25. Costume Hunt! ( 2 )

I'm sorry for the late update! Seriously, I'm pissed at myself for it lowkey.

I've been working on this chapter for the past few days but...I JUST CAN'T SEEM TO GET THE WORDS FLOWING!

It's honestly giving me a headache at this point. This is the first chapter that's STUMPED me completely....I feel so disappointed.

Introducing Hiroi was....probably a mistake on my part. At least, introducing her in the last chapter was a major miss on the mark...

Idk how to...incorporate her properly, and you'll see that from the dialogue I've written. It's unintentionally stiff, but no matter what I do-- I can't seem to NOT make it look forced.

But I can't just delete her, right? And I can't just rework the last chapter and make an entire different way of how things go. Because frankly, I liked the last chapter and I liked the way I introduced Hiroi.

But not here, incorporating her in this part of the story is just a headache. Plenty of rewrites-- lost count at 10.

I know what I want to get DONE in this chapter, and I've written a portion of the halloween event chapter too. But I just....can't seem to get the ' it' I was talking about in my last end notes from last chapter.

AAAAA- I really wanted this chapter to be a fun girls hangout....shopping for costumes, or some other random shenanigans ( like Hiroi being a public drunk nuisance in the mall ) before we dive straight back into the main plot. But I'm left unsatisfied with all I've written and all my attempts to make it work. Despite that,I still don't want to skip this chapter since it's necessary.

So....I thought about just keeping this chapter very short. Major cuts, y'know?

It's not my style tho. I don't like writing an incomplete chapter without all I've planned being present in it. But I need to get this done. I enjoy making the story and I'm grateful to you guys who decided to give this one a shot!

So fair warning; This chapter will be cut SHORT. 

If you're okay with that, then thanks. Trust me, I'll make up for it in the next chappie!

Author's rant aside.....hopefully you can enjoy this incomplete bullshi--

" Sister, when will you put us down?!" Nijika complains, feeling embarrassed that Seika was STILL carrying her.

" Why are you complaining? Didn't you like being held by your older sister? That's what you wanted back when you were little."  Seika smiles fondly.

" I'm not little anymore!" Nijika fumes.

" You're still pretty little to me--" Kita quickly covered Ryou's mouth, in fear that their drummer and leader of Kessoku Band will go feral on the blue haired bassist. 

" It doesn't matter. Besides, I don't see Bocchi complaining being carried like this."  Seika replies.

" That's--"

" Haha...Nijika-chan, it's okay..." Bocchi spoke.

" Bocchi? What do you mean by that? This is NOT okay! We're big girls, aren't we--" Nijika tries to say but when she managed to take a peek at Bocchi's expression-- she quickly paused.

" No...seriously it's....o-okay..." 

" If Manager-san says we should be carried; then be carried we shall..." She said with tears and snot streaming down her face.

" B-Bocchi-chan?!"


After Seika begrudgingly releases the two girls from her clutches, the group proceeded to the mall like normal with Kita leading the way. The Kessoku Band members talked amongst themselves about what type of costumes they want, while the two adults ( though Hiroi shouldn't be counted as one ) strayed a bit behind.

" That was suprising, Ijichi-senpai. You were never this overprotective of your sister before, if I recall." Kikuri pointed out while walking funnily due to her mild hangover. " What's with the change now? Eh~? Ehhh~~?" She nudges the blonde woman.

Seika sighs, her face scornful.

" Recently, there's been a stray dog following her around and entering my bar. I'm only doing the best I can for my business and family-- by making sure we stay out of its vicinity." She said.

" A stray dog following NIjika-chan, ah? "

"A huge stray dog."

" Ehh? Now that is dangerous!" Kikuri gasped.

" Exactly. But there's another stray that's recently come back into the streets and terrorizing my life." Seika added.

" Really? What is it?" Kikuri asked, definitely curious to know--

But she was only met with a pointed gaze from her senpai's vermillion eyes.

She quickly realized the other stray she's talking about.

" You're so mean, senpai~!" She cries.

" These costumes.....my poor wallet..." Bocchi turned gloomy at the price tags. It was awfully expensive, her set budget can't handle this!

" That's true. Why don't we call Sakurai--" Ryou was about to suggest till both Ijichi sisters snapped their heads towards her and glared.

" No." They both said.

" Who's this ' Sakurai'?" Hiroi asked, curiously asked while leaning on one of the shelves with closed eyes.

" He's Nijika's walking wallet." Ryou answered.

" Don't call him that!" Nijika pouts.

" That's awfully blunt, Ryou-senpai..." Kita says, but it's not like she disagreed....

" Hahaha! It seems you kids have made some new friends since I've been gone~!" Hiroi laughs, catching the girls' attention as she sauntered towards them and pulled all four in a huddle.

" This Sakurai person sounds like an interesting lad! Hopefully, I'll be able to meet him someday~" She said. Hiroi had a gut feeling that they'd get along if fate was kind to them.

