6. Experiences

Omg finally!

I was sooo bored when I couldn't write. This will be a pretty long chapter since I just had massive word vomit in making this chapter.

But before you get to reading it.

A reader  @moqchee 

made absolutely amazing fanart for this fic! It came unexpectedly and I died of heart attack after seeing em!

Seeing it again still gives me heart attacks! Oh and there is another one--

Again, all credit goes to the amazing @moqchee thank you again for making art of these two and perfectly capturing my thoughts for how I imagined Akihiko to look like! <3

Now, I present to you the chapter born from all my boredom and word accumulation!

How do I approach this situation?

Wait, why am I even asking that. It's completely normal to introduce mutual friends to each other right? That's what the videos told me at least. So this shouldn't be weird and from the little knowledge I know about Akihiko-kun, I think he wouldn't mind either and would gladly welcome my friends with open arms...

I know that, and yet I still can't help but feel the slightest uncertainty....

Ughhh, dang this stupid negative thinking of mine!

Actually, I've been putting the introduction on hold for almost a week. So my contemplating thoughts were on repeat for an entire week! I've been suffering about this for an entire week–

" Morning, Gotou-san." His voice snaps me out of my turmoil.

I quickly looked at him and nodded. " G-Good morning to you too..." I said.

Well, the entire week wasn't a complete waste. I've gotten better in publicly interacting with Akihiko-kun even though my pace is slow, he hasn't once called me out for it. He nods before taking his seat and then proceeding to be bombarded by our classmates like usual.

He really made so many friends and yet....he just chooses to hang with someone like me...

I don't understand you, Akihiko-kun. But I'm grateful that you always make time for a worthless bundle of atoms like me.

" Akihiko, c'mon! Didn't you mention you're into sports? We need someone like you in our football team, especially with the way you played with us 2 days ago!" A boy pleads with hands in prayer.

" Akihiko-kun looked cool that time too..." A girl remarks.

" Looked like a star in the making!" Another expresses her agreement.

Akihiko-kun played football two days ago...?

That explains why he had to leave class as soon as possible. For some reason, I feel a bit disheartened of myself for not being able to see it...even though I'm not interested in sports ( I would rather avoid it whenever possible ) I am curious to see how Akihiko-kun would do.

" Hahaha! You guys are seriously overexaggerating it." Akihiko says, scratching the back of his head. " It sounds fun, but I've said it before and I'll say it again: I humbly decline your offer." He shakes his head in an apologetic manner.

" Aww seriously man???" The boy voices disappointment.

" The best I can do is indulge you guys with casual matches. Even then, I won't have much time to play either." Because of your part-time job. " I've got somewhere else to be, y'know?" Yes, to your part-time job.

I hum to myself, he told me that he's never told anyone else about his part-time job in case they come walking in and causing distraction in the store. I've kept my mouth shut since I respected his wishes, and it felt nice to keep a little secret between us even though it wasn't truly that extraordinary if people were to find out anyway...

I watched as the crowd eventually dispersed and went to their respective seats once the teacher arrived. Their interaction with Akihiko proved a nice distracting spectacle for the time that short period.

Wait....' distracting'?

What was I supposed to be distracted from again...?

Wait, no, I remember.

I began spamming the thrust device of my ballpoint pen with vicious anxiety as I formulated an unholy number of plans on how to pop the question.


" Gotou-san, shall we eat lunch–"

" Let's eat lunch together, Akihiko-kun." I blurt out.

"--together again. Wait what?" He turns to me with a shocked look. " Did you just–"

" Let's go!" I stood up from my seat and grabbed my guitar case, slinging it naturally over my back before running out of the classroom.





" Gotou-san, can I ask you something?"

" Go ahead."

" Are you okay today? Did you drink any strange substances on the way to school? Should we check in with the nurse?"

I frowned. " What made you ask that?"

" Well..." His eyes trail away from me and towards the place I picked for today's lunch. " We're...outside. Out in the open, might as well call it the ' Wild' even."

" Akihiko-kun, I've read that human beings need a sufficient amount of Vitamin D in order to keep healthy bones and immune function. Direct sunlight activates the prohormone necessary for that." I recite.

" What happened to liking small, dark, cramped spaces...?" He asked me.

" Haha! So silly of you to ask." I put on a strained smile as I began to fidget uncontrollably as if I were attacked by a thousand itches.. " E-Even I need some sunlight once in a while r-right? For the nutritional benefit!"

