9. Mr. Green Eyes! ( 2 )

Okay....just send a simple ' hi '. It should be easy enough, I mean, I've already went over this back when my friendship with Nijika and Ryou was still fresh!

Contact: Asahi



Okay, that should be satisfactory for tonight, I suppose! Time to head to bed--

Ding! My phone received a notification. I could see the pop-up, his response....


Hello to you too.

I thought that was going to be the end of it, like most awkward text conversations but he suprised me when  I received another message.


Are you heading to bed?


Why are you trying to start conversation NOW? The more we text, the more I'll lose track of time, and the more I'll be sleep-deprived. That's the process of texting a friend. It's completely inevitable unless I turn off my phone right now and swallow the guilt.

This is your fault, Akihiko-kun. You evoked my cruelty.




B-But.....ghosting him is just....

I bit my lip before typing down my response. I can't just ghost someone like that, especially a good friend. It's too cruel even for my evil version, so I'll just try to politely imply that this conversation should end.


I was just preparing for bed.

There you go. He must've understood the hidden message there.


Oh, I gotcha. Good night.

As expected, he understood....

I smiled in relief,  I was about ready to put down my phone until another message popped. My brows furrowed as I saw it came from Akihiko-kun...


Before u sleep tho. Pls watch this video.

* inserts link*

I curiously pressed the link, it lead me to the video site. I clicked play and...

" Pfft!" I let out a sound as I was caught off-guard. So Akihiko-kun is one of those types of people.....the ' memelords' in a group chat.


That was funny lol


Is that sarcasm?


No? Did it sound like it?


Almost? Well, this is my first time actually chatting you on the LINE app. I'll take note that your sign of laughter is ' lol'. 📝

I grinned as I typed down my reply.


Wellll maybe it wasn't that funny?

If it was really funny

I would've gone with HAHAHAHAH



A challenge? I see. 😑

Prepare to meet a compilation of doom, Gotou-san.

*inserts link*

" P-Pft! Hahaha!" I failed to keep away my laughter. If I held it in any longer, K would've started tearing up.


I can sense it.


Sense what?


Your wonderful laugh ofc.

I blushed a bit. Damn you.


Okay, I guess I may have  laughed a teeny bit.


Lies. You were holding back tears weren't you?


....esper?! 😟

Our conversation went back and forth. Eventually, what started out as a bland greetint quickly escalated into a meme battle to see who could laugh the most. We made a promise not to lie if we did laugh, and oddly enough, I could somehow tell if he truly laughed from the other side when I send him funny videos.

Maybe...I'm an esper too?

" Mommy, Daddy....look, look!" Futari, the younger sister, beckoned her parents over as she opened the door slightly.

" What is it?" The mother asked.

Futari points through the visible opening, urging them to take a look. Both parents were now curious, so they did as she said and when they saw the sight....

" C...could it be...?" The mother gasped, but kept it down.

" Oh no...is it really time? No this is a dream, right? Pinch me, dear. There's no way our daughter is chatting to a boy!" The father whispered.

" How do you know sis is chatting to a boy?" Futari asked, confused.

" Just trust your mommy and daddy, dear." The mom said before pinching father's arm.

" Ah! It's not a dream?! So this is real?!" The father felt shocked but slowly turned giddy. " Finally! I can play the tough dad act now!"

The mother giggled at her husband's antics, shaking her head. " We might be mistaking it though. It might just be a friend. "

" The fact our daughter is talking to a boy...laughing....smiling....and even BLUSHING. Is enough indication that they aren't just friends. It's a boyfriend, dear. And you know it." The father insists.

The mom sighs, smiling. If it was a boyfriend, then she'd be proud of how far her daughter had come...

She just prays it wasn't a rental....

Meanwhile,  Futari wondered if what they're saying might be true. Could her shy introverted older sister be in love with someone? And that love is reciprocated?

She's determined to find out....


Tuesday, and school had just ended. Futari marched home with her slingbag, now was the time to interrogate her elder sister till she fesses up!

Boyfriends and Girlfriends happen when two people are in love! And her sister showed no sign of that until now.....but she must confirm it.


No reason at all.

Just 5 year olds doing 5 year old things.

" W-Watch out!"

" Huh?" Futari looked up from the ground and a bike fastly approached her direction.

" W-Waaaahhh!!!" Futari jumped to the farther side of the sidewalk, while the bike turned the opposite direction and crashed into a bush.

She sat on the ground, frozen from shock. She wants to see if the stranger was okay, but she got her answer when brown hair emerged from the bush and crouched by her side.

" Are you okay?!" It was a boy that asked. Futari looked up and noticed that the brown haired boy had pretty emerald eyes.

She nods silently, still shocked from the event.

The boy gently checked her knees and arms and head just to be sure. He sighs in relief when all he could find was a small wound on her right elbow.

" Thank goodness...." he smiles before taking out a fresh bandage from his bag. " There's still a wound on your elbow though. No worries, I'll just bandage it, okay?

