13. Asachin! ( 3 )

This was the first time I was ever going to watch Akihiko-kun play soccer. I imagined it to be more fun-looking and joy-filling, an excited look on Akihiko's face akin to a child. But I saw none of it, and felt none of it here.

Akihiko-kun didn't look motivated-- if anything, he looked as though he wanted to run away.

On the contrary, Sakurai had that same excited grin as before, but with an expectant look in his eyes. He's proclaimed that Akihiko-kun is the person he respects the most, and that his skill was worth all the praise.

Even so, Sakurai-kun himself displayed strong skill, even when just playing around and holding back. So this made me feel queasy inside, I didn't know how this match will go...

" Begin!" A little girl announced.

Possession of the ball began with Sakurai-kun. If I recall, the rules they agreed on were simple: Whoever scores, grabs possession. First to score 3 wins the match.

" Man, I feel so jittery inside!" Sakurai laughs. " It's been a while since we've went against each other like this, Asachin."

Akihiko-kun didn't say anything in response. He simply got ready for defense, in a neutral looking stance, his gaze focused on the ball dribbling between Sakurai-kun's feet.

Swoosh! I gasped when Sakurai-kun moved without warning at an incredible quickness. He tries to dribble the ball to the side, but Akihiko-kun did well in intercepting him there. Sakurai-kun offered a smile, clearly enjoying this match-up before attempting some even more flashy and tricky ball handling. He was getting serious.

" S-So fast...his feet!" Kita-chan couldn't form a proper sentence and I couldn't be suprised. Even I was focused on a sport I knew nothing about, but I can't turn away from it no matter how hard I try!

I couldn't keep track of the ball, I have no idea where it's going to go. It kept alternating between each leg.

Akihiko-kun does his best to react, his agility for response was stunning. I think he had no choice but to react or else Sakurai-kun will breeze through--

Suddenly, Akihiko-kun seemingly oversteps.

" ?! " his eyes widened in realization but before he could fix that positioning, Sakurai-kun breezed right through the opening he let exposed.

And scored the first goal.

" Lucky shot, huh?" Sakurai releases a huff before grinning again. " C'mon, Asachin. Surely you're going to take me seriously this time, right?" He asked.

Akihiko sighs, fetching the ball and kicking it back to the center where Sakurai waited. He received the ball.

" I've been taking you seriously the entire time , Kenji. " Akihiko-kun chuckles before smiling at him, a proud look in his eyes. " You've really improved immensenly since the last time we played together-- maybe even better than me."

Sakurai looked confused, staying silent for a moment. Before howling out in laughter and waving his hand as if it was the funniest joke he's heard today.

" Hahahah! What're you saying? I was just lucky you mistepped and I took advantage of that. Knowing you, that chance wouldn't happen again. You'll make sure of it." He says. His confidence that Akihiko-kun was holding back is....pretty strange.

What is he trying to do?

' All right second possession! I better not mess up or else you'll kick my ass, right, Asachin? " He says as he puts his foot on the ball.

Akihiko-kun nods slowly, but his expression remained the same. Completely unmotivated as he gets back into position. Sakurai charges forward with the ball, that vicious speed testing Akihiko-kun's ability.

But then-- another misstep.

Sakurai-kun scores a goal.

The kids cheer loudly, excited and thrilled by the seemingly intense match. However, I noticed Sakurai-kun frozen on the field, unmoving. I squinted my eyes to try and see the expression on his face--- It was grim.

" Sakurai-kun...?" I mumbled, confused, as he slowly turns around and approaches Akihiko-kun.

" Kenji, you're incredible." Akihiko-kun smiles. " Either I've gone rusty or you must've surpassed me. I guess making you captain was my best decision after all!" He chuckles.

Sakurai-kun wasn't smiling as he stared him down.

" Asahi."

Huh? He just called him normally? He dropped the nickname all of a sudden....and his tone sounds so unlike him from minutes ago.

" What is it?" Akihiko asked.

" If you let me pass again. I'll beat the hell out of you." He spat with venom.


Is he serious this time?!

Akihiko-kun's smile closed to a thin line. A small chuckle escapes him, unphased by that terrifying threat.

