5 D'Amelios (Avani Gregg)

I swear that I'm going to write Dixie and Charli chapters after this!

Avani's View

I scrolled down the 'For You' page and stopped on a girl's video.

She was insanely beautiful. I mean that in a friendly way. She's Loren Gray's ex-girlfriend from the 10th grade and Dixie and Charli's older sister.

They were a good couple. They never lied, cheated, they argued over stupid things. Y/n stole her Twitter account once and they argued for 2 minutes.

That's means I can slide in her DMs. What? No. You like boys. Ugh. I feel like Dixie. She lying to herself about her sexuality. We all saw the chemistry between her and Addison.

"Whatcha doing?" Dixie asks.

"Falling in love." I say.

"You always fall in love." Dixie says sitting next to me.

"This is more than a crush." I say.

I show the video to her and her jaw drops.

"You like my sister?" She asks.

"Maybe." I say.

"I haven't seen her in years but I think she still has feelings for Loren. She hasn't even changed her name in her phone." Dixie says.

"Is that all?" I ask.

"Y/n broke up with Loren because they never saw each other. It tore them apart after they broke up. You travel just as much as Loren." She says.

"Let's see what happens." I say clicking on Instagram.

"What happened?" Dixie asks.

"She gave me her number." I say.

"Oh my god." Dixie says.

"What?" I ask.

"You're so bi." She says.

I hit her and she laughs.

Time Skip; Y/n's View

"I almost forgot to tell you happy birthday. Happy birthday." Avani says laying next to me.

"Thank you, beautiful." I say.

Avani blushes and I smile. She kisses me and we don't pull away for a while.

Her face turns red and I chuckle.

"I like you, Bubs." I say.

"I like you too." Avani says.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" I ask.

"Yes." She says.

I smile and kiss her. She sits on my lap and I bite my lip.

"Nice try." She says getting off my lap to lay down.

I laugh and lay next to her.

"I love you." I say.

"I love you too." She says.

One week later...

Avani holds my hand and I smile.

She wants to keep our relationship out of the public eye for a while. Why is she doing this?

"Hey Avani and Y/n." Fletcher says.

"Hi." Avani says with a smile.

"Everyone wants to know what's going on between you guys. Is it official?" Fletcher says.

"Yes." She says.

"Really?" He asks.

"Yes." I say.

"What do you think about the people who want you to date Loren again?" He asks.

"It is what it is. Loren and I broke up 3 years ago when we were 16." I say.

"Did you see Loren's response?" He asks.

"No." We say.

"She tweeted I have no problem with Y/n dating Avani. Y/n is a great girl and we will always be friends. Avani is a smart and talented girl who deserves the world. I broke up with Y/n 3 years ago, get over it." He says reading his phone.

"Most people think we hate each other, but we talk. I know she meant those words." She says.

"Alright, I'm gonna let you guys go. Thanks for talking with me." He says.

We smile and he walks away. I open the door for Avani and she gets in. I get in and close the door.

"I didn't think you wanted people to know about us." I say as the truck pulls off.

"I realized that it didn't matter." She says moving closer to me.

I smile and she kisses me. I put my arm around her and she smiles.

"I love you." I say.

"I love you too." She says.

(Approximately) 3 months later...

"Baby." Avani says.

"Hmm?" I ask.

"Do you miss Loren?" Avani asks.

"No." I say.

"It seems like you still want her." She says.

"If I wanted Loren, I wouldn't be here. I don't want her anymore, I just want you." I say.

She smiles and I kiss her.

"I love you." I say.

"I love you too." She says.

I smile and I open the door for her. We go inside and find everyone else.

"Hey, Y/n." Addison says as Avani sits down.

Charli, Dixie, mom, and dad look up and smile.

"I haven't seen you in so long." Dad says hugging me.

Dixie smiles and I hug her.

"Where have you been?" Mom asks hugging me.

"Everywhere." I say hugging dad.

Charli holds her arms out and I hug her.

"Happy birthday." I say.

I hand her a jewelry box and she smiles. I kiss her forehead and we sit down. I put my arm around Avani and she blushes.

"I forgot that you guys are dating now. How is it going?" Addison asks.

"She has made me feel so loved but I'd say a steady pace." Avani says smiling.

"Power couple." Chase says.

We all laugh and he smiles.

Time Skip

I opened my eyes and Avani was gone. She wasn't even at her own house anymore so I called her.

"Where are you?" I ask.

Avani doesn't says anything and I sigh.

"Avani Gregg." I say.

"New York." Avani says.

"How long are you gonna be there?" I ask.

"3 weeks." She says.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" I ask.

"Babe, what's wrong?" She asks.

"I don't want to do this right now." I say.

"What do you mean?" She asks.

"Call me when you get back." I say.

Avani's View

"You aren't even gonna tell me what I did wrong?" I ask.

The line goes dead and I sigh.

"What's wrong?" Dixie asks.

"She's mad at me and I don't know why." I say.

"You left without telling her. Loren did the same thing to her. Y/n felt like she wasn't enough." She says.

I didn't even think about how she would feel.

"I'm gonna go back." I say.

"Really?" She asks.

"Yeah." I say.

She smiles and I leave.

3 hours later...

I knock on Y/n's door and she opens it. She looks up and smiles.

"I'm sorry." I say hugging her.

She smiles and I kiss her. We go inside and lay in her bed.

"How did you find out?" Y/n asks gently rubbing my hand.

"I didn't know until Dixie told me." I say.

"I'm sorry for not communicating with you." She says.

"I get it, you were upset." I say.

She nods her head and I kiss her cheek.

Time Skip; Y/n's View

I go in my room and Avani was changing her clothes.

"Sorry." I say leaving.

"It's fine." Avani says.

I turn around and go back in the room.

"Do you like what you see?" Avani asks putting my hands on her waist.

"You're a very beautiful girl." I say.

She blushes and I smile.

"We're gonna be together forever, right?" She asks.

"I'll make sure of it." I say.

She smiles and kisses me.

I'm (most likely) not gonna publish on November 6th. My grandma hasn't seen me in about 10 years and she wants me me to go to Florida for my 18th birthday.

Florida scares though. What am I getting myself into?

1361 Words
