33. Thou shall respond in kind! ( Actual chapter )

( This chapter was delayed due to my internet provider being a prick--)

Before we begin the chapter, I want to say something important here. I've been noticing a lot of comments where you've shown some concern for my plans for a daily schedule thing. And I'm absolutely touched that you guys are willing to wait however long it takes for a new chapter as long as I can dish out the best I could with each one!

But please, there's no need to comment those types of things. I forgot to mention that I'm only sticking with this schedule for the WEEK. Since I got free time this week.

So please don't worry about me! I want to do this, not only because I'm excited to cook what I have in mind, but also because I don't want to put this fic among my many discontinued works. I genuinely want to finish this.

So for the week, all I ask, is perhaps just a little more pressure from you so that I can feel motivated to publish chapters according to my plan. Say all types of shit to pressure me, I need it! ( And for the record, I am NOT a masochist! )

Wew, anyway, one more thing...


An Akihiko translation taken a step further! Based on the original illustration from the gremlin Moqchee! 

( I would say more but simping for your own OC would be strange-- )

However, Akihiko doesn't seem to be the only one who got a new illustration! Crescent-san also drew the first illustration for my second OC, Sakurai Kenji!


Why does he look so beautiful? Don't make me turn this to a yaoi. PLEASE. My boy looks way too pretty here ;-;


Without further ado, let's begin the chapter!


" Why would that guy come here?" Akihiko asked, his expression looking perturbed by the news.

" .... " Kenji really didn't want to tell him this. By doing so, he's reminding the both of them of what happened in the past.

There's nothing but bitterness between them and that boy.

" I don't know." But he has a guess. " In fact, it might just be a bluff." It probably isn't.

" Is that why you're here? To intercept him?" Akihiko asked.

"  I don't want him to barge into the life you have here." Sakurai looks around for a moment before locking eyes with Akihiko again.  " As your buddy, I want to make sure that bastard doesn't try anything."

Akihiko's eyes widened a bit at that. Truly, Sakurai's loyalty was something else. The boy feels he doesn't deserve it but if he voices that out then Sakurai will recite everything from a textbook he probably made on why he does

Even though you're one unpredictable disaster.....I wouldn't ask anyone else to be my brother in arms, Akihiko sincerely thinks. He could always count on the big guy to clutch up at moments of distress, just like how he always did back when they played soccer together.

" And am I correct to assume that things will take a violent turn if he does come here?" Akihiko raises a brow, amused at how Sakurai immediately showed a sharp grin.

Sakurai clenches a fist. " You know me so well~"

" I can't ever forget the time you dragged me down with you as you got detained by the police station back in middle school." Akihiko shudders. " The look on my mom's face when she saw me behind bars...."

" Ah...right..." Sakurai also seems to remember and visibly shivers as well in fear. " Your mom...can really be scary."

" So don't cause trouble, alright?" Akihiko quickly says. " If by chance that guy actually comes here as you predicted, then let's keep ourselves civil."

Akihiko pats Sakurai's shoulder before the latter could protest.

" Let's show him we're better." Akihiko says.


The two of them stared each other in the eye. Sakurai was the first to break off contact as he glanced down to Akihiko's palm resting on his shoulder, it was gripping tightly which indicated that Akihiko was serious. The taller boy mulled over it a bit more, he does have a point. Ryuji probably just wants a reaction from either of them.

And Sakurai would rather die than give that bastard what he wants.

" Fine." Sakurai boredly says.

They bumped each other's fist to seal the deal, soon after.


[ Friday, Night time....]

A girl and a boy stood on the balcony, staring at the wonderful starry night sky. The boy glances to the girl beside him, he feels his heart palpitate more by the sight of her expression being gently caressed by the mystical-like moonlight. He prays that his mind took a picture of it before she'd turned to him with a questioning look.

But by then, his face was already averted from hers and back towards the moon. Pretending like he wasn't just bewitched by her beauty a few moments ago.

" Did I look pretty?" The girl teases.


Crap, seems like she figured it out. When he glances at her expression, it was no longer a questioning one but rather it transformed to a smug-- knowing one.

