7. Boy hogging

Not too confident about wattpad mobile anymore but.....fuck it. I've stayed away from this fic for FAR too long ( against my will )

I watched my friends as they instantly surrounded Akihiko-kun like a pack of wolves. Nijika-chan was somewhat cheerful as always, while Ryou-senpai and Kita-chan scrutinized him as if he were a threat.

Guys please....you're embarassing me...

And if it were myself, to be their object of scrutiny instead of him. I'd die and melt into a puddle like a snowman in summer. Fortunately,  Akihiko-kun was an extrovert who could withstand such attacks-- the strongest extrovert I've encountered till date even!

" What are your intentions with our friend!" Kita shoots a question.

" Obviously, I intend to marry your friend, Kita-san." He answers, smiling and unphased.

That's Akihiko-kun for you! Always so confident--

Wait a minute, what did he just say?!

" Hm, that's some determination you have there." Ryou-san comments, nodding in a manner I didn't particularly like. " Very well, when would you like your wedding to be held? I suggest during spring when the sakura trees bloom."

" Oh, that does sound like a great wedding venue." Akihiko-kun nods too.


" Never knew you had a sense for romance, Ryou-chan." Nijika laughs heartily.

Ryou flips her short hair in response, confidence oozing from her like a broken water tank.

" What can I say? I'm the whole package." She says in her typical monotone.

" Kyaa~! I wholeheartedly agree! Ryou-senpai is peak!" Kita nods vehemently with stars in her eyes.

Enough with the kit-aura! Fix this misunderstanding at once!!!

" W-We're not getting married, okay?!" I yelled and then quickly covered my mouth as they all stared at me.

Oh no, why did I scream that out instead of answering in a normal tone of voice?!

Ryou-san sighs, patting Akihiko-kun's back with sympathy.  Wait, what is that sympathy for?

" It seems like you and your bride-to-be have some issues that need to be sorted out first." She says.

Akihiko-kun chuckles in amusement.


H-How could you....after I opened my heart to you....y-you dare betray me like this...?

" I can ask my sister for help in finding you two a couple's theraphy session if you want." Nijika says, a rare teasing glint in her ruby eyes.

" You're too kind." Akihiko responds smoothly.

" W-We're not even dating....stop teasing me..." I pleaded.

Kita smirks. " That's unbelievable. " she says.

" Huh? Why?!" I said, absolutely befuddled. What's with that evil look in her eyes?

" The color of your face says otherwise. You look redder than my hair." She giggles, pointing to my face.

" E-Eh?!" I immediately touch my face and the warmth finally registered. I-I'd been blushing the entire time?!

Ugh! No wonder they don't believe me!

" It seems she still holds feelings towards you, Akihiko.  I suggest taking the offer of Nijika and attend couples therapy to save that relationship. " Ryou says.

All of them laugh at her suggestion, teasing me even more.

I see.

So I have no friends in this room....

I'm surrounded by enemies. All of them.

This might be it. This might actually be the final straw.....before I go into my villain arc....

I can already feel it. That hatred burning inside of me, a flame was lit and it's growing rapidly like a forest fire. I will burn everything around me....they will all feel what it's like to be in despair.

This world shall know pain.

"  Okay, okay. I think we've teased her enough." Akihiko says before looking to me with an amused look. " We're just friends. Nothing more and nothing less."


" Hahaha! S-Sorry, Bocchi-chan. But I couldn't resist NOT teasing you." Nijika says through a fit of giggles.

" Your pouting expression is worth it!" Kita joins in on the giggling.

I...was pouting?

" Here." Ryou-san taps my shoulder and shows me an image of her phone. I immediately flinched upon seeing the picture she took of me and I tried to grab it but she raises it away.

" P-Please delete it!" I cried out of embarassment as I smother over her, trying to reach the phone.

" No can do. " a small grin is plastered on her usually blank face.

" Do send it to me later." Akihiko fans the flame.

" Of course." Ryou-san gives a thumbs up.

" Nooooo!!!"


" Get ready, all of you. Customers should be coming in any moment." Our manager says.

" Ay-ay, sister--" Nijika paused mid-way when a glare was sent to her from our manager/her older sister.

" Ay-Ay manager!" She immediately corrects with a sheepish grin.

Manager releases a hum of satisfaction before leaving us to prepare. She's always so professional when work begins, and Nijika-chan respects that.

I turn to Akihiko-kun.