Immediately all four girls, including Seika, paled at that sentence. The thought of a chaotic piece of work meeting the  drunk bassist with similar tendencies-- is an absolutely terrifying thought.


In the end, I was never able to find a costume that was affordable and could suit me. The other girls said they'd figure out theirs somehow-- a DIY I'm guessing. But what can I do?

The only costume that I already have....that comes to mind is....

Of course, the girls immediately rejected that....

Saying that it wasn't scary....but!

I think it's SUPER intimidating! Totally! I'll make my enemies quiver in their boots once they see me in that gear for Halloween!

That is....if I even have the guts to try that at all.

I'm sure I'll be punished for my arrogance so I might as well just costume as a rock....

Besides, if I really went with my idea....then how am I supposed to explain what THAT is? What if people come up to me and ask what exactly I'm costuming? What would I say then?!


" Oh, Gotou-san. Err....what exactly are you dressing up as?"

I shoot the party popper.

" The party queen!" I proudly declared.



I'd rather evaporate into air than go into a halloween event dressed up like that!

" Um...excuse me?" I felt a tap on my shoulder, instantly turning me into a frozen cube.

[ Literally. ]

" Oh gosh, dear, are you alright?! You've turned into ice!" A womanly voice said with concern. 


The woman searched through her bag in panic, she recalls having a thermos tumbler filled with hot tea in her bag. After a few seconds of flustered rummaging, she finally pulled out the tumbler.

She begins pouring the hot tea on the ice cube Bocchi.

Once the top half was melted off, Bocchi returned to reality. 

" Are you alright?" The woman asked.

" T-T-T-Thank you!" She screamed out, which took the woman off guard for a moment. But her expression softened upon seeing Bocchi clutching her arms and shivering. She doesn't understand how she turned to literal ice but....

" Hold on just a moment, sweetie. Let me melt the rest off the ice off you first, okay?" The woman smiled, and Bocchi nodded in appreciation.

The woman continued pouring all that's left of her hot tea onto the bottom half of the iced Bocchi.

" T...Thank you again..." Bocchi bowed as a grateful gesture.

" You're very much welcome but......should you be bowing on your knees like this?" The older woman asked, concerned as she watched Bocchi's head lying face first on the ground.

" You had to waste your tea to save pathetic space like me." Bocchi said, voice muffled by the mall floor. " I'll make sure to repent by giving you my life savings!" She cried out with sincerity.

" Eh....p-please don't do that..." The woman released a nervous chuckle before bending down and gently taking hold of Bocchi's arms. " Please, others will look at you weird, you know?" She slowly lifted her up.

Bocchi's eyes widened in that regard and she quickly helped herself up as well, though the woman didn't seem to let go until she was right back on her feet.

" I'm sorry again! Please allow me to take out my kidney and give it to you--"

" Please don't apologize....and don't make offers like that." The woman pats Bocchi's shoulders. She was just a centimeters taller than the pink haired girl. 

"...O...Okay...." Oddly enough, Bocchi felt comforted by her touch. She calmed down completely, as if there was nothing to worry about at all. Even though there really wasn't in the first place....

Bocchi stiffens again though. She looked at the stranger's eyes and it was a beautiful green, like light glimmering on the tree's leaves, it reminded her of a forest....and of something else. Bocchi felt something was awfully familiar the more she stared into the woman's eyes-- she could see kindness in them. Almost like....

" Are you alright?"

" Huh?"

" You've been staring a bit too hard there...." She pointed out.

" O-Oh!" Bocchi quickly turned her head away in shame. What was she doing?! Staring into someone's eyes like that-- unacceptable! Disgusting!

She needs to get out of her sight. ASAP.

" Um...by the way...uh....why did you..?" Bocchi clutched her sleeve, feeling nervous again. The woman quickly picked up on her question.

" Oh! Right, I was calling for your attention.....actually, if you don't mind, I'd like to ask for directions..." She smiles sheepishly. " You see, this is my first time coming to Shimokitazawa. And I didn't expect the mall district to be this packed, but I suppose that's because of halloween. Are you also here to buy a costume?"

"..." Bocchi was silent on that.

The woman blushed, feeling flustered as she quickly raised her hands. " M-My apologies! I didn't mean to-- I'm getting sidetracked, right? Ahem!" She regains composure. 

" I want to know where the music store is." She said.

" The music store?" Bocchi perks up at that. Could this woman be a musician?

" Oh, please don't be mistaken!" The woman chuckled. " I don't know how to play an instrument. Music has never been one of my affinities, though I do love listening to it-- oh!" The woman points to the guitar case slung over Bocchi's back.

" So you play guitar?" She asked, warmly.

Bocchi blushes, answering with a nod.

" Aww, that's very nice!" She puts her hands to hips. " You must be an expert by now, right?"

" No...I wouldn't say that."

" Are you in a band?" She asked.

" Um...y-yes?" Bocchi cursed herself for making it sound like a question. Though the woman didn't mind.

" And the name?"

" K-Kessoku band..." Bocchi mumbled.