" Okay, out with it." He grabs hold of my face and decides to forcefully turn my head to look at him. I was met with a sharp gaze. " Why are we here? What's with you taking all these steps to move out of your comfort zone."

" Why are we here you ask? Haha! Well isn't that the question human beings seek an answer throughout each of our lifetimes! I don't think there's ever really an answer for that question since it's always based on your personal perspective–"

" Gotou-san..." He narrows his eyes.

" Y-Yes?"

I was met with a killer silence. His eyes told me all that he needed to say, that he would find out right here and now as to why I'm acting out of character. Can't say the same for my eyes however.

Because they were currently looking everywhere, anywhere , but him.

" I-I r-read that..." but my mouth began talking on its own. " w-when people want to ask a big question...t-they'd wanna do it in a nice distracting...environment..."

" ...Isn't it supposed to be a nice and quiet environment– wait, that doesn't even matter right now. Just spill it already." He says.

" M-My friends want to meet you!" I finally confessed, coming out like a prisoner who's had enough of her guilt and pleads guilty.

" That's all?" he asked.

I nodded slowly. He retracts his hands away, letting go of my cheeks. He gave me an apologetic look, and I quickly brushed it off by saying it was okay. Another silence envelops our atmosphere, another dreading wordless situation has occurred before me.

Ah...I really don't like complete silence...

If there is no white noise to filter, if I'm really left with nothing but myself. An annoying voice in my mind would begin their whispers, the entity of my anxiety that I call evil Bocchi–

Suddenly, his laughter booms, effortlessly breaking our silence and making me yelp in surprise. I turn to him and see that he was palming his face as jolly laughter escapes his lips.

" P-Pft–Hahaha! I expected s-something else but–grrkhhahaha!" He snorts mid-sentence. " Y-You really are something else, Gotou-san!"

" Heh..." Thinking about it now, my procedure was so stupid and unnecessary. But I didn't feel ashamed like I usually do, instead I couldn't help but laugh myself at my own absurdity.

" Pftt–!" I covered my mouth, trying to hold back the giggles but they were constantly escaping.

" S-So sorry....I..." I tried to apologize while holding back my laughter. And he pats my back with that smile I adore.

" I'd love to meet your friends, Gotou-san." He gives me his answer. I smiled back at him, before we continued laughing our butts away.


We made our way back to class, taking our time and draining the minutes.

" Can I ask a question?" I said.

He snorts before replying, " Is it another dramatic build-up to something that ends up being totally anti-climatic? Like you're just going to ask how old I am?"

" No–! Wait, how old are you actually?" I inquired dumbly.

" 16. Didn't you pay attention to my introduction?"

" No, I was busy cursing you for being my polar opposite...." I confessed jokingly.

" Ouch, that could've killed me." He says, placing a hand on his chest and shaking his head.

I fail to hide another giggle as it escapes my lips again. I then realized how differently I'm acting right now. I'm cracking a few jokes here and there, and little by little I'm trying less to stop my giggles.

My character growth is finally here!

" Well, I can live with that." He gives me a side wink. " At least you were thinking of me."

" ?! " My face begins to warm up again.

Nevermind, character growth is still a long way to go...

I look away, mumbling my response.

" Please stop doing that..."

He chuckles in response, clearly revelling in my despair. " It's always fun to tease you, Gotou-san."

That sentence made me feel a bit bitter now. Fine then, wanna be like that? Okay. Sure.

Mark my words on this day, Akihiko Asahi!

Etch my words into your heart! Deep into the crevices of your mind...

One day, I'll make you so flustered that it could top all of my shameful memories!

I made a fist in resolve, nodding to myself. " Soon, I will be glorious on that day...." I muttered.

( And you were indeed glorious on that day, past me. His face blushing red was truly a sight to behold, so just be patient. )


As soon as the bell rang the teacher dismissed us. Everyone either packed their things to go as soon as possible ( which is my usual routine ), or took their time while talking to their friends ( sooo not me ).

Any other day, I would've been envious of their interactions. Kicking myself for not having made any friends in school.

" Shall we?" My ears pick up on his voice. I turn to see him, standing with a bag slinging on the back of his shoulder using one hand, waiting for my move.

I nodded and quickly rushed in packing my things before slinging on my guitar case.

But those sad times are behind me. I actually have a friend in my class where I could do both. Pack things as soon as possible while talking to him!

We made our way out of the classroom as soon as possible before we'd get swept in the crowd of dismissed students, the thought of that was a hassle to both of us since it's akin to swimming through an unforgiving ocean with huge waves. Once we exited the school, we both slowed down our stride since the crowd was no more.

