I Know What You Did Last Summer (Charli D'Amelio)

This might be the longest song title in the history of the ENTIRE FUCKING PLANET. Enjoy! 😊

Charli's View

"I'll call you when I get back in town." I say.

"Okay." Chase says.

I don't like Chase and he doesn't like me. But we're "totally in love" and he totally hasn't tried to sleep with Avani, Dixie, Addison, Nessa, and he doesn't know how many girls he's slept with.

I told him I was going to see my grandma but she's been dead for 6 years and I told him that. That just proves how much he ignores me.

I walk through the airport and I see Garrett.

"Hey, Char." Garrett says.

"Hi, Garrett." I say.

"Y/n told me to give you a new card." Garrett says giving me a card.

"Thank you." I say.

"Have fun." He says before walking away.

I smile and swipe the card. The door opens and I get on the plane.

"Hey, beautiful." Y/n says getting up.

I smile and hug her. I kiss her and she smiles.

Y/n and I are keeping things a secret until figure something out.

He knows
Dirty secrets that I keep
Does he know it's killing me?

She actually listens to me and respects my wish to not have sex yet. Chase tried to get me and Dixie to sleep with him at the same time.

"How's my girl doing?" Y/n asks.

"Good." I say.

"Well, you ready to go?" She asks.

He knows, he knows
D-d-does he know

"Yes." I say.

She nods her head and gives Pete a thumb. Pete nods his head and I sit on her lap.

"This is something I've never felt before." I say.

She laughs and I smile. She kisses me and I hold her hand.

Another's hands have touched my skin
I won't tell him where I've been
He knows, he knows, he knows

Chase's View

"Isn't Charli visiting her grandma?" I ask.

"Her grandma died 6 years ago." Thomas says.

It's tearing me apart

I go outside and call Charli.

"Hey, Chase." Charli says.

"Why are you lying to me?" I ask.

She's slipping away
Am I just hanging on to all the words she used to say?

"What do you mean?" Charli says.

"Thomas just told me that your grandma died 6 years ago." I say.

Charli doesn't say anything and I sigh.

"I seen the pictures on your phone but I didn't think they meant anything. Are you not coming back?" I say.

The pictures on her phone
She's not coming home (I'm not coming home)
Coming home, coming home

"I'm going to her grave, idiot." She says crying.

"So is my whole family. Why can't you trust me like I trust you?" She asks sniffling.

"Last summer, you kissed a girl and lied to me about it." I say.

I know what you did last summer (ah-ah)

"There's no one else." She says.

Just lied to me, "there's no other" (he-ey)
I know what you did last summer

"Where are you right now?" I ask.

Tell me where you've been

"I'm about to board my plane." She says.

"Don't get on that plane. If you do, it's over." I say.

I know what you did last summer (ah-ah)
Look me in the eyes, my lover (he-ey)

"Nice knowing you." Charli says.

The line goes dead and I sigh.

I know what you did last summer
Tell me where you've been

Y/n's View

Charli hangs up and kisses me.

"We're free." Charli says.

"It's gonna be suspicious that you didn't care and that ended up with me right after you broke up." I say.

"Damn it." Charli says.

"This is gonna take time. I'll wait as long as I have to, don't worry." I say holding her hand.

Charli kisses me and I smile.

"I love you." She says.

"I love you too." I say.

She puts her face in the crook of my neck and I put my arm around her.

You can call me a home wrecker but I'm in love with Charli. We've been doing this after she was with Chase for a week, almost a year.

"Diego told me that he was going to be at my house. If that's not okay, I can figure something out." I say.

"It's fine." She says with a small smile.

I smile and she kisses me.

Time Skip

"Are you guys together yet?" Diego asks.

"What? No." Charli says.

"Okay. Can you go get a box out of the basement?" Diego asks.

I nod my head and we go to the basement. I turn the lights on and look for the box. The lights turn joff and Charli pins me to the wall.

"I see." I say.

Charli smiles and I kiss her.

"Did you find it?" Diego shouts as Charli unzips my pants.

I sigh and Charli backs away from me.

"Yeah." I say.

Charli kisses me and I smile. I pick the box up and we go upstairs.

"Look at that." Diego says handing Charli a photo.

"Aww. You were so cute and tiny." Charli says.

"She kicked punched dad in the throat and called him a motherfucker when he called her tiny." He says laughing.

