30. Icepops

" Uwah......agh....." My head was ringing incessantly. It was throbbing painfully, and it was getting hard to ignore.

Oh god....I feel....so.....dead....

I slowly tried to open my eyes, adjusting my vision to the sudden beams of daylight cascading the walls of my bedroom....

Huh...? Wait....bedroom?


As soon as my brain registered the familiar comfort of my bed, I quickly sat up startled and immediately surveyed my surroundings, even though that sudden movement made my headache worse.

" H...How did I...get home?" I can't seem to remember how I got here. All I can recall was the halloween event....Mayafumi-san's confession....and then me sulking about it. Afterwards, I tried some punch from one of the stalls--



F-For some reason, I think that's the case! I can't seem to remember anything else past that drink, but I do remember feeling ' lost' after a couple of cups. Someone must've spiked it!

Ugh...I can feel my stomach churning...!





" ###!!!$$$??!! " 

[ Bocchi vomited all the alcohol in her system, along with her soul, down the toilet drain.]

[ For some odd reason, her vomit was rainbow-colored.]


Mom, I'm so sorry. I'm a failure!

I sat on my bed in shame. I don't know how I got here, but I'm assuming Kita-chan escorted me home while I was intoxicated. I can't look my parents in the eye. Not like this. Their daughter suffering a hangover after getting drunk the night before? They'll DISOWN me! 

No, wait. They're probably thinking of it now. T-They must be writing the abandonment papers at this very moment because they no longer see me fit to be their daughter!


" M...Mom, Dad....what're you two doing?" I asked and they turned to me with unreadable smiles.

" We're going to send you to a new home." My mom ruthlessly said.

" E-Eh? But why--"

" Sorry, Hitori. But after what happened...well, we just can't seem to accept you as our daughter anymore." My dad looked towards mom before going back to me. " So we'll be kicking you out of the Gotou household."

" N-No wait--!" I reached my hand out to them, but my arms were suddenly restrained by two huge figures that looked like they came from the military-- wait, the MILITARY? 

" We're here to pick up Gotou Hitori." The man said. 

" Ah, you came just on time! But a minor correction there; you see, she is no longer a Gotou. So refer to her as you wish!" My mother said in a sweetly tone.

" I see."

" W-wait, what?! I thought you were sending me to a new home..?!"

" Ah, well, the Japan Self Defense Forces will be your new home, Hitori." My dad said with a small wave. " Take her away, soldier-san."

" Affirmative." I proceeded to be dragged.



" Oh god...that's definitely how it's going to go down..." I said in horror.

[ She was overreacting. ]

I need to figure out how to redeem myself--!

" Good morning~!"

" AH--!" I was shooked by the sudden greeting and I felt my eyes dilate towards the source of my suprise; Futari.

" F-Futari-chan....." I said, and she tilted her head curiously to me.

" Are you okay?" Oh, she was worried. Well, I did scream just now--


I was then hit with the realization, that this could be my ' last chance'.

I may have failed as their daughter, but I'm not useless just yet! If I can still remain a good model for my sister to follow ( the bare-minimum model ) then my family will still keep me around!

Get your head together, Hitori! This is your chance at redemption! Don't let your little kid sister know that you got pissed drunk last night, protect her innocence as a 5 year old by hiding your mistakes!

Futari needs a good model to follow. We're years apart from each other, and so, she'll be more critical of my actions as she grows older. She's teased me about being a shut-in, but it would break her heart for her to realize that her older sister is going to end up as a broke, homeless, drunk shut-in! And she'll never look me in the eye.....

So I've gotta set myself straight right here and now.

" Oh, t-this? It's nothing! You just spooked me, is all--"

" No, I'm talking about when you vomited in the toilet earlier." She smiles.


I scrambled towards her, and gripped her by the shoulders.

" Forget everything you saw." I deadpanned.

" What? No way!" She dared to reply. I responded with a tighter grip on her fragile little shoulders which I could easily crush into multiple pieces and turn into bone stew to feed to the ally dogs.

" If you don't forget about what you saw. I'll make sure you get forgotten instead. And I swear to you, if a word of this reaches mom and dad then prepare to regret all your wrongdoings and suffer eternal wrath. Pray to whatever god, but none will come to your aid."

" Do you remember what I said before; You should start sympathizing more with other's plight, Futari-chan..."