" You're bad at acting sly, Kazehaya-san." She calls out.

" And if I did say you looked pretty. How would you feel?" He rebutted.

Despite the girl maintaining her current expression, her heart subconsciously began beating on his rhythm. Her face heating up, which the boy took notice of.

" I'd fall deeper." She answered.

" ?! " The boy's breath hitched, no, he almost choked on his own saliva when he processed that.

" H-Hold on, what are you..."

" Idiot." She winks. " I like you, of course."

I gasped.

Oh my goodness, she did it! Just like that?! 

Reading Sayami-san's tactics into devolving the usually stoic Kazehaya-kun into a blushing mess was a sight for me to read through. Each panel, Sayami-san mostly had the upper hand over the boy, and whule I was confused during the early chapters as to why she'd tease him so bad. In the later parts of the story, she revealed to hold special feelings for him and the only way to hide it was doing these kinds of acts.

But now....could this be....the real confession?

After 120 chapters of cat and mouse.

Is this the part where they finally lay each other's feelings bare?

....It makes me wonder.

How is this going to help me?

I don't have confidence like Sayami-san. I'm more in tune with Kazehaya-kun's character, just a bundle of nerves trying to hide behind a stoic expression. Except I can't even hold a stoic expression to begin with, what I feel is always laid bare to the people around me.

Maybe Akihiko-kun already knows I love him.

He has to, right?


Oh god. If he does actually know how I feel from the get-go, then doesn't that mean he'd already rejected my advances after not saying anything about it?! If that's the case then was even the point of me even trying--

I smashed my face with my pillow over and over.

" I mwessed wup--!!!" I let out my frustration on the pillow, my pathetic realizations and screeches being muffled by its soft texture.

How could I have been so blind to it all? How did I trick myself into thinking that there was even a 0.1 percent chance that my feelings would be reciprocated?

It was a zero from beginning till' end.

And Mayafumi-san's manga recommendation...was the catalyst into helping me realize that. Maybe this was her true goal after all. This is her way of setting the record straight that I was never Akihiko's type.

So vile.

I feel...utterly betrayed.

But perhaps this was an act of mercy from her end, and I should just graciously accept it. I could've lived on thinking I had a chance and when I'd confess-- that's when my heart gets shattered to pieces. It gets more brutal the more I imagine it--


Huh? That's from my phone....

I peeked at the notification and the message was from Akihiko-kun. I let out a choking gasp, nearly somehow rolling myself into a burrito blanket, before reaching my phone and checking the full message.

Contact: Akihiko⚽


Gotou-san, sorry for texting you at this time. But I have something I'd like to ask.

I immediately typed back my response, making sure that he didn't have to wait even for a second. God I suck.


It's no problem....what's up?


Kenji is about ready to take off from Shimokitazawa tomorrow. Though, before that, he'd like for everyone else to come and hang out a few hours prior.

Ah...that's right.

Sakurai-kun was staying here for some reason that I still don't know of. Whenever I tried to ask him or Akihiko-kun about it, they just give me a vague answer or changed the topic. But maybe I was just imposing myself into their business ( I pray that I didn't- ) and it was all because it was a boys thing probably. Something girls couldn't understand.

Suddenly Akihiko-kun sent another message.


So I was going to ask if you're good to hang out?


I share to you my deepest gratitude for having taken the time to consider my presence in the hang out, and even offering me to join in. This is truly an opportunity given from you to me, to which I will forever cherish until the days of my twilight years. 


Haha, seriously, you're typing WAY too formally again, Gotou-san.

H-he's right! Shoot, my habit just suddenly caught up to me again-!

Before I could apologize, he was already typing and somewhere in my head I thought; Let him cook! ( Kita-chan has shown me way too many trends nowadays...)


But I shall respond in kind. Why of course, I would invite the fair lady to offer us her most elegant company in our little friendly social gathering. For what is a 'lively' travel without my most treasured company yet? Oh I shall woe without thy presence, o graceful miss. It would most definitely be an honor to have you spare us a bit of your time to entertain us, if not then for the very least, my own desire.