Charli looks at me and widens her eyes.

"I said what I said, motherfucker." I say looking at Charli.

Charli giggles and I smile.

"I'm gonna go to sleep." Charli says.

"I'll take the pullout sofa." I say.

"You could sleep in the same bed together." He says.

"Ew." We say at the same time.

He shrugs his shoulders and goes upstairs.

30 minutes later...

I go upstairs and I bump into Charli.

"What are you doing?" Charli asks.

"You are dreaming." I say.

"I'm not stupid." Charli says.

"I didn't say that." I say.

"What are you doing up?" She asks.

"I never fell asleep." I say.

We stare at each other and she kisses me.

She pulls me in the room and locks door. She lays on the bed and I climb on top of her.

Time Skip

"How was the pullout?" Diego asks.

Charli chokes on her drink and I quickly look up.

"I'm sorry?" I ask.

"The sofa." Diego says.

"Oh, yeah. It was great." I say.

"Really, really great. I didn't know it would feel that great. I'd sleep on it anything. I LOVE the sofa." I say looking at Charli.

"I bet." Diego says.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Charli blushes and I smile. My phone rings and I answer it upstairs.

"Hello?" I ask.

"Back off." Someone says.

I know, I know, I know, I know
I know, I know, I know (ah-ah)

"Hmm?" I ask unbothered.

"Stop being a home wrecker." They says.

I know, I know, I know, I know
I know, I know, I know (ah-ah, ah-ah)

"Oh, hello, Chase. I will not." I say.

"What does she even see in you?" Chase asks.

"I could ask her the same thing." I say.

"What do you have that I don't?" Chase asks.

"Feelings." I say.

"I listen, I don't keep asking her to give me head, I spend time with her, I buy her gifts, I ask how she feels, and I actually care about her." I say.

Charli comes upstairs and takes my phone from me.

Charli's View

Y/n sighs and goes downstairs.

"We're over. I can sleep with who I want." I say.

"You slept with her when we were together. Did that mean anything to you?" Chase asks.

I didn't mean it, no, I didn't mean it, mean it, no
(Ah-ah, he-ey)

"Yes." I say.

"So why did you act like you cared about when you came back?" Chase asks.

Can't seem to let you go, can't seem to hold you close
I know

Chase's View

"It's what you want to hear." Charli says.

"You couldn't even look me in the eye and tell me that you missed me." I say.

When she looks me in the eyes
They don't seem as bright
No more, no more

"Did you even like me at one point?" I ask.

"Yeah, before you started being a dick." Charli says.

I know
That she loved me at one time

"Did our promises mean nothing?" I ask.

Would I promise her that night
Cross my heart and hope to die

"Is that what you're asking me? You sound fucking stupid right now. You broke the promise first. You sleep with 10 girls in one day and expect me to sleep with you. I'm not gonna be one your whores because I'm more than that, Y/n has showed me that." She says.

"Don't even expect me to come back to you. I'm not coming home." She says.

It's tearing me apart (it's tearing me apart)
She's slipping away (i'm slipping away)
Am I just hanging on to all the words she used to say?
The pictures on her phone
She's not coming home (I'm not coming home)
Oh, na, na, na, yeah

"How many people have you slept with since we've been together?" I ask.

I know what you did last summer (ah-ah)
Just lied to me, "there's no other" (he-ey)
I know what you did last summer
Tell me where you've been

"Why would you ask me that? Fuck you!" Charli shouts.

Charli hangs up and I sigh.

I know, I know, I know, I know
I know, I know, I know
I know, I know, I know, I know
I know, I know, I know (no, no, no)

Y/n's View

I go upstairs and Charli hugs me.

"I'm just a nobody who doesn't deserve happiness. That's all I'll ever be." Charli says crying.

"You are so much more than that. Chase lost an amazing girl and some people just can't admit that they're wrong. I know that I love you and I always will. I swear on my life that I will never hurt you." I say.

"This is the only time I will force you to do something. Stop degrading yourself, you are Charli Grace D'Amelio and you are so beautiful." I say.

Charli smiles and kisses me.

"I love you." She says.

"I love you too." I say.

1716 words
I kinda want to change my username again. Do you approve? Please say yes. I'll probably do it anyway.

I'm not gonna do a part 2 of "No Surprise (Dixie D'Amelio)." I'm just really lazy.