" So you'd better act like nothing is going on...or else."

" O...Okay...sorry..." Futari shrunk back in fear of her sister's dead eyes.

" But....the things is.....mom and dad....already know."


" They greeted you at the door last night..."


" S...Sis? Are you okay?"


I let go of her little shoulders.

And cried into my pillow.


" I-I'm going to get kicked out!" I cried loudly, but it was muffled because I compressed my face deep into the pillow.

" Huh? Why?" I hear Futari ask.

" Because mom and dad thinks I got drunk!" I was reminded of the previous scenario I created in my head.

Haha......military school here I come....

" Why would mom and dad kick you out? Is getting food poisoning really that bad?"

" OF COURSE IT IS-- wait, what?" I paused mid way, and faced her with a confused look. " Food poisoning?"

" Mom and Dad thought you had food poisoning. That's why your tummy was feeling bad, right?" She tilts her head again. " And why you were so dizzy when you got back. You couldn't stand up by yourself..."

Is that....what Kita-chan told them?

" O-Oh!" I immediately clutched my stomach as I feigned a pained expression. " Y-yeah! I got food poisoning last night...and uh...it hurts! A lot!"

Phew! Kita-chan you really are an angel!

You saved my butt there!

" Did Kita-chan looked bothered when she helped me home?" I frowned. " I hope I wasn't too much of hassle..." I should give her my kidney as gratitude.

" Eh? Kita-onee chan wasn't the one who brought you home." My sister suddenly said.

" What?" I perked, confused again.

" It was Mr. Green Eyes!" She beamed.

M...Mr...Green Eyes?



" I love you, Akihiko-kun."

The memories of last night flashed into my head, like puzzle pieces connecting to each other till I can finally see that clear picture. He took me home, I talked funnily to him, I hugged him, and....I told him I love him...

" Sis, are you okay?" I hear Futari asked, I blinked and calmed down the beating of my heart.

" Y-Yeah...um, so it was Akihiko-kun..." I said and she nods in confirmation.

" If I told you....that I love you....right now....how would you feel? "

I stayed focus on his emerald eyes, which glowed beautifully under the moonlight somehow. His eyes told me that he was deep in thought. I hitched my breath, holding onto the possibility that maybe he likes me too. That maybe he wants to be with me but as something more.

I watch as his lips then curl into a smile. 

He leans closer to my ear, whispering. For a split-second, I imagine that he'd whisper sweet nothings to me all day, the mere idea made me weak on the knees.

But instead of that....he whispered,

" ...I wouldn't believe you."

Deja vu...

That exchange reoccurred between us, but this time the roles have switched. But did we both tell the truth in both occurrences? When he was sick, and while I was drunk? Did his ' I love you' mean anything at all? Because mine surely did.

Or were we just....going to go about our usual day....and act like that night never happened?

My face crumpled into my palms at the thought of it. He's never going to see me the same after that one, hopefully he just took it as a joke. That'd.....no, who am I kidding.

If he did take it as a joke I....would've been hurt a lot more than if he didn't. I could never confess my feelings with sane mind, I know that I'd never be able to do it. So last night, even if it was unintentional, it was probably the last chance I could get my feelings across. But he said he didn't believe me, right? So how is that going to--

" Big sis, can I share something to you?" Futari suddenly cuts off my thoughts.

" Huh? Oh, what is it?" Maybe I'm overthinking things. Hoping for something that would never happen between us. It's best I leave it as it is, and move on accordingly...

" I really like Mr. Green Eyes."

" Huh?"

I watch as Futari fiddled with her little doll, her face expressed genuine fondness.

" When Mr. Green Eyes brought you home. He was gentle with you, and he made sure to tuck you in bed safely and comfortably."


" D-Did he really?!" I said, embarrassed, and probably red in the face.


" Oh my goodness, Hitori-chan?!" Michiyo said in shock as she looked at her passed out daughter snoring on Akihiko's back.

" W-What happened to her?" Naoki asked, nervous but serious.

Akihiko was about to tell the truth, till he instinctively bit his tongue and the truthful words died down in his throat. He considers Bocchi's situation when she wakes up in the morning, if her parents find out the drinks were spiked then they MIGHT not be cool with it and add uneccessary rules. Though they seem understanding, and don't seem to be the type to annex martial law on their daughter or something.