" Eep!" I let out an awkward audible noise. My face bloomed red and I couldn't help but crack a smile at his message. Again, he's just too good at matching other's pace. Whenever I'm with him or when we're just talking I....feel safe. And ' part ' of his world, if I were to put it......just another reason why I...

No, wait! You're tricking yourself again snap out of it!

C'mon! Dumb girl, don't let  yourself  get played what's wrong with you?!



Gotou-san? You alright?


Sorry I lost connection for a bit. Sure, I'll come.


That's great! Can't wait to see ya. Oh and by the way, could you forward this to your group? When Kenji meant ' Everyone' he meant ' Everyone'....





Thank you. Have a good night, Gotou-san.

And our conversation ends....

I sighed, before lying myself down on my futon in shame as I feel up my beating heart. I'm terrified to be rejected, maybe I didn't stand a chance at all. But yet...I still want to, just for my own sake-- TELL him how I feel. And the rational part of me is buzzing in flames, asking myself; If he doesn't really love me, then why does he look me with such eyes?

I'm not blind to it. I know it's different. Because I look at him....in the same manner.


I'll find out for myself soon....

In fact....after the hang out...

I'll just tell him by then...!


" Well, mission accomplished." Akihiko says before putting down his phone and facing Sakurai. " Gotou-san will gather the forces."

Sakurai nods. " As expected of Mrs. Akihiko, truly a woman of advantage."

Akihiko nods but then his motion suddenly pauses as his mind slowly processed what Sakurai just titled her.

"...Wait wha--"

" What're you guys doing?" Seiji walked in after getting a juice box to drink.

" Oh hey! Seichin, join us for tomorrow. We're planning to hang out together along with Gotou-chan's bandmates before I have to return to Oreha." Sakurai says.

" Eh? No tha--"

" I won't take no for an answer." Sakurai does an evil grin. " I only take it as a challenge."

"...." Seiji shoots a look of ' help me please i beg you-' to his older brother, but the latter only responded with a defeated sigh and a shrug from the shoulders.

" F-Fine..." Seiji relents. Looks like his weekend that was supposed to be spent lazing around and eating all the snacks he's bought is not tomorrow...

" Great!" Sakurai muttered with satisfaction till his phone suddenly began ringing.

Sakurai's eyes widened upon seeing the contact of the person calling him, so much that he quickly grabs his phone and proceeds to make his way outside and giving the two brothers a curt excuse.

" Hold on, I got a call to answer. Be righhhtt back..." He said before leaving the room.

It's probably her, huh.... Akihiko thinks.

"....Damn, that lucky...." He murmured to himself, feeling even more defeated.

" Did you say something?" Seiji asked.

" Nah. Nothing." Akihiko quickly denies. Not like he wanted Bocchi to call him once in a while either...


" Nijika! What's up?" Sakurai greets with a more chipper tone than usual. The love struck fool he is.

" Kenji-kun, what is this?" Nijika's voice boomed with panic through his phone, it was so loud that he backed it away from himself.

" What is what?" Sakurai asks.

" My sister received 100,000 yen in her bank account, checked and signed by Sakurai Corporations. WHAT IN THE WORLD WENT IN YOUR HEAD?!"

" Hey, keep it down. You're gonna blow my ear drums--"


Before Sakurai could respond, he hears Seika's voice cut through to the call from the background.

" We're not paying him back for anything by the way." Seika said from the background.

Heh, of course the older sister wouldn't give a ****, Sakurai amusingly thinks.

"B-Big Sis, don't take advantage of this! This is a serious issue--!"

" Nijika, just accept it, will ya?"


Sakurai taps his fingers on the apartment railings as Nijika continued ranting,

" Kenji-kun, we never asked for you to do this so why would you? You're throwing away so much money which could've been used for things you actually wanted to do. And what would your parents think? They'll kill us if they find out their son is spending so much money on a bar like ours--"

" Don't mind my parents. I already told them beforehand anyways."


Sakurai's ears were definitely being tested.

