bury a friend (Charli D'Amelio)

Y/n's View

The door opens and Charli comes in.

"Y/n." Charli says.

"Hmm?" I ask without taking my eyes off of my phone.

"I want a hug." Charli says.

I get up and she smiles.

"Hey, princess." I say hugging her tightly.

Charli smiles and I kiss her.

"Happy birthday." She says handing me a box.

"Thank you." I say.

I open it and smile.

"I know it's just a bracelet but--" She says.

"It's perfect." I say.

She smiles and I kiss her.

"I love you." I say as she hugs me.

"I love you too." She says.

6 hours later...

"I just got there." I say.

"Hurry." Charli says.

"Goodbye, woman." I say.

Charli hangs up and I go inside.

"What can I get you?" The cashier asks.

"Can I get a large cold brew with caramel?" I ask.

"Yes. Is that it?" She asks.

"Yes." I say.

"Your total is $4.54." She says.

I swipe my card and she hands me a receipt. She comes back with a cup and I leave.

"Yes, Charli?" I ask answering my phone.

"Did you get it?" Charli asks.

"Did you just call me 2 minutes ago?" I ask.

"I need to know." Charli says.

I feel a sharp pain in the back of my head and I hit the ground.

"Y/n? Y/n?" She asks.

I groan and someone hangs up.

Charli's View

I hear the line go dead and I call Dixie.

"I'm kinda busy." Dixie says.

"Stop making out with Addison and listen to me." I say.

"Alright, go." Dixie says.

"Y/n just hung up on me." I say.

"You're surprised because?" Dixie asks.

"As impossible as it may sound. She never hangs up on me. Even when we argue." I say.

"It's her birthday and you made her go get you coffee at 10 PM. I would be pissed too." She says.

"I heard her groan." I say.

"The only time she groans in when you have sex. I'd look into that. That's a you problem, not a Dixie Jane D'Amelio problem." She says.

"Just go to Dunkin and look for her. Please." I say.

"Oh my god. You're 18 and you're making me go look for your boyfriend." Dixie says.

"Girlfriend." I say correcting her.

"She doesn't act like a girl." She says.

She hangs up and I sigh.

Dixie's View; 10 minutes later...

"Have you see an extremely annoying girl with y/h/c hair?" I ask.

"Yea, she got a cold brew and left." The cashier says.

"Thank you." I say.

I leave and go behind the building. I see a phone laying on the ground and I kneel beside it.

"That's bloody." I say getting up.

"You dumb bitch." I say turning around.

I call 9-1-1 then call Charli.

15 minutes later...

"Don't fucking tell me that she just ran away." Charli says.

"Ms D'Amelio—" Officer Sanders says.

"That's her blood, that's her phone, those are her glasses, and that's the bracelet I just got her." Charli says.

"Charli, calm down." I say.

"No, because I know Y/n would NEVER leave me." Charli says.

Her phone rings and she answers the FaceTime call.

"Y/n?" She asks.

"Close enough." The caller says.

The camera turns and I see Y/n laying on the floor.

"Check you email if you want her back." The caller says.

They hang up and Charli goes to her email. She hands her phone to me and I read the email.

I give her phone to Officer Sanders and she reads it.

"This was sent from a burner phone and I know the only place you can get them." Officer Sanders says.

"What about the ransom?" Charli asks.

"Do not give them money nor respond. I'll handle this." Officer Sanders says walking away.

Y/n's View

Bury a friend, try to wake up (ah-ahh)

"You've finally woken up. I just spoke to your girlfriend." Someone says.

I look up and see Joey.

"Oh god. Why? Out of all psychopaths, why did it have to be you?" I say.

"What do you want from me?" I ask.

Say it, spit it out, what is it exactly

"You think you can leave me and have a happy life? No." Joey says.

"Are we really doing this? You kidnapped just to get me to lie to your daughter's face?" I ask.

"Our daughter." Joey says.

"Avery is not my daughter! I've told you that 1,000 times! Get that shit through you fucking head! It was 5 years ago!" I say.

Joey leaves and I sigh. She comes back with a glass and something in her hand.

"Eat this." She says giving me a pill.

"No." I say.

"So you aren't in pain from me hitting you with a metal pole?" She asks.

I take the pill and she gives me the glass of water.

"Good girl." She says leaving.

She comes back with Avery and loosens my cuffs.

"Say hi to daddy." She says.

"Hi daddy." Avery says.

I look at Joey and she gives me a death stare.

"Hi." I say.

"Do you wanna color?" Avery asks.

I sigh and nod my head.

"Yes." I say.

"I'll go get it." She says running to to the other room.

"Drink your water." She says.

"No." I say.

"Now." She says.

I throw the glass and it shatters in the ground.

"You are so lucky that she's here." She says.

"Mhmm." I say.

Avery runs back in the room and sits next to me.

"After you finish one page, you can talk to Charli." She says opening the garage door.

She leaves and it closes.

"Avery." I say.

"Yes, daddy?" Avery asks.

"Do you see that key above me in the shelf?" I ask.

"Yes." Avery says.

"Stand in my shoulders and get it." I say.

Avery climbs on my shoulder and reaches for the key. I hear the garage door open again and Joey looks at me.