" So we're meeting them today right?" He asked me again.

" Y...Yes?" I stammered. Oh no, the feeling is setting in again. He's going to meet my friends and vice-versa!

It's not like they're bad people or anything....it's far from that.


I felt like pulling my hair clean off from my scalp.

" A-Are you sure you're free today?!" I blurted out, a bit too loud than necessary.

" Yes, I already told you. I have the day off today since the store is undergoing renovation. And besides, today is a friday, so there's plenty of free time." He looks at me with a twinkle of amusement in his emerald eyes. " What? Playing ' chicken' now?"

" N...no..." I looked down so my long bangs could cover half of my face.

" So where are we meeting?" I sigh in relief when he doesn't tease me further.

" M...My part-time job at Starry's, if you don't mind."

" Wait, really? Are you sure I wouldn't be a bother?" He asked me, worryingly.

" They wouldn't mind!" In fact, I remember them encouraging it.

" Ah...that's a relief." He sighs. " Well then, we shouldn't be late. Wait here." He tells me before running to his bike.

He came back with his bike in tow. I stood anxiously as I watched him hop on, ready to set off. He looks at me and nods his head, signalling to me that I should hop on but...

" C...Can we walk instead?" I said, looking down.

" Why? We'll get there faster if we just use my bike–"

" Wait....don't tell me you're afraid of bikes by any chance?" He eyes me curiously.

My constant fidgeting and incoherent noises filled in the silence, it also gave him my answer.

" Gotou-san, it's just a bike. Here, put on the hat." He hands me a spare protective hat. " If we fall, that'll at least prevent your head from receiving any injury–"

" What about my arms and legs?! A fall could shatter them and I need my fingers to play guitar–"

" Scratch that, your head is already injured it seems." He chuckles. I felt offended by that. Maybe I will just walk–

" Just trust me? " He gives me the worst convincing of mankind.

And I may be the dumbest girl ever alive to fall for it.

I shakily wore the helmet and hopped on the seat behind his bike. It rattled a bit and I shot my arms around Akihiko's body and began hugging him tightly in fear. I feel the bike wobble even more before stilling itself again.

" Gotou-san!" I hear Akihiko say in exasperation. I can feel his glance directly at me.

" I-it's a deathtrap!" I yelled out.

" It's not! Just—ugh, just hold on to me tightly– wait no not THAT tight—agh! C-can't breathe!"


It took a while before I eventually started opening my eyes to take the teeniest bittiest of peeks. It wasn't long till I opened them completely and awed at how the world looks a bit different than usual as he cycled the both of us through the busy streets. I turn my head left and right, gazing at the many pedestrians, students, plants, shops, anything really.

The breezing wind made the ends of my hair flow lightly throughout the ride. It is such a calming feeling.....maybe bicycles aren't death traps, after all.

" It's...nice.....so nice..." I comment.

Without even having to look at his expression after my comment, I can feel that familiar smirk making its way to his lips– I can imagine it oh so clearly.

" Told ya." He says, smugly.

My hands were still wrapped around his torso, but less tighter than before–to the point where it didn't feel as though I was scared and where he didn't feel like he was losing breath.

" You know," He begins a topic, I immediately listen in. " When my mom bought my first ever bicycle when I was young–I couldn't stop riding it."

" You must've been so excited." I smile a bit. " Did you constantly ride it around your old neighborhood or something?"

" You bet." Then he snorts in fond reminisce. " Got into a ton of trouble with it, too."

" When mom banned me from it during that memorable week, you can't fathom how much I cried and begged for her to let me ride it." He says.

I immediately pictured a younger Akihiko-kun, crying and begging on his knees saying ' Mommy, please! I promise I won't make trouble again!'. I let out an audible giggle at the thought, which he instantly caught.

" What's so funny hm?" I hear him ask.

I shake my head lightly, even though he couldn't see. " Just thought how the cute younger you was on his knees and crying to his mommy." I mused.

" Am I not cute now? " He asks.

I blush, but luckily he couldn't see it either. But it's possible that he could probably sense it as well as I can sense his mocking smile.

" No comment..." I said.

" Aww, shame." he laughs soon after.

We were nearing the Shimokitazawa district but I wanted to know a bit more about his life.

" Why do you...." I think carefully before speaking, eventually the question is made up in my mind in that same instant. " Why do you....refuse to join the football team?"