" I see, I see. I'll be sure to remember that the next time I visit this town...but ehm, back to the matter at hand-- and sorry for being sidetracked again..." She coughed awkwardly.

" O-Oh, right!" Bocchi realized too. This woman had business here, so the young girl shouldn't deter her from whatever goal the woman is here for.

Bocchi points to northwing side. " Just go straight there and then make a left when you see the jewelry store."

" Ahh, I see. Thank you very much, kind girl!" The woman bowed graciously. Bocchi blushed in embarrassment and bowed too-- simply out of respect.

" N-No problem..."

" U-Um...well, I'd better look for my friends! It's nice meeting you!" Bocchi dashes away as fast as she could.

The woman looks on in amusement, she liked the girl. She may be a nervous wreck, but she's kind. That's all one could ever expect from another human, after all.

She makes her way to the music store.


" Bocchi, where were you?" Seika asked.

" I...I just...um..." Bocchi couldn't explain, she was too focused on catching her breath after sprinting a marathon to find the group.

" Zzz.....Zzzz...." Hiroi was passed out in the mall garbage can.

" Um..." Bocchi points to the sleeping drunk. " Shouldn't we...?"

" Don't worry. The trash bags serve as great pillows for her-- or so she says." Seika shrugs.

" And....when does she say that?" Bocchi asked.

" When she's drunk." Seika smirked.

"...." Bocchi thinks Seika is a sadist.

" We're back! Shall we go?" Kita came over with Nijika and Ryou. Bocchi turns to the drummer and bassist, it seems like all is fixed. There's no hidden animosity whatsoever between them now...

" I helped~" Kita whispers, winking slyly.

Bocchi shouldn't have expected any less of Kita-Kita aura....

" I guess we have to make our own costumes." Ryou yawns. " Which means it's best to start working, right?"

" Mhm! So unless anyone still has business in the mall....shall we go?" Nijika asked, curiously looking at everyone.

" I'm ready to go..." Bocchi said.

" I want to get some boba tea along the way. It's the least I could do for leaving our dear PA behind." Seika says.

" Ah, right, we did leave her behind!" Nijika realized.

" Manager, can you--" 

" No." Seika immediately shuts Ryou down.



" I'm home...." I said as I took off my shoes at the door.

" Mommy, big Sis is here!" I hear my little sister yell out, before seeing the little girl running towards me with an excited look on her eyes.

A look....I couldn't help but be suspicious of...

" Hitori-chan, I'm glad your back." My mom also came into view soon after. 

" Here, follow!" My sister drags me to the living room, I didn't have the chance to utter anything else-- even Jimihen was barking as if he were telling me to hurry up and head to the living room.

What's with them...?

" Are you still having trouble finding a costume?" Mom asked.

" Yes....I couldn't find anything affordable at the mall....so maybe I have to create one--"

" Ah, no need for that, dear! I've got just the perfect thing."

" Huh?"

" Wait right here." Mom tells me before getting up and heading to the other room.

I look to Futari. " What does mom have?" I asked.

She puts a finger in front of her mouth and gestures me to silence. " It's a secret, sis!"

A secret...?


" Here we are." Mom opens the door and I immediately turned to her and looked at what she was holding....


" M-Mom...h-how did you...!" I never thought I would see that outfit again...

" This should be your costume!" Mom smiles. " We just have to dress you with a little red as blood and then you should be set!"

" N-No..."

" Big Sis, you have no choice~"


~~~ End ~~~


I was....a bit happy with writing the last segment here. I don't think it was THAT forced....but....damn I'm still so damn bitter that I had to cut so many fun scenes because I couldn't form the words to write with...

I hope you guys enjoyed my worst chapter ( writing-wise ) of this fic somehow...

But I definitely could've done better....

Maybe if I find the motivation....I could rewrite this chapter, although that should be once this fic is finished. Since I'm prioritizing that above all else, besides the major chapters.

I promise I won't disappoint on the halloween chapter! I can't guarantee its release tomorrow though, but I'll try to finish what I can!


See ya~~

" Mind holding up the fort for a moment, Aki-chan?" Miwa asked Akihiko, she had her ringing phone on hand. " I have to answer this call, it's from my professor." She said.

" Sure, go ahead, Senpai." Akihiko nods.

" Thanks!" Miwa rushed to the staff room and shut the door. 

Akihiko was just doing an inventory check, and making sure the new instruments weren't tampered with or defective. He had a clipboard in hand with a paper listing down all the different brands and serial numbers. 

And then the bell rings, signifying that there was a customer who'd just entered.

Akihiko quickly turns to greet them.

" Hello! Welcome to--"

" Asahi...."

Akihiko freezes upon hearing her voice. He takes a clearer look and his eyes widen, threatening his eye balls to just fall out, though the clipboard he was holding fell instead and made a thud against the floor. 

" M....Mom?" He muttered in shock.

The woman smiles warmly. Their similar colored-eyes facing against one another. 

~~~ Real End ~~~

Yes, the mom finally makes her appearance...