"What are you doing?" Joey asks as the garage door closes.

"Helping daddy." Avery says.

Joey takes her off my shoulder and put her down.

"Go play with Leo." Joey says.

Avery runs outside and Joey squats in front of me.

"She loves you, we could be a family. You know?" Joey says.

"I don't love you. I don't want to marry you. I love Charli." I say.

"So you want to talk to Charli?" She asks.

"Yea." I say.

"Okay." She says taking something off the shelf.

She holds up a shock collar and puts it on my neck. She hands me a phone and I dial Charli's number.

"Hello?" Charli asks sniffling.

"Hey, princess. It's me." I say.

"Oh my god. Where are you?" Charli asks.

Joey holds the remote up and I gulp.

"I don't know." I say.

"Are you safe?" She asks.

"I'm fine. I feel a little weak but not badly injured." I say.

"Daddy!" Avery shouts running inside.

"Avery!" Joey says.

"Daddy?" Charli asks.

"It's—" I say.

Joey shocks me and Charli hangs up.

"Let's get you to bed." Joey says picking Avery up.

Charli's View

Y/n wasn't even kidnapped. She has a secret daughter and she's with her "ex" and her daughter.

That's why she doesn't talk about her past. I would've been fine if she had just told me. But she lied. All of those "business trips" were just her leaving me for weeks.

I don't want to be with someone who's just gonna lie to me.

I open the closet door and go inside. I lift my hoodie up and see a newspaper.

"In June of 2015 14-year-old, Y/n Y/l/n was arrested for domestic abuse against girlfriend, Joey Wilson and her newborn daughter, Avery Wilson. Y/l/n was sentenced 10 years Will a bail of $850,000." I read.

"Y/l/n served 3 years of their sentence before someone left an anonymous tip with solid evidence that Wilson had made up the story. Y/l/n was released without a criminal record." I read.

That's it. I know who kidnapped her.

15 minutes later...

"I told you that we're working in her case." Officer Sanders says as I sit in front of her.

"I know who took her." I say.

"How?" Officer Sanders asks.

What are you wondering? What do you know?

"Y/n was put in jail when she was 14 for abusing Joey Wilson and her daughter Avery Wilson. Y/n had to pay $850,000 to get out. The kidnapper wants $850,000." I say.

"That's not enough evidence." She says.

"Y/n called me from a burner phone and I heard someone says Avery and they sounded like a kid." I say.

She types on her computer and picks her walkie-talkie up.

"Send every available agent to Joey Wilson's house." She says into it.

"That's in Florida." They respond.

"I don't care." She says.

"Copy that." They reply.

Y/n's View

"You are insane." I say.

"Say that again and you will regret it." Joey says.

"You are insane." I say slowly.

She hit some and I flip her off.

"Remember this?" Joey asks holding up a bat.

"Fuck my life." I say.

Joey hits me in the stomach and I feel myself getting weaker.

"That's it. Close your eyes." She says as I slowly close my eyes.

When we all fall asleep, where do we go?

The next day...

"Time for your dose." Joey says.

"Killing me slowly isn't going to solve anything. Does Avery know? Does she know her father is jail for manslaughter and that you're killing her only other father figure?" I say.

"None of this would've happened if you would've taken the DNA test." She says putting gloves on.

"Once I'm dead, they're gonna find you and you're going to jail. They're gonna put Avery in the system." I say.

"I'm not killing you. I know you've done drugs in the past and you get addicted quickly. I'm not killing you, you're gonna kill yourself." She says.

She puts a small bag of white powder in front of me and backs up.

"Grab it." She says.

"You've been clean for a year. I've never been so proud of you." Charli says.

I push it away and she picks it up.

"Open." She says.

I turn my head and she opens my mouth. I bite her and she hits me.

"Ow." I say

She pours it in my mouth and I cough.

"Here." She says as I sneeze.

I drink the glass of water and she takes it from me.

"Daddy." Avery says coming in the room.

"Yes?" I ask.

"There's a man at the door with his friends. He says he's looking for you. There's a pretty girl with freckles and such." Avery says.

Joey kneels down and hugs Avery.

"Mommy has made some mistakes and I want you to know that I'm sorry. I'm gonna be away with your dad for a while. Maybe forever." Joey says.

"I'm staying with daddy?" Avery asks.

"Maybe." Joey says.

Avery nods her head and sits beside me. Joey leaves and Avery puts her head on my lap. Charli comes in and runs to me.

"Hey, princess." I say hugging her.

"I'm so glad your safe." Charli says unlocking the handcuffs.

I rub my wrists and Avery smiles.

"Avery, this is Charli, my girlfriend. Charli, this is Avery, my I-guess-my -now daughter." I say.

"Hi." Avery says smiles.

Charli smiles and I kiss her.

"I've kissed you before when you were on drugs. Why do you taste like drugs?" Charli whispers.

She gives me a look and I shake my head.

"She poured it down my throat." I say.

"Are you my new mommy?" Avery asks.

Charli gives me a look of remorse and I nod my head.

"Yes." Charli says.

Avery hugs her and Charli smiles.

*Give me requests, don't leave me hanging.*