It's still risky for Bocchi anyways. He thinks better, and concludes that maybe Bocchi would prefer that they didn't know the truth...

" She...." Akihiko starts, swallowing a gulp down quickly before continuing. " Had food poisoning..."

" F-Food poisoning?! How?!"

" It was an accident!  One of the stalls sold her something, and then she started reacting weird, and her stomach was feeling pretty bad. Turns out one of the trays she got the treat from were contaminated. So it ended up being food poisoning..." Akihiko explains quickly.

" They apologized though so--"

" Oh...I see." Naoki sighs in relief, along with Michiyo.

" I had a similar incident happen back when I was still in high school." Michiyo chuckles. " Clumsy things like that can happen, but it's still worrisome. Did she show any other symptoms?" She asked carefully.

" No." Akihiko shook his head.

" Then she'll be fine. Oh, I'm relieved. She'll just need to get proper rest, and let her stomach heal. Maybe we have to serve her more soft-based foods for tomorrow so it can digest easier." Naoki said.

" That sounds like a good idea, dear." Michiyo nods.

Akihiko mentally sighs in relief. Looks like he convinced them well enough. It really was nothing too serious, she's just tired, and she'll probably be greeted by the hangover the next morning. That's definitely going to be a pain.

" Akihiko-kun, if doesn't bother you. Could you perhaps place Hitori in her room?" Naoki asks.

"  Oh...um...well, if you trust me then--"

" Upstairs. Last room on the right." Michiyo guides him a bit too quickly there....





Akihiko opens the door slowly, and turns on the light. He quickly carries Bocchi in the room and places her down on her futon.

" Aki...hiko....?" Bocchi murmured, confusingly and drowsy.

" You're home now." He reassures her. " You can sleep better here."

But as he tried to pull back, he keeps getting pulled in. Eventually, he realizes the source of this. 

He looks down to her with a confused look.

And he felt like his heart was going to explode the moment he did.

" Stayyy...." She drawls out, stopping him from pulling back after he placed her on her futon. Her arms were stubbornly wrapping around his neck.

Akihiko tries to gently escape her grip, but her refusal was adamant.

" Gotou-san, please let go..." He asked.

" Stay...." She pleads.

Akihiko's lips quivered upon seeing the expression on her face. It was that of a sad puppy, or akin to a child asking for attention. It tested his heart once more, she was far too cute for him to handle. But he needed to be firm now than ever.

" I.....can't. You have to sleep on your own." Akihiko smiles gently as he slowly pulled her wrists away from his neck.

Bocchi's mind slowly processes that.

Eventually, she released her grip on him, and her arms sink to her sides.

".....Okay...." She said after a while. Akihiko smiles gratefully before pulling the covers over her, and tucking her in nicely.

It felt nostalgic, he remembers his own mother doing this for him.

But with the reminder of his own mother....he quickly realizes that he should go.

Akihiko stands up.

" You're...going now?" Bocchi asks.

" Mhm. Like I said, I can't stay here. I want to sleep back at my home too." He says.

" I see.....get home safe--" She yawns, her eyes becoming droopy. 

Akihiko chuckles. " Good night, Gotou-san."

" Good night......"

And with that, he was about ready to leave the door. Until...

" Love you....sweet dreams...." He hears her say directly to him.

"..." Akihiko paused in his footsteps.

He turns around and kneels by her side again. This time, she was finally asleep, and it doesn't look like she was going to wake up soon.


Again, this Bocchi was testing his heart.

He couldn't understand his own actions when it comes to her. Even now, when his body suddenly leans towards her forehead and his lips gently placing a chase but quick kiss on her forehead.

He backs away, giving her one last smile. A look of love she'll probably never get to see when she's back to normal.

" Sweet dreams, Gotou-san."

At that, Bocchi's lips suddenly curled upwards. Was it a coincidence? Akihiko hopes it to be.  Well, regardless if it's just an unconscious action of hers.....he found her current expression hard to look away from. So he spent a few more minutes admiring it.

And he didn't notice Futari peeking through the sliding door that was left ajar. 

She has seen everything that was needed to be seen.


" Y-You're lying!"  I accused my little sister. 

" Eh? But I'm not!" Futari seemed determined to prove otherwise. " He really did do all of that!"