" You should...probably go home now, Akihiko-kun. We're about to work--"

" Oh nah. I'm staying. " he says, waving his hand.

" Pardon?" I asked.

" I must've misheard...haha....because I think I heard you just say that you're going to--"

" You heard right, Gotou-san." He smirks.

" I want to take the day off now." I march out the door. " Manager, I think I'll skip toda--"

I froze as soon as I was met with a cold stare. I immediately backtracked into the room and cried in the corner.

" Oh? So you're gonna be a paying customer huh? I have to warn you that we don't have discount for friends here." Kita says.

" Ah...no, actually I have something else in mind." I hear Akihiko-kun say.

Something else? What could that be--

" I'd like to help out this time, if that's possible."

No. Absolutely not!

" Aww, you're too kind!" Nijika-chan laughs but then smiles apologetically. " But I don't think we have a position where you can help out--"

" We could use an extra waiter." Ryou-san interrupts, shoving a white sleeve, black vest, and black necktie onto Akihiko-kun.

Where did you get that from?!

" Who are you to decide that all of a sudden?!" Nijika says in shock before pointing at the suit with even more shock. " And where did you get that?!"

" Just had a spare." She responds with a shrug.

" Hm...that's great and all but I don't think any of us can make that decision-"

" I don't mind." A voice interrupts, we all turn to the blonde manager in suprise.

" You girls could use a helping hand." She says before looking to Akihiko. " Are you sure you want to though? Don't expect any payment of sorts."

" I want to help regardless! I've got nothing to do anyways." Akihiko says.

" All right, then go ahead and change." She says with finality before leaving.

Akihiko turns to me with a determined smile. " Let's work hard!"

Why do you sound like someone who got a permanent position already...


I stayed behind the bar as always, I'm paired with Nijika-chan this time around. I managed to plaster a small smile upon every customer placing their order. I'm confident enough to say that im getting better at manning the bar.

" Here's your orange juice, ma'am." I said, handing the cup.

" Thank you!" She says with gratitude before leaving the exact amount of money and then joining her friends in the crowd.

" You're really getting better at this, huh? Compared to the past, this is really night and day!" Nijika-chan says.

" I remember your first day on the job. You hid under the counter most of the time and you wore that weird smile, you were so nervous I was afraid you'd combust!" She turns to me and smiles. " And look at you now, Bocchi-chan. Even I can see that little by little you're holding more confidence in yourself. "

I smile back, nodding. " It's thanks to you girls....I'm changing bit by bit." I spoke, honestly.

" Keep at it! Our band is constantly growing, but it won't mean anything unless you grow as an individual too. We'll support each other all the way." She assures.

I nod, agreeing with her. I'll do my best to provide support to the people that helped me get to where I am.

" Anyways,  onto a different topic." She suddenly focuses her gaze on something else. I curiously followed it and it suprisingly landed on Akihiko-kun.

" Don't you think....a lot more girls came by than usual?" She asks.

" Ah...." I see. It is....a bit suprising. There are a ton of girls that come to this place to see the bands and just rock it out, but tons of new faces have come and.....focused their attention on our temporary helper.

" They're crowding him like a pack of sharks..." I muttered.

" Is that jealousy, I sense~?" Nijika-chan glances to me with a teasing grin.

" Stop making those assumptions..." I sigh.

" Sorry, sorry~ It's just fun seeing your reaction. And...it also suprises me how you're friends with a boy like him."

" W...Well, I can understand why...it's unexpected right...?"

" Very much so." She nods.

" Can I have your number by any chance?"

" I never knew they hired a dashing waiter to the bar in all the times I've been here!"

" Are you single?"

Question after question was launched at Akihiko-kun. I watched carefully, I was...interested as to how he would handle the crowd.

But what's with this feeling? The more I watch them bombard him with flirtatious intentions, the more I start to feel.....grumpy.

" Ah, but don't you girls have to join the crowd right about now? The band is really great tonight and I think they're almost done with their set--" Akihiko says, trying to pacify them but they didn't back down.

" Won't you join us?"

" And maybe hang out with us after too?"

" We'll pay for your time, even!"

" Ahaha....that's....wow..." Akihiko nervously chuckles.

"...Hm..." I release a hum, which almost sounded like a huff.

" Wow...they're really trying to hog him." I hear Nijika-chan say.