" Let you? I put my best in everything-- especially soccer, and you know that. So it doesn't make sense for you to assume that I made those mistakes on purpose or something that let you easily slip by. It's either I really have gone rusty, or you've become better.  Don't you agree?" He said in a convincing tone.

"...I won't deny that what you're does make sense. And that's perfectly logical for anyone to think. But I'm sticking to my own promise-- so you'd better keep up." Sakurai-kun brushes past Akihiko-kun.

I fiddled with my hands nervously. I didn't like the way this is going, there's no fun or passion here. Is this really the soccer they enjoy?

" Gotou-san." Kita turns to me with a serious look. " I have a feeling things will escalate. I'll be intervening when that happens,  what about you?"

" I'll....try to follow." I hope I won't pass out by then.

She nods before turning her attention back to them.

Sakurai-kun had the ball. All he needed to do was score one more goal and then he takes the win. But from his threat, even if he does win-- will he be satisfied? No, unless Akihiko-kun tries, Sakurai-kun will beat him up.

Swish! The same happens again, but this time, even I can tell that Akihiko deliberately threw everything away when he performed what I think was called a slide tackle. After Sakurai-kun passes by, he didn't go any further nor did he seem to want to score.

He furiously turns around and approaches Akihiko.


He yelled, grabbing him by the collar. Akihiko's hand grips his wrist.

" You let me pass 3 times. 3 times! You expect me to believe that type of shit just happens? Maybe with others, but not with you." His crimson eyes glaring daggers at emerald ones.

" Kenji....I..."

" You what?!"

Akihiko smiles.

" I hate soccer, Kenji."

" ?! " Sakurai-kun was shocked, and so was I. What? No, this can't be true. He's lying, Akihiko-kun loves soccer even if he's not competing competitively anymore-- he told me this.

" You.....You're not Asahi...."


" Like hell I'd accept that.....you fake!"  Sakurai-kun clenches his fist and punches.

I didn't know how, I didn't know why. But before I knew it, I'd already jumped in front of its trajectory, arms spread wide to protect Akihiko-kun.

Since when was I willing to take a hit? Especially from a big figure like his? Is this bravery or is this being stupid? I don't even know anymore. Time felt like it slowe down, but I'm unable to move away now.

" Gotou-chan?!" I can hear Sakurai-kun's shock. Maybe he's forcing his punch to halt, but I'm not counting on it...

" Gotou-san!!!" I hear Kita-chan's cry. I said before that I'm willing to leave everything to you, my guitar, my legacy,  everything.

I'm sure the Kessoku band will prosper....even without me.

I mentally smiled at that thought. It'll make my sacrifice worth it, after all, one punch from this beast of a man will sink my face right into my muscle.


I closed my eyes, accepting fate, and letting time run its normal pace.

Smack! I heard its impact. But I don't feel...it? Or maybe I'm already knocked out before my system could even process it, yes, that's possible. I guess this is my final resting place as Gotou Hitori aka Bocchi, from Kessoki Band.

" Are you all right, Gotou-san?"

Huh? Didn't I get hit...?

Why is Akihiko-kun asking that as if--

I gasped when I opened my eyes, I was being held protectively in his arms. And all I could think about was that large bruising mark left on his cheek.

" I....I'm....I'M SO SORRY!" I screeched before pushing him away and grabbing Sakurai-kun's hand.

" P-Punch me! And undo the punch Akihiko-kun got!" I cried and begged.

" U-Uh....Gotou-chan...I don't think I can do either of that..." he awkwardly answers.

" No no no no-- It's all my fault. Even though I tried saving him, he STILL got hurt in my place-- maybe if I didn't close my eyes I could've--"

" Gotou-san, stop it!" Kita-chan grabs me by my shoulders. " It's not your fault! Akihiko-kun just didn't want you hurt when this was between him and Sakurai-kun!" She reasoned.

" B-B-B-But--"

" Seriously...." Sakurai-kun frowns at me. " That was stupid of you to do, no matter how brave. Gotou-chan."

Kita narrows her eyes at him. " Says you. You're acting like a baby!" She scolds.

He flinches, before looking away and scoffing.

" I...I..." I wanted to apologize for my stupidity, but there was something more important than that. I have to be sure of something.

" A-Akihiko-kun--"

" Yes, it hurts." He winced when I touched it, he holds my wrist gentle. That usual smile I loved so much appearing on his lips.