" K-Kiss my forehead?!" HA! Yeah, right! Why would a guy like him kiss this pig's ( myself ) ugly forehead, is she mad?!

Sorry, Futari, but I shan't be deceived by you!

" He did! I swear he did!" Futari pouts at me. " Why won't you believe me?"

" No, it's just-- why would he....even....to a girl like me...." I couldn't even word my thoughts properly. No, stop feeling giddy you stupid heart!

" Sis, do you want to know why I like Mr. Green Eyes so much?" Futari says.

" Because he's kind, right?" I answered.

" No. It's because he treats my big sister so well!"

" Huh?"

My mouth was left agape at that. Did she...really just say that? Futari? the little devil spawn of a sister? 

" I like it when people see my sister for who she is." Futari starts, wearing a smile as she explains. " A kind talented big sister who only wants to do her best and make friends!"

" Before this year, I'm the one who keeps going out and having fun with my friends. While you always used to stay at home."

" But when Kita-chan, Nijika-chan, and Ryou-chan came along. You finally made friends! And it still suprises me.....I'm just so used to seeing my sister alone, after all." She laughs.

" And then Mr. Green Eyes arrived and now things are even better. I don't understand why you don't tell him you like him though! " She tilts her head. " You're being a pain in you own a** with that, big sis."


"  I also don't understand why he doesn't tell you that he likes you too." She pouts. " Both of you are so confusing!"

" But...what I really want to say is....I only like him and everyone else because....they like my big sis just as much as I do!" She smiles childishly. At that, my heart fluttered. 

" If they make my big sis sad...I'll tell Jimihen to bite their butts so that they'll say sorry." She makes a promise, balling up her little fist.

" Futari-chan...." I was speechless.

" But anyways, please hurry up and tell Mr. Green Eyes you like him the way mom and dad like each other." Futari quickly gets up. " I'll go get an ice pop now!"

" An ice pop?" I questioned, " But it's still 8 in the morning. Mom won't allow it."

" I hatched a secret plan on how to get it without her noticing." Futari giggles. " Talk to you later, Sis!" 

But before she could run out of the room towards the fridge. I called out to her.

" Futari, wait."

" Huh?" She stops on one foot and spins around. I stood up and approached her, and then her big blue eyes curiously looked up to me.

" What is it, Big Sis? Make it quick! Mom is distracted now, and I might miss my chance--!"

I kneeled and hugged her.

" Huh?"

I didn't say a word. Not because I wouldn't, but because I couldn't. The words to express how...grateful I am to her can't be found.

After a moment, I pulled back and she looked at me confused.

" Sis?"

" There's no need to get that ice pop. I'll do it."

" Really?" Her eyes beamed brightly, clear excitement and joy in them.

I smiled.

" L-Leave it to your big sister!" I said, patting my chest confidently. Besides, I haven't had one in a while either.

" Yay!" She jumps in joy.

And don't ice pops help with hangovers? I'd say this is a win-win.


While I was enjoying my ice pop, mom suddenly turned to me with a teasing grin.

" So Akihiko-kun made a move on you, huh~?" She nudged me.

" ?! " I choked on my ice pop, choking on the piece that got stuck in my throat.

My mom laughs while slapping my back to get me to start un-choking.

" Y-You knew?!" I asked, shocked.

" Mhm." She nods.

" What but--"

" Futari-chan told us." She said.

I snapped my head towards my little sister, who was currently sucking on her ice pop and playing with Jimihen.


" Oh, right! I did!" She said.


[ Bocchi was then subjugated to an entire morning of being teased relentlessly by the matriarch of the family. ]

~~~The End~~~

Bocchi the Drunk!

Bocchi the Hangover!

I wanted to expand on Bocchi's ' sisterly bond ' with Futari in this fic. Although Futari is indeed a devil in child form due to her clueless tendency in accidentally demoralizing Bocchi on various occassions-- I wanted to make it explicit here in this fic that despite that, she definitely loves her big sis more than anything!

After all, Bocchi is the main character of this fic, first and foremost. So her relationships with family and friends are my priority to expound upon when given the chance. 

[ That will probably be my idea for the next short stories chapter after the current arc ]

Hopefully you enjoyed this short but sweet chapter! Hope that you look forward to the next one~!

See ya~