" Don't have the time– is what I would say to everyone else but...." He hums in thought.

" I guess I'm not at all interested in joining competitions. I was a competitive person by nature, but it's done nothing but leave bad effects on the people around me–and to myself."

" .... " I wanted to ask him to elaborate but I hesitated greatly. Should I? Maybe I'm prying a bit too much in his business....

Surprisingly, as if he read my mind, he continued speaking.

" Back in middle school, I would constantly practice every day. It sounds good at first–but then the tournament arrived. The very thing I was working my butt off for." His voice turned softer the more he talked.

" We lost that tournament and I lashed out on my teammates." he admits, regret dripping from his tone. " I blamed them for putting everything on me. For not working as hard as I did. I blamed the coach for recruiting– what the past me called– losers."

I couldn't imagine it at all. I was really stunned by it. Someone as nice as Akihiko-kun lashing out at people....it's so alien to me.

" I didn't talk to my family for days. The loss hurt me that much." He releases a sombre chuckle, " But you learn to live with it. That's what I did. I quit football soon after that, to calm my competitive nature and hopefully find a better hobby to latch on to."

" That's when I began showing interest in music and arts." He says. We came to a stop. We were here, but I didn't move an inch as I noticed his stare.

" And I'm glad I did. Since that paved a way for me to meet you."


" So this is the guy, hm?" We stood face to face with the manager of Starry's– Nijika's sister.

I stiffened at her gaze–even though I knew she was a nice considerate person deep inside. She was still my boss, and her presence demands absolute respect. I bow immediately as if I were begging for my life to be pardoned.

" Y-Yes!" I stammered.

I can hear a chuckle escape from her co-partner's lips.

" So this is the boy that's charmed our shy little Bocchi, huh~?" She says, amused.


" I...I brought him here so he could–"

" No need to explain." My blonde manager says, raising a hand. " Nijika already told me that you'd be bringing along a friend to introduce."

I sighed in relief, muttering a small ' thank you'.

" My name is Akihiko Asahi." I hear him say, I look to see him walk forward without fear. " It's a pleasure to meet you two." He extends a hand.

A-Ack! T-Too much confidence....how does he do that?

" I like him already." Pa-san ( The co-worker ) says before shaking his hand. " Nice to meet you too."

Ijichi Seika approaches him, her ruby red gaze staring holes at him but he doesn't flinch even a bit. She releases a huff before taking his hand and shaking it professionally.

" Nice to meet you. Don't cause trouble here or else there'll be consequences." She pauses, eyeing me and then looking at him again with a stronger gaze. " If you make Gotou cry, there'll be an even worse punishment."


" If I make her cry, then the punishment is well-deserved. I'll accept without complaint." Akihiko answers back.


" O-Okay!" I immediately began pushing Akihiko-kun towards the practice room. " W-We'll be waiting here for the others to come!" I said.

" Sure. Customers won't be here until an hour and a half. " Manager says before giving me a hidden smile. " Good luck with your boyfriend." She whispered just enough for me to hear.

I fumed red but I didn't say a word– afraid that Akihiko-kun would catch on and then it would escalate to an even worse situation.





" Oh, this is a nice room for practice." He comments as he looks around, fascinated.

The room only contained the necessary equipment and some snacks and drinks. It looked pretty simple but I guess this is his first time seeing a room for actual band practice.

" Ah...please take a seat." I point to the couch. " I'll fetch some drinks."

" Sure." He plops on the couch and I immediately scavenge for drinks in the mini fridge. Of course, it was filled to the brim with soda cans– courtesy of Ryou-senpai ( *sigh* )

I grabbed two and headed to the couch where Akihiko-kun stayed. I handed him the can and he said his thanks before popping it open, the sound of fizzling was heard.

We both drank our cans of soda and remained in comfortable silence– not for long however, since Akihiko-kun looked as if he wanted to say something. I waited silently.

" Can you play the guitar for me?" He asked, a chuckle following soon after. " You carry that thing everywhere and I often forget to ask you to play."

I hummed to that, " Any song suggestions?" I was in the mood to indulge him for a bit....since the others weren't here yet.

" Maybe....something original from you?" He says.

"...Original, huh..." I said as I unzipped my guitar case and took out my beloved instrument.

" I think....I have a song...an original one, right?" I asked again.

" Mhm. Whenever you're ready, miss guitarist." He says, sitting straight.