" But letting you get punched like that, will hurt a thousand times more." He frowns. " Don't do that again." He pleads to me.

" S.....Sorry..." I apologized. I was scared, but my body moved before I could think. I just....felt like I had to protect him. Even if it was stupid.

" But...I do have to ask......why did you try to protect me? I can take a punch y'know?" He said.

I didn't answer his question, I was afraid of spilling my unnecessary feelings. But I did say something else.

" Please....." I looked down for a moment before facing his eyes once more, with determination. " Don't disrespect Sakurai-kun's feelings."

" Huh?" I hear Sakurai-kun react.

" What do you--"

" Sakurai-kun...expects a lot from you, because he respects you. That doesn't come easy." I definitely knew that. " And when you gain the respect of a person, you have to do your best to live up to it." I learned this after gaining some fans, real ones, in the outside world.

" You said...you put your best into everything....But I didn't see that today." I retracted my hand from his grip. He looked at me, listening to every word I say.

" I....I want to see you play soccer, Akihiko-kun." I confessed. " I want to see how much you enjoy it. What happened a while ago, you weren't playing soccer at all."

" You were trying to run away."

That was who I was back then too. When I could finally make a move, I'd take several steps back without even thinking. And before I'd realized it, the distance would be too wide once more.

But when I found a home in Kessoku Band, a dream that doesn't feel out of reach anymore. I try to take steps forward, I try not to hesitate anymore. For my sake and for the band's. I didn't want to run away and hide in a box again, I didn't want to hide what I can do by performing in my dirty old closet and posting it online. I wanted people to see me and my potential to become a superstar that will sell out a tour!

Even if it's little steps....I'll continue reaching for it.

" So....please...." I plead. " Even if I sound insensitive, even though I know you must have a reason to run; I ask you to play anyway."

" You complimented me...when I played guitar for you." I nervously smiled. " So please, give me a chance to compliment you at soccer..."

"...." he stared at me in silence for a while.

It was during that silence that I CAME TO REALIZE THAT I MAY HAVE TAKEN IT A BIT TOO FAR--

Who do I think I am to lecture him?! Girl, didn't you perform while hiding in a box?! What the heck is wrong with you?!

Is it too late to take my words back? Oh god. Is he going to dump our friendship?!


" Hah?" He raises a brow as he spoke in an irritated tone.

" Who the hell do you think are? Lecturing me like I'm some child and as if you're any wiser. Know your place, loser guitarist who lets herself get hustled by a duo of broke bassist!"




Akihiko-kun looks off to somewhere else and moves away from me. I immediately turned to him and reached out my hand in panic--

" Akihiko-kun, wait! I take it ba--"

" HEY, KENJI!" He yells.

Sakurai-kun turns his head to him--

" Opfgh!" A ball crashed into his face. Both Kita-chan and I dropped our jaws to the ground as Sakurai-kun yells out all the profanities known to mankind ( but were censored for the children present  :)) ).

" A-Akihiko-kun?!" Both me and Kita looked at him as if he were crazy. He kicked the soccer ball straight to his face!

" Augh, hell! That hurt so f--"

" Stop whining." Akihiko crossed his arms. " Get up, we'll settle this match just this once."

" Huh?" Sakurai looked confused, but the his crimson eyes sparkled upon seeing the serious expression on Akihiko's face.

" Yes, Captain!" He stood up immediately, with a salute.

" Woah...that flipped a switch, didn't it?" Kita-chan says.

I nodded, also amazed. Akihiko-kun sounded like a real leader there....someone reliable at all times. And his voice....it.......changed.

( Bocchi liked it. )

" You've gotten better, Kenji. That wasn't a lie." Akihiko-kun says as he puts his foot on the ball. " But for all the other lies, I humbly apologize."

" And to make amends for that deception, I won't go easy." He adds.

" That's what I want to see, Asachin!" Sakurai gets into position to defend. " Show me--"

But Akihiko didn't bother to let him finish the sentence. I watched as he already began charging aggressively and Sakurai immediately turned off his mouth and turned on his game mode as he defended him.

Akihiko was doing similar dribbling movements like Sakurai-kun. But they weren't wild nor free. They looked mechanical and precise, each movement wasn't wasted, until eventually he forced an opening by kicking the ball underneath his legs and then running past to immediately score a goal.

