I See You (Charli D'Amelio)

I fucking love it when you make Charli an asshole. That shit gives me life.

Y/n's View

My phone rings and I answer it.

"Hello?" I ask.

"You stupid bitch." Someone says.

That's Chase's voice.

Bish I never liked you

I hear something break and I flinch.

"I give you everything and you just lie and cheat." Someone else says as I go downstairs.

That's Charli's voice.

"Hey, Y/n." Marc says.

"I'm a little scared." I say.

"You okay?" Heidi asks.

"Charli called me but she hasn't said anything. I hear yelling and I'm just confused." I say giving my phone to them.

When I was 14, I became a foreign exchange student and stayed with the D'Amelios. I go accepted into a bunch of American colleges and I was allowed to stay in Connecticut.

"Charli this. Charli that. Charli, I swear I'll never leave you. Charli, I love you. Charli, you deserve the world. Stop saying it and fucking show me!" Charli says.

You ain't show me love and there's a lot of people like you

"I got bored." Chase says.

I'm just tryna slide through, keep you on a side boo

Marc and Heidi look at each other each other before sighing.

"Clout-chaser." Charli says.

I hear something hit the wall and the line goes dead.

"Just— Just go get ready for the game." Marc says giving me my phone back.

I nod my head and go upstairs.

3 hours later...

"Ask her out." Riley says.

I nod my head and go to Allison.

"Hey, Al." I say.

"Hi, (your nickname)." Allison says blushing.

Used to get swerved by them girls who were attractive

I hear footsteps behind me but I ignore them.

"I was wondering if—" I say.

I feel a tap on my shoulder and I turn around. I see Charli and she kisses me.

They never used to like me
But they change their ways when
they see your numbers climbing
Well ain't that perfect timing

Allison nods her head and walks away.

"Are you kidding me? Not everyone has to be single like you. Every since I moved to America, you don't let me even ask for a girl's number. You don't even like me like that. Just leave me alone." I say.

I walk away and go find Allison.

"I'm sorry, I—" I say.

Allison chuckles and slaps me. She pushes me and starts swearing at me.

"Womanizer." Allison says walking away.

"Allison." I say.

She ignores me and keeps walking away. I sigh and walk in the opposite direction.

10:00 PM

There's a knock on my room door and I open it.

"Can we talk?" Charli asks.

I nod my head and let her in.

"I'm sorry for earlier. I've had feelings for you since I met you. You were just always focused on other girls and I—" Charli says.

I kiss her and she relaxes. I put my hands on her waist and she puts her arms around my neck.

"Let's try this out." She says.

I nod my head and she kisses me.

The next day...

Charli comes downstairs and I smile. She sits on the counter and I stand between her legs.

"You must like wearing my clothes." I say.

"Mhmm." Charli says.

I smile and she kisses me. My phone dings and I pick it up.

I go outside and I see Bryce.

"You're 16, right?" Bryce asks.

"Yeah." I say.

He makes me turn around and I see that he spray painted the house.

"You're a 16-year-old whore and so is Charli. I wouldn't be surprised if you had caught a S—" Bryce says reading it.

They never used to like me

I punch him and he punches me in the stomach. Now we're rolling around on the ground punching each other.

It's funny when you think that me and you were friends in high school

"Your under arrest." Someone says pulling me off of Bryce.

I put my hands behind my back and Charli comes outside.

"It was worth it." Bryce says putting his hands behind his back.

"What happened?" Charli asks.

"We got multiple reports of two teenagers beating the shit out of each other." The officer says.

"Oh god." Charli says as they put me in a police car.

Time Skip

Charli wants nothing to do with me. She hasn't called or came to see me because I'm "selfish".

She says I'm selfish for fighting Bryce and saying it was Bryce's fault. What the fuck does she want from me? A unicorn?

It doesn't matter because I just got released.

Charli opens the door and hugs me.

It's like... whenever I'm down
they just leave
When I'm up, they come back

"Why haven't you called me? I was in jail for a week?" I say.

"I—" Charli says.

Chase comes to door and rolls his eyes.

"How was juvie?" Chase asks.

"How was having your first time with a stuffed animal?" I ask.

"Watch your mouth." Chase says.

"You're not my dad. Always want to hear something. Ugly-as-fucking noodle head." I say.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

He punches me and I hit the ground. I feel my whole body go numb and I close my eyes.

Dixie's View; 6 months later...

It's been 6 months since Y/n's been in her coma and Y/n hasn't even moved. Her heart isn't even beating on it's own and there's a piece of tap holding a breathing tube in her mouth.

Charli doesn't even care. She's already thinking about donating Y/n's organs and her stuff. She's just talking to Chase and they have something going on.

I feel something grab my hand and I see Y/n slowly opening her eyes.

"Let me go get the doctor." I say.

I leave the room and go find Dr Farms.

"Y/n just woke up out of nowhere." I say.

"This is a good thing. If she didn't, we would've been forced to remove her breathing tube." Dr Farms says.

I nod my head and we start to walk back. I see Charli and Chase kissing in the elevator as it closes and I shake my head.

"How do feel?" She asks taking the tube out of Y/n's mouth.

"Fine." Y/n says looking at the wall.

"You know something." I say.

"Mhmmm." Y/n says.

"What?" I ask.

"I could hear everything everyone was saying. I know what Charli did. She was making out with the person who put me in the hospital on my hospital bed." Y/n says.

"It says that you got hit by a bus." Dr Farms says looking in his folder.

"Chase punched me then kept hitting me. Charli just stood there watching him break every bone from my left shoulder all the way down to my left hand." Y/n says.

Charli and Chase come in the room and smile. She tries to kiss Y/n but turns her head.

Please dude, why you tryna front homie you see through
I see you

"Really, Charli? I got hit by a bus?" Y/n asks.

Charli widens her eyes and Y/n sighs.

"I do everything you ask me to do, I stood up for you to Bryce. He's almost 2 times my size and he almost fucking killed me. I got put in jail and I lost my scholarship. I got kicked out of college and I have to back to Switzerland." Y/n says.

"None of that matters to you, huh? You're Charli Grace D'Amelio the star of TikTok and all of that bullshit. You don't give two fucks about about me, your family, your friends, your fans— anyone." She says.

"Guess who made you feel better when that bitch cheated on you. Me. But go. Go have fun in only-Charli-D'Amelio-matters land." She says.

I know I should be stopping this but Y/n was saying nothing but facts.

Charli nods her head and kisses Chase. Chase flips Y/n off and they leave.

"It's gonna be okay. I not gonna let them take you back to Switzerland and you can stay with me in California if you want to." I say holding Y/n's hand.

"Thank you." Y/n says.

I smile and she hugs me.

The End
1390 Words