I blush lightly but I didn't let that shake off my focus. I've gotten used to playing in public and so, playing for one person isn't that much of a problem now. Still, why is it that my fingers can't stop shaking and fidgeting at the thought of Akihiko-kun watching?

I plugged the cord into the amplifier, and then turning it on.

I checked the tuning of my guitar....

" Sounds about right..." I said to myself.

I look at Akihiko-kun and he stares intently, ready to watch me play. I should get ready myself.

I took a deep breath......inhale....then exhale.

I began playing, like he wished.

~~ Dark clouds and grey lives come hand in hand ~~

~~ You can't help yourself and you let the chance slip ~~

~~ Everyone you know, just couldn't seem to understand ~~

~~ But don't worry, for soon the clouds will turn sunny ~~

~~ Show you the beauty through my music ~~

~~ Look around, there's people who love you but the question is; Can you feel it? ~~

I sang my original song with a soft tone to match the sombre chords I played on my guitar. I haven't pitched this to the band yet since it wasn't complete, and could still use a few lyrical adjustments. Not to mention, how gloomy it probably sounds at the start.

I got lost in my own music. It felt nice....this was a place I could allow myself to feel free.

Eventually, my song came to an end, I closed my eyes and released a breath.

" Gotou-san....you really are amazing...."

I opened my eyes, exiting the world of music and entering back into reality. I look at him, seeing him applauding me loudly.

" Do you write the lyrics for your band?" He asked.

I nodded shyly.

" That's so cool!" he jumps from his seat and approaches me with a beaming smile. " You're incredibly good at the guitar– and lyrics? Now that's talent!"

" I've practiced guitar since middle school! " I randomly blurted out. I covered my mouth immediately.

"...?" He waits silently, urging me to continue with his gaze alone.

I recall back to what happened during the bike ride, where he'd talked about his life for a bit. I uncovered my mouth. Maybe I should do the same and reveal a part of myself to him– a fair exchange, right?

" Ah....I.....well, " I opened up, " I was always...bad at interacting with others since I was a kid. And then...when I was inspired by a band I saw on TV– that's when I began practicing for all of my middle school years."

I sighed. " I thought that if I could show off my hard work...I could maybe make some friends and......well, become a superstar." I played with my hair as a coping mechanism. " But neither happened for a long time...."

" But you have friends now, don't you?" He asked.

I nod.

" Things don't always work out the way we want to. But we gotta live with it. And soon enough, good things will start happening to you."

I nodded even more in agreement. " Y-yes! E...Even if I don't shoot up to the big stage....I want my band to remain this way– jamming to our hearts content!"

He takes hold of my hands, a look in his eyes I couldn't ascertain.

" That's the spirit!" He says, and I nod. " Keep at it, enjoy doing what you love most with the people you care about most."

" I...I hope you can find that experience too, one day, Akihiko-kun!" I yell back.

His smile turns soft, and his hand reaches to my cheek. I palm that same hand, not breaking eye contact with him like I usually would. My heart was beating fast and I could feel my face burning hotter than the sun– but I didn't care.

" Gotou-san."

" Yes?"

" I love–"

" We're here~!" The door shoots open. In came Kita-chan, Nijika-chan, and Ryou-senpai.....oh no.

" Hello Bocchi—....." Nijika pauses as she stares at us with a wide-eyed look.

" Did we interrupt something~?" Kita immediately strikes with words, a hyped grin on her lips.

" T-This isn't what it–"

" I was just telling Gotou-san how much I love her music!" Akihiko cuts off. His hand leaves my cheek, and I felt disappointed just a teeny bit from the now missing warmth.

But it calmed my erratic heart beat a great deal. But I had to wonder, was that really all....he wanted to say to me? I couldn't help but think otherwise— but now's not the time. Fake or not, I'll go with that excuse to reduce my suffering.

" T-Thank you..." I said to Akihiko-kun and he nodded.

He approaches the three of them with the same vigor he's had since I met him.

" It's about time we finally met. My name is Akihiko Asahi, Gotou-san's friend from school." He bows lightly. " It's an absolute pleasure to finally meet the three of you, her closest friends."

The dreaded day meeting has finally begun.

~~ To be continued~~

Yeahh, I had to cut it here! It was getting too long and I might overshot and stir away from my plans for the flow of this fic. 

I wanted to dedicate this chapter to the interaction alone buttt....then my mind wandered and ended up with some development from this fic's extroverted and introverted pair.

I hope it was enjoyable nonetheless! Don't worry, the next chapter will probably come out tomorrow since I still have some word vomit.

See you then~