" That's one." Akihiko smiles.

" WOAH!"



The children looked even more amazed by Akihiko-kun's display of skills. Sakurai-kun was stunned, so much that the smile was wiped off his face. The same expression as the children.

Akihiko-kun turns to him.

" Don't let a rusty player like me, show off like this. I recommended the captain position to you before I left, so if you make this too easy for me. Then I guess I will have made a mistake."

" Don't get ahead of yourself, Asachin." Sakurai-kun snaps out of the trance and smirks. The playful one. " I've been itching for something like this. So you can bet that I won't disappoint!"

The both of them smile at the other, like kids. I smiled as well, this is what I wanted to see. The soccer they both enjoy.

" Soccer looks pretty fun, doesn't it?" I said to Kita-chan.

She laughs. " Only if you're good!"

" But....it does look pretty the fun, the way they're playing it right now." She admits with a smile.

We continued watching the match...


The match ended after a grueling 20 mins of battle. The both of them were tired and were unable to stand up for a while after the game. It ended with Akihiko-kun's comeback victory, and Sakurai-kun didn't make it easy ( after coming close multiple times in scoring the final goal ). After that, the kids gathered and cheered....although, one of the little girls approached me after the game.

While Akihiko-kun was happily teaching the boys tips on how to improve their game of soccer.

A little girl stunned me by saying this.

" Onee-san!"

" Hm..? Oh! Ah...hello?" I awkwardly greeted with a smile I practiced.

" Did you like the game?" She asked.

" Yes, I did."

" Do you like the brown haired onii-san too?"

" Yes, I do-- HUH?!" Where did that come from all of a sudden! She giggles at my reaction.

And wait, what does she mean by
' too' ?!

It turns out, the little girls developed an admiration for Akihiko-kun. Admiration. They're too young to have a crush on him, so I'm calling it innocent, non-romantic, completely platonic admiration!

Anyway, that aside, after the crowd dispersed. Kita-chan and I finally took the chance to approach them and congratulate them on a very entertaining game.

But Akihiko-kun didn't want it to be that simple for me.

" So, how was I?" He asked, grinning like an excited child.

" You and Sakurai-kun did amazing!" I genuinely praised.

But....he seemed to didn't like it, judging from the way he frowned after I said it.

" Huh..? Did I say something wrong?" I asked.

He pouts. I held myself back from thinking it was cute.

" You told me....you wanted me to give you a reason to compliment me for my soccer." He says.

I nodded, not understanding where he was going with this.

His face turns comically sad.

" I tried my best.....and you decide to compliment him as well?" He gestures his hand to Sakurai in complaint.

" But what's wrong...? You both did an amazing job so I--.....o-oh..." I quickly realized my mistake.

Akihiko-kun wanted-- no, he expected a compliment targeted towards him. After recalling my exact words from before, I did technically say that I wanted a reason for myself to compliment his play of soccer-- and he didn't want Sakurai to be part of it.

" Y...You did...." Wait, so doesn't that mean he cherishes my words so much that he's selfish enough to want to hear it for himself?

I couldn't help but turn red at the thought-- and jittery in the stomach.

" You did....a..."

Why is it that I suddenly forgot how to give a compliment? What is a compliment? Is that a word I know of?

Oh no, my random introvert dementia is acting up-- HOW DOES ONE COMPLIMENT?!

He waits for me patiently. Come on, think of something!

" Y-You were so cool that it made my heart skip a beat!"

" Eh?"



Bocchi covered her hands and screamed so hard that she turned to dust. To which the wind blew away.

Meanwhile,  Akihiko covered his mouth with one hand and looked away. Lost in his own world, where her words kept replaying over and over like the 5th symphony.

Kita and Sakurai looked at the couple, then to each other, before releasing a sigh.

" The whole world can see that they like each other-- except for them." They both said.


After we sent the girls home. Asachin and I agreed to meet up at the playground immediately. There was still something I wanted to discuss with him, I needed an answer for something.

" Yo." He greets.

" Asachin." I nodded, we both sat on the vacant swings.

I decided to get straight to the point.

" Our team qualified for the wintercup finals set in December 30th." I said.

