

"Really? Martin?" You snorted.

He ignored you, but you saw his jaw clench slightly. He got up suddenly and walked around the room, shooting you annoyed glares.

"Where's your little partner?" He questioned, handing behind you again.

"He's eating popcorn while he watches you make a fool of yourself."

"He won't save you."

"Yes he will, he always does."

"No he won't."

"Keep telling yourself that buddy."

"You have a lot of confidence in me my love" a soft voice whispered in your ear.

You shrieked and twisted around to see Loki standing behind you, causally throwing the ring up and down in front of him. You looked back to see the other two men had disappeared.

"Illusions" he said simply, grinning.

"What the fuck Lokes, you scared the shit out of me" you grumbled as he stepped back in front of you. "That was not funny."

"It was hilarious."

"Whatever. Can you get me down from here?"

He shook his head, smiling at you.

"Why no-"

"I need to do something I'd hoped I would have done by now" he began, cutting you off. You looked at him curiously.

"We lost three years together with the blip. We lost five years because of my Royal duties. In total we've lost an entire eight years of time together. But I don't plan to ever miss another moment with you again."

You gasped in realisation as he knelt in front of you, holding out the ring he had given you so long ago. "I promised I would come back to you. So here I am. Forever, if you'll take me. Y/n L/n, you truly own my heart, mind and soul, having accepted me for who I truly am. And it is with that knowledge that I ask, will you marry me?"

You conjured a small blade you reached up, cutting through the rope tied to your ankle. You landed in front of him, tears running down your cheeks.

"I will" you whispered.

Loki stood up in front of you, his eyes filled with so many emotions. Joy, excitement, love. He took your hand in his, placing a gentle kiss to it before sliding the ring back onto your finger.

"I love you" you said, smiling up at him, overjoyed.

"I love you more" he answered with a smile, hugging you tightly.

"Doubt it" you both finished at the same time, chucking. Loki pulled back to kiss you.

Suddenly alarms started blaring. You looked around worriedly as Loki grinned triumphantly.

"Just in time" he said happily, taking your hand in his.

"What did you do?"

"Well this isn't exactly legal" he answered cheekily.

"Loki!" You laughed. He pulled a face before teleporting away, appearing in the lounge.

"Did she say yes??" Wanda asked eagerly, looking at the two of you.

"No" you both answered at the same time, your voice full. The others face's fell.

"Of course I said yes idiots" you groaned, leaning against Loki as the others began cheering. Wanda and Peter ran over to you, hugging you and the God tightly.

"Are you two going to have kids?" The spiderling asked excitedly before he suddenly gasped. "Can I be their cousin?!"

"Woah woah slow down Peter" Loki chuckled, wrapping an arm around your waist.

"Pete we got engaged approximately two minutes ago" you added.

"Can I?" He pleaded, giving you both puppy dog eyes.

"Of course your can be the cousin to the non- existent child Pete" Loki replied with a grin.

"Yay!" He exclaimed, hugging you both again before running off.

"Children are strange" you said, wrinkling your nose.

"Indeed. What do you even do with them?" Loki asked, smirking down at you.

You rolled your eyes as he laughed, kissing your temple gently.


Ta daaaa, it is the end of another book😌

I hope you all enjoyed, I had so much fun writing this one

Now I have to go and finish all my other books before I can start a new one☹️ shame

Anyway, thank you all so much for reading, your support and hilarious comments really make my days so much better <3

Seen you soon😏

- The one and only Liv