Futari nods again, staying silent as she stared at the older boy with curiosity in her blue eyes similar to her sister.

" Cat or dog?" He held up two bandage designs.

" Dog." She immediately answered, she was never going to betray Jimihen after all.

He chuckles before nodding and placing the bandage neatly on her wound. After that, he slowly helps her up and pats away any stray dirt on her clothes, also fixing her hat.

" I'm so sorry by the way....err...?" He wanted her to give him a name.

" My name is Futari." She said.

" Akihiko Asahi, sorry for inconveniencing you." He offers a handshake, to which the little girl smiled and shook hands with him.

" You have pretty eyes, Onii-chan." She compliments.

" Is that so? "

Futari nods, beaming. " It's like...um....an emerald! Emeralds are pretty!" She says.

He laughs, patting her head gently.

" Thank you. And your eyes are pretty too, blue just like the ocean and clear as the sky." He compliments back.

Futari felt giddy, she liked this older boy. He was kind and gentle! His voice was soothing too for some reason, it reminded her of papa.

" Is your bike going to be okay?" She asked, curiously.

" Nah, I think the chain broke." He sighs, " Might have to buy a new one. That's why I lost control and almost hit you."

Futari nods, letting out a small ' ohh' as she gazes at the crashed bike.

" Well, not to worry. At least you weren't hurt,  Futari-chan." He offers a gentle smile.

Futari liked his smile. It was natural and warm.

" Are you just coming back from school?" He asked.

" Mhm! I was heading home because I wanted to interrogate my sister about a secret boyfriend she might have." She answers.

" Woah, that sounds troublesome. I pity your sister." He laughs heartily at the honesty of this kid.

" Mr. Green Eyes, if you end up being her secret boyfriend. You have my full approval!" She gives a thumbs up.

" Is that so? I don't even know your sister, but I appreciate the gesture. Although....you do kinda remind me of someone..." he says.

" Hm?" Futari tilts her head.

That's right. Akihiko wondered about something for a while now....the little girl had pink hair but cut short, and she also had blue eyes. Now, who does he know that has THOSE exact traits...

His eyes widened in sudden realization.  This little girl...must be without a doubt,  Hitori's sister.

His gut instinct is telling him!

" Futari-chan, is your sister in high school?" He asked.

" Yes!" She said.

" I see." He chuckles. This was going to be entertaining.  He could orchestrate a funny little prank right now.

But he'd best save it for later. Right now, the little girl should head home and he should get his bike fixed.

" Do you mind if I walk you home?" He asked.

" Really?!" She had stars in her eyes when he said that.

" Mhm, just let me get my bike and you lead the way." He said.

" Yay!" She cheers.


" Futari-chan, I was so worried!" Mother spilled out as soon as her little girl arrived. 

" You were taking quite a while to get home....I was about to go out and look for you." The dad was also worried.

Futari shakes her head and smiles. " I'm okay! I almost got hit by a bike,  and I got a wound on my elbow,  but a kind onii-chan who I like to call Mr. Green Eyes placed a bandage. " she shows her elbow." See?"







" Big sis!" Futari barged in Bocchi's room, she came in running till she found Bocchi's back and began hugging the life out of her.

" F-Futari-chan?! You're finally home...mom and dad were--"

" I know! I'm okay now though! I just fell down and met a nice brown haired green eyed onii-chan who patched my elbow up. It has a dog design! Like Jimihen!" She shows her the bandage.

" Ohh, I see!" Bocchi pauses.

" Wait...brown hair and green eyes? Um....d-did..."

It couldn't be, right?

It couldn't be who Bocchi thinks it is, right?

" Did he tell you his name...?" She asked.

" Yeah! He said his name is Akihiko Asahi! It's a very pretty name but I like to call him Mr. Green Eyes." She said.

" Woof!" The dog arrives and tackles Futari. She laughs and pats the dog. " Jimihen! I missed you!" She hugs the dog.


Bocchi sat there, frozen.

' His name is Akihiko Asahi!'

' --name is Akihiko Asahi! '

' Brown hair and green eyes!'

' Akihiko Asahi! But I call him Mr. Green Eyes!'

' Akihiko'

' Akihiko....'

" Big sis! Snap out of it! I have a question I wanted to ask you. Do you have a secret boyfrie--"


" Eh..? But I didn't say who...?" Futari said, tilting her head.

' Oh no.' Bocchi thinks. She began internally screaming....what has she done?! She sold herself on the spot!

" Hm......hm?....oh....Oh!" A bright smile beamed on Futari's face. Even a 5 year old can clear this easy puzzle.

" Big sis likes Mr. Green Eyes--"

Bocchi yeets a pillow at her little sister's face.

She insist that she does NOT like him!

Even if her face right now is bright red like a tomato! She repeats: She doesn't like him that way!

~~~ End ~~~

Slowly inching closer to that moment when he meets the entire family...

Bocchi can only pray that her sister keeps her mouth shut.  ( If locking her in the basement isn't a option )

Hope you enjoyed today's chapter! See ya in the next one!