" Oh my goodness....your entire family is insane..." Nijika came up with the most horrible conclusion, it made Sakurai crack a smile before releasing a loud chuckle.

" Just keep it. Think of it as a gift from me to you." He says.

" Kenji-kun...come on, I thought you promised not to do these things..."

"....Sorry, I forgot."

" Oh you...!"

" But if you insist on paying me back then continue just being as you are." He sighs before looking to the empty night sky. " Continue being the cute angel everyone says you are."

" What? Who came up with such a random cringe title such as that?"

" Kita and Ryo came up with it." 

And so did the fandom--


" I'll get you back for this, Kenji-kun." Nijika sighed over the call, a sign of accepting defeat.

" Mhm, sure you will." Sakurai laughs.

" I heard you're returning to Oreha tomorrow?" Nijika asked.

" Yeah. Can't keep my team waiting forever, besides my grades will drop lower than they are now if I skip another week." Sakurai answered.

" Ah, indeed, that was actually something I was worried about ever since you came here and began visiting my school often..."

" Everyone really thought we were dating." And we should, But Sakutai kept that thought to himself.

" Yeah! I mean, would it even be really a bad thing if we did?"

" Huh? Wait, could you repeat that?"

"Huh? What? Sorry, I didn't say anything?"

" No I could've sworn you--"

" I think you lagged. Is your signal okay? I just said 'wouldn't it be a bad thing if we did'? Cuz, y'know, we're worlds apart and all that..."

Did I really lag? Sakurai wondered. Was Nijika telling the truth? He could've sworn he heard her say the opposite...

" Ah...I see. It's probably my signal here then. Asachin's apartment sucks." He decides to go along with it for now. Take it slow. She teased him just now, perhaps that was her act of revenge.

He hears Nijika giggle over the call, his heart flutters. " Haha! Don't badmouth his apartment like that. Last I recall, he loves that apartment as if it were his own child."

" That's the same thing he said to his bike."

They both shared a laugh at that. It was true. Akihiko meant well, but sometimes his sentimental value on objects could be quite concerning.

" By the way, did Gotou-chan send the message about the hangout?" Sakurai asked.

" Mhm, she sent it to our GC a while ago before I called you." 

" Will you go?"

" Course' I will!"

Sakurai smiles a bit. " Alright."

" By the way, I practiced some more hairstyles. I'll use them on you tomorrow and show it to everybody."

" You're really out here to embarrass me? So cruel."

" It's what you get for being such a jerk and breaking your promise!"

" You know most people wouldn't call the person who donated 100k yen to their bank account a 'jerk'."

" A jerk is a jerk. If you break promises, then that's what you are till I receive a proper apology!"

" And petty is petty, I guess."

" Hey!"





" I have to go now, Kenji-kun. Looking forward to tomorrow!"

" Same here. Good night, Nijika."

" Good night."

The call ends.

Sakurai releases a sigh. He closes his eyes for a moment. He's been staying here for a week and no sign of Ryuji had happened. Not a smidge of his presence in any crevice of the streets and alleyways. Maybe it was all just a bluff the entire time.

God I hate that guy. Sakurai thinks. Even when he's not here, he still manages to annoy both Sakurai and Akihiko with that stupid note.

But...still, he has to be prepared when Ryuji does come to show up. He's a trickster, a bastard-- and there's always some weight to his words. He's bound to show up somewhere and sometime, maybe just not now but maybe in the next week or anytime after that.

But at least Akihiko already knows. Even if he does show up, his buddy won't be suprised.

Right now, all he has to look forward to is the hangout tomorrow. It's been a while since he properly hung out with Asahi anyway. 

~~~ End ~~~

Oh what's this? Bocchi resolving herself to confess on the aftermath of tomorrow's hang out?

And some more snipbits of this fic's side romance?

Next chapter will be a doozy! It'll be a fun comedy slice of life ( I wholeheartedly promise ) with no emotional setbacks or tensions! Just another fun group hang out to improve character relationships!

Nothing, absolutely nothing! Will go out of line :)

See you then~~!