He immediately looks to me, a thousand positive adjectives described the emotions on his face. A huge smile breaks out , and he smacks my back proudly.

" Ow!"

" That's awesome!" He said.

Alright, attack him while he's overwhelmed by happiness!

" I want you to join us that day as part of our team." I quickly added.

" No." He immediately says.

I snickered. " Guess that didn't work, huh." I sigh.

" Is that why you came here? To tell me that?" He asked, curiously.

I thought that was the main reason myself. But....as soon as I saw you enjoying your school life here, a bigger reason took over.

" No....I came here to confirm something pretty stupid." I said, scratching my head.

I looked at him.

" I was afraid."

" Of what?"

" Of seeing you change into a person I don't know." I confessed.

He looked suprised by my words, and he didn't utter a response. I took that as a sign to continue.

" When you left the team, I didn't notice it then, but it also felt like the Asachin I once knew had just disappeared." I looked to my hands. " The ambition in your eyes were gone, and you left everything up to me but your grip on my shoulder said otherwise-- it was tight. Indicating that you didn't want to leave but had to."

I began swinging on my seat lightly.

" And when I saw you for the first time since you left. When I saw you in this school, surrounded by new people. And seeing the friends you've made and the way you act to them-- I hated it. It felt like I was looking at an entirely different person. Maybe it was just maturity for you but an immature guy like me couldn't perceive that as anything other than betrayal."

" I was scared of losing the only friend I have because of that." You were the only one kid my age who accepted me back then. " I was just a rich kid people thought they could take advantage of. That's why I acted brash, rude, eccentric to others, so they could leave me alone."

" So when a kid like you entered my life and made me your friend. It was the first time I felt I was happy in my school life-- or maybe even life overall. Your ambition was infectious, and your love for soccer was so inspiring that I mastered the basics just so I could get on the same level as you, and learn with you." Then I frowned.

" Soccer was what molded our friendship to where it is today. So when you said...you hated it. It felt like you had begun hating me. And I couldn't help but get angry for it."

" I'm sorry....for punching you. And almost punching Gotou-chan along the way." That's what I wanted to say since that game.

"....You're still the dumb Kenji I know, huh." He suddenly says. I turned to him and I was faced with a comforting smile.

" I understand your feelings."

( He remembers Bocchi's words. )

" I'm sorry for disrespecting them, Kenji." He bows his head like he always does when he means something. A habit I picked up from him.

" I want you to know-- even after our arguments throughout the years. You're still my bestest friend. My brother. I approached you back then because I thought you were cool to play with, and I ended up being right." He looks to the sand on the ground.

" Just like how I thought you'd make a good captain when I'm gone. And I ended up being right." He adds.

" Listen, even if I stop playing soccer permanently. Even if I say blasphemous things like hating the sport again-- I want you to know that it doesn't mean we can't stop being buddies. I want you to know that it won't stop me from checking out your games and supporting you, not as your captain,  but as your friend. I think I like that role more to be honest." He chuckles before patting my back.

" Even if I change-- it doesn't mean I'm leaving you, Kenji."

" Asachin...."

I opened my mouth to speak, but closed it immediately, after not knowing what to say.

But after a few minutes of silence...

Eventually,  I did find the words.

" Check out the game on december 30th?" I asked.

" I'll be screaming the loudest on the stands. So you'd better play your hardest." He gives me a thumbs up.

" You can bring along your new friends too.  Oreha High will need all the support it can get." I said.

" Gotcha." He nods.

I laughed freely. A heavy burden has been lifted from my shoulders aftee having this talk. The pain in my heart is no longer there, instead I felt content.

Akihiko Asahi hadn't changed at all.

He's just gotten a lot cooler.

~~~ End ~~~

Finally this arc is finished!

I hope this chapter was entertaining! I also dont know a single thing about soccer except goal and you win-- sooo dont mind me if i butchered the descriptions and stuff.

What a shame.

Bocchi still hasn't noticed Akihiko's blushing.

He got very lucky.

I hope you enjoyed today's long chapter!

I hope you'll look forward to the next chapters like always. See ya~~

( Also 10k reads and almost 1k votes. I didnt expect that considering most of bocchi the rock fics are in Ao3 and wattpad tag for BTR was pretty much dead. Didnt think my followers would find it interesting but im glad! )
