ocean eyes (Dixie D'Amelio)

Y/n is addicted to drugs when she meets Dixie and Dixie and wants to help her. Dixie promises to give her a home, clothes, food, and support until she can get back on her feet. Y/n starts to change and eventually becomes successful. Maybe too successful?

•TikTok doesn't exist

Y/n's View

"Open this door!" Mom says as I put the powder back in the bag.

I hear the door unlock and I throw the bag.

"What is this?" Mom asks picking the bag up.

"Sugar." I say.

"Are you still doing drugs?" she asks.

I've been walking through
A world gone blind

"No." I say reaching for the bag.

"You're gonna die one day." She says backing away.

"Aren't we all?" I ask.

"Either you stop doing drugs or you're out of the house." She says.

"That's how I make my money." I say.

"Get a real job." She says.

I take the bag from her and leave. I go into the back alley and open the bag.

Dixie View; 5 minutes later...

I look down and alley and see someone laying on the ground trying to stand up. I run to her and kneel beside her.

I could see her veins on her arm and there's a bag of white powder in her hand.

"I'm gonna take you to the hospital." I say.

"No hospital." She says.

"Alright, come on." I say helping her stand up.

We walk 4 blocks until we get to my house and I see Charli in the kitchen.

"Come help her." I say.

Charli looks up and comes to us.

"We're gonna put her on the counter." Charli says.

"1, 2, 3." I say as we pick the girl up.

We put her on the counter and she groans.

"What is this?" Charli asks taking the bag from her.

"Drugs." The girl says.

I widen my eyes and Charli leaves the room. I pour the powder down the sink drain and turn the water on. The girl groans and Charli come back.

"Are you afraid of needles?" Charli asks holding up a long needle.

"I'm a drug dealer for fucks' sake." She says.

Charli puts the needle in her leg and slowly releases a thin liquid.

"What's your name?" I ask.

"Y/n the crackhead." She says.

"Of course. I'm Dixie and that's Charli." I say as Charli takes the needle out.

"You were having an allergic reaction to the drugs." Charli says.

"Thanks, I'll be on my way." Y/n says trying to get up.

"You aren't going anywhere." I say stopping her.

"Can I just tell my mom? She's like 6 blocks away." Y/n says.

"Fine." I say.

She gets up and I follow her to her house.

"What are you doing here?" Y/n's mom asks.

"I had and allergic reaction to the drugs and this kind stranger named Dixie saved me." Y/n says.

"What did I tell you? You're out of the house until you get your shit together." Y/n's mom says.

"Fine then." Y/n says.

Y/n pulls me by the arm and we leave.

"You can come stay with me." I say.

"Thank you so much." Y/n says.

I smile and we go back to my house.

Made friends with time

Time Skip

Y/n doesn't sit on the couch and watch TV all day. She's reading books and writing stories that I like to read. She's clean.

I've been watching you
For some time

"I'm very proud of you." I say.

Y/n looks up and smiles.

"Thanks." Y/n says.

I look into her eyes and smile before looking down at my phone.

Can't stop staring
At those oceans eyes

Y/n gets up and walks to the sink. I feel her arms wrap around my waist and she kisses my neck.

"I like you a lot." Y/n says.

"Me too." I say turning around.

She smiles and I kiss her. I touch her arm and feel a bag. I roll her sleeve of a see a bag of white powder.

"Y/n!" I say.

"I'm not using it—" Y/n says.

"You don't have to lie." I say.

Y/n just stares at me and I can tell that she just wants to explain it.

"Go ahead." I say.

"I just need to be around it. It's like I'm doing drugs without consuming them. It's not even open." Y/n says.

She shows me that the bag and never been open before and I rub the back of my neck.

"I'm sorry. You've been working so hard I didn't want you to throw it all away." I say.

"I understand." She says smiling.

I smile and she hugs me.

"If I don't let you do something, raise your voice and I'll do anything you say." Dixie says.

"You want for be treated like a child?" She asks.

I hit her and she laughs. I smile and she kisses me. I look into her eyes and she smiles.

Fifteen flares inside those ocean eyes
Your ocean eyes

"I love you." She says.

"I love you too." I say.

(Approximately) 6 months later...

Y/n says almost dying by was the best thing that happened to her. She went to college for a few months and learned how to code. Then she founded an app called TikTok.

Y/n talked to her mom and they fixed their relationship. The moment Y/n's app hit 2 million downloads, she hugged me and said I was the best thing that had happened to her.

"Here's your new card to the building." Y/n says giving me a card.

"Thank you." I say.

"I love you." Y/n says as I look into her eyes.

I'm scared
I've never fallen from quite this high
Falling into your ocean eyes
Those ocean eyes

"I love you too." I say.

Y/n kisses me and I smile. She leaves and I put the card in my pocket.

Y/n's View; 5 hours later...

My office door opens and Zoey, my assistant, comes in. I get up and she hangs me a piece of paper.

"What about being able to do group video chats?" Zoey asks.

"I'll think about it." I say sitting on my desk.

"Okay." Zoey says.

I nod my head and I feel her grab my crotch.

"Woah." I say moving her hand.

Zoey kisses me and I push her away. She takes her shirt off and I cover my eyes.

"Please put your shirt on and get out." I say.

She kisses me and I try to push her away.

"Are you kidding me?" Dixie asks.

"It's not what it—" I say as Zoey leaves.

"I let you stay in my house, I gave you clothes, food— I made you. Then you cheat on me with your assistant?" Dixie says closing my office door.

He left her lonely with a diamond mind
And those ocean eyes

"Dixie—" I say.

"You—" Dixie says.

"If I don't let you do something, raise your voice and I'll do anything you say." Dixie says.

"Let me talk!" I say.

Dixie stops talking and stares at me.

"I don't want her. If I wanted her, I would've been sleeping with her a long time ago. I'm gonna do that to you, I love you and I tell you that every day." I say.

I dig in my pocket and hold up a ring.

"These last 6 months have been the months of my life. You helped me get back on my feet and I can't say thank you enough. I want to spend the rest of my life with you and only you." I say.

She starts to cry and I hold her hand.

You really know how to make me cry
When you gimme those ocean eyes

"Will you marry me?" I ask.

She nods her head and hugs me.

"I love you." I say as she cups my cheeks.

"I love you too." She says as I put the ring on her finger.

I kiss her and she smiles.

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