" They should leave him alone." Then my eyes widened in shock from how dead serious I sounded. I turned to Nijika-chan and her teasing look has returned.

" F-Forget what I said..." I looked away, becoming embarrassed again.

" So you are jealous~" she sing-songs.

" I-I'm not.....it's just.....don't they see he's not interested...?" a pout formed on my lips as I stared laser-eyed at the counter. " I'm not jealous..."

" Mhm, sure~ but putting that aside, I plead that you look up from the counter for now. He's about to put his foot down against those troublesome girls." Nijika-chan says.

" Huh?" I bit her bait and looked up.

I saw a rather...suprising expression on Akihiko-kun's face. His smile was still there, but there was irritation in his eyes.

" Seriously, back off." He drops the niceties and plainly told them. " Either join the crowd, grab a drink, or get out of here. That's a warning."

" Eh?"

" Did you really just..."

" How dare you-"

" Excuse me, there seems to be a problem here that requires my attention." A new figure comes to intervene. It was manager!

Akihiko's expression relaxes upon seeing the older woman. " These girls are quite stubborn, Manager."

" Blaming the girls already? Not really customer service of you to do but..." she eyes the girls. " It's not at all baseless."

Before the girls could respond, manager already pointed to the door.

" Out." She orders, a cold aura emanating from her. " Bothering one of my employees is something I won't tolerate. Get out before I make you."

They grumbled their complaints, saying that they're never coming back before finally exiting the bar. I released a small sigh of relief.

Manager saved him...

" Thank you, Manager." He says, bowing his head a little.

" Get back to work." Was all she said in response.

" Alright..." he chuckles before attending another batch.

" Heh." I released a rather smug huff.

I covered my mouth after realizing how TOO happy I sounded. I can feel Nijika staring holes into the side of my head, the teasing aura was burning my insides.

Luckily, a customer approached before she could say anything.

I should get out of here as soon as my shift ends....


" Bye-bye!"

" See you, Bocchi! See you, Akihiko-kun!"

" Later, you two."

Both Akihiko-kun and I bid our goodbyes as well. They said they'll be staying behind a bit so we went ahead.

" The bar really does get busy, huh." He muses as we exit up the stairs.

" And the bands that played were great. Though, I'm waiting for the day your band will start playing." He says, glancing to me.

I shook my head, releasing a sigh. " Our band won't play for a while...not until a few months. We've decided to practice our craft a bit more, and also raise a bit more money to reach our quota."

" Ah, that's a shame." He sighs in disappointment before getting on his bike.

" Hop on. I'll drive you home. " He says.

I release a short giggle. " It's funny how you said that as if you were driving a car...when in reality, it's a bicycle."

" Is that an insult? You can insult me all you want but leave my bike out of this!" He playfully responds.

I smile before hopping on the back, the bike wobbled again and I instinctively hugged his back to steady myself.

" See? It was never a death trap!" He smugly says.

" But this is." I said before

hugged him tighter.


I laugh as he screams profanities asking me to let go or else he'll die.

I simply hugged tighter as payback for all the trouble he's caused me.


I enjoy that wonderful breeze once more as we ride through the night. The streets were mostly clear of vehicles, so Akihiko-kun took advantage and went full speed. It frightened me at first but I braved myself until I began enjoying the nightly wind breezing by us.

When we neared my house, he slowed down. Now he's taking his time.

I'm not sure why but....

Why do I feel like he's taking it slow because he wants to spend more time...?

Ah, that's ridiculous! Stop thinking that there's 'something' there, Hitori! You're just gonna blush in embarrassment again!

" I hope you don't mind me slowing down." He suddenly says.

" It's okay...I don't mind." I replied.

" Good....." he trails off.

But then....I hear a faint whisper.

" I wanted to spend more time with you, even a second longer."

I refused to say anything about it. I wasn't even sure if I heard that correctly! It must be my sleepiness getting to me....but even so....I...

" S...Same..." I whisper back, whether he heard that or not. It doesn't matter. I just felt like responding to it...even if I'm wrong.

I hear a happy hum from him in response.

We rode the rest of the way in silence...

~~~ End ~~~

Finally released a chapter!

Writing on mobile bothered me a bit since i've long switched to laptop but I think im getting the hang of it again.

I hope you enjoyed the chapter! And look forward for more, since I will do my best to publish daily to pay back my crimes for not publishing for an entire week!

( Might even publish 2 in a day if I feel like it )

See ya!
