I'm in Love with Stacys Brother (Charli D'Amelio)

Addison and Y/n are siblings

Charli's View

"You can't touch other's naughty bits. Get up." Mrs Holiday says.

"She touched me. She touched my naughty bits." Y/n says.

"And if you hand me that referral, I will throw it out the fucking window." Y/n says.

Mrs Holiday puts the paper in her backpack and Y/n throws the note out the window.

Y/n gets up and sits next to me.

"We were talking idiot." Addison says.

I've been hanging out with Stacy

"You guys can flirt if you want, I don't care." Y/n says.

Everybody thinks we're dating

"Mom is gonna kill you." Addison says.

"Doesn't matter because I'm the favorite." Y/n says.

"Then why did they have me, Enzo, and Lucas?" Addison asks.

"They didn't want me to be lonely." Y/n says.

Addison hits her and Y/n laughs.

Time Skip

"Put me down!" Lucas shouts as Y/n carries him through the house.

"Y/n." Monty says.

"Sorry, can't hear you." Y/n says carrying Lucas outside.

Addison rolls her eyes and we go upstairs.

Cause' I spend my weekends hanging at her house

"Can you go get the box on the bottom shelf? Down the hall, second door on the left." Addison says.

I wander down the hallway and open the door. I look for the box and the door opens.

"Hey, Miss D'Amelio." Y/n says.

"H-Hi." I say.

"Well, don't you look lovely today?" Y/n asks.

Y/n leans in to kiss me and grabs the flashlight off the shelf. Y/n smiles and leaves. I groan and grab the box on the bottom shelf.

I go back in Addison's room and see her dancing.

She's a part of the cheer team

"Quick question. Who are you going to prom with?" Addison says catching her breath.

"No one, so I'm not going. Just send photos of you being prom queen like you always do." I say.

Top of her class and she's prom queen

Addison sighs and sits down. I grab my chemistry notebook and write in it.

When we study chemistry

Addison takes her shirt off and changes it.

She unbuttons her blouse

"I have something to tell you." I say.

But I got a secret I must confess

"What?" Addison asks.

"It's hard for me to say. But it has nothing to do with the way you dress or anything bad about you." I say.

It's not her laugh or the way she'd dress

"Do you like me or something?" Addison asks.

"Don't flatter yourself." I say.

She's not the reason I've been thinking of love...

"Spit it out!" Addison says.

Every weekend when we hangout

The room door opens and Y/n comes in.

I lose my cool when he's around...

"Charger." Y/n says.

Addison hands Y/n the charge and she leaves.

And I don't know if this is just a crush...

"Spit it out." Addison says.

How do I find

I sit in silence in she stares at me.

"Charli!" Addison says.

The words to tell her?

"I'm in love with Y/n!" I blurt out.

I'm in love with Stacy's brother...

548 Words

They'll be another part that's a lot longer than this, so don't hate me!
