18. Fevers are for losers! ( 1 )

I couldn't upload the image onto the other chapter where it showed peak Bocchi, but hopefully u can see it now.

Wattpad can be a bitch fr.

Also, POG! 2 chapters in a day!

Akihiko-kun is late....

I couldn't help but think of the empty seat beside me. It's usually occupied by the bright and cheery Akihiko-kun around this time, he's an early comer to school just like me. But right now, he doesn't seem to be here.

I briefly joked to myself, thinking that he might've just gone invisible. But then I got paranoid thinking that he MIGHT actually be invisible and that resulted into a paranoia induced hour in the morning.

But then I recalled that he wasn't at school yesterday either.

I won't lie when I was convinced that the small Akihiko-kun I conjured in my head at the time was the real deal-

" Good morning, Gotou-san." Mayafumi greets me.

" G-Good morning!" I blandly replied, I'm still getting used to us being friends now. She didn't seem to mind my tone when I greeted her.

Instead, her eyes went to the empty seat.

" It's strange.....usually Akihiko-kun would be here by now, right?" She mutters before blushing and raising her hands in defense. " I-I don't keep track, okay?! Please don't think it's weird or something!"

I don't think anyone would've thought that.....until you acted so defensive about it, Mayafumi-san....

" He wasn't at school yesterday either." I said. " Maybe he got sick....I remember it was raining the other day."

She nods, agreeing with me. " That is possible..."

It was silent between us, and NOT the good type of silence. It felt awkward, especially with what had happened yesterday still being fresh in our minds.

But soon, the silence halted. Mayafumi looked at me, curiosity shining in her gaze.

She bends down to me.

" Hey, Gotou-san. Is it okay if I ask you something?" She leaned closer.

" What is it?" I leaned back a bit, not feeling comfortable with this close proximity.

Her golden eyes staring straight into mine.

" Do you like Akihiko-kun?"




" W-Wait, forget the question then! FORGET!" Mayafumi stammers as she tried to fix me.




It was lunch time, and Kita-chan sat with me at the courtyard.

" Itadakimasu..." We both said our thanks before digging into our lunches.

" Hitori-chan, did you prepare a costume for halloween yet?" Kita asked.

" I'm still thinking about it." I lied through my teeth. I was honestly just procrastinating on it.

In fact, I can't recall if I had any worthwhile memories about halloween.

I always wanted to participate when I was a kid but....

When I learned how trick or treating works-- that it includes knocking on random homes......I immediately backed away from halloween and it stayed that way ever since.

[ When she was younger and tried trick or treating, the phrase got caught in her throat and she ended up literally choking on her words-- which made the adult panic. Both parties were traumatized that halloween night. ]

[ The adult never opened the door again on Halloween. ]

Well, at least Futari does all the candy hoarding. With her cuteness and charm, she quickly tricks the adults into giving her double the amount of candy than necessary. She was quickly known as the " Candy Munchkin", and all the kids in our area quickly feared her power.

And she shares the candy stash with me, so that's a win, right?

" What?" Kita gasped in suprise.  " You still haven't decided on anything?"

I nodded again.

" I suggest you think of something now! Procrastinating on it will be bad for the future." She pauses, taking a bite of her bread. " I'm thinking of dressing up as a witch."

Immediately, the image of Kita-chan in a witch costume formed in my head.

( Unfortunately there was no picture online of Kita in any halloween costume ;-; )

The Kit-aura would only increase....I wouldn't be able to look at her....

" I'll try to..." I said, glumly. Taking another bite of vegetable.

" Oh! By the way, you wanna hear some tea~?" She wiggles her eyebrows.

" D....Don't you drink tea?" I muttered, confused. How does one hear tea?

" I-- okay, what I meant by that was ' Do you wanna hear some juicy details?' " she explained.

" Oh! I get it." I said. " Go on."

" Remember the day at the mall? Apparently, Sakurai-kun was there too."


" What for?" My interest has been piqued.

Wait, pause!

Is this what they call...


Time slowed down for me as I came to that realization. In all my months of friendship with Ryou, Nijika, and Kita. I've never once participated in the social activity known as ' girl' talk, where girls huddle together in hushed whispers, the topics stretching from interesting little news to controversial rumors.

This....This is a completely new development for me!

" Who knows? But the interesting part about this, is that he ended up sticking with Nijika-chan the whole day." Kita grins.


" Really?" I whispered.

Kita nods. " That's what Ryou-senpai said."

Wait, now that begs another question.

" Where was Ryou-senpai in all that? Wasn't she with Nijika-chan too?" I asked.

" Yes, but then  Ryou-senpai branched off along the way, and Nijika-chan was trying to find but ended up walking with Sakurai-kun."

Ryou-senpai branching off and leaving Nijika-chan...?

I mentally sighed at that. That definitely sounds like Ryou.

" After I heard that from Ryou-senpai, it makes me wonder if they have a thing going on. " Kita hums.

Why do you assume there's romance involved...?

" Though, seeing as that was their first interaction. I'm guessing there's no sparks of sorts yet." She shrugs.

" Wait, how did Sakurai-kun recognize Nijika-chan?" I asked. " Did we ever talk about our bandmates to him? I don't think any names were mentioned..."

" Oh! Maybe it's because he follows me on instagram. I do post a lot of group pictures, and I do make sure to tag you all." Kita says.

Ah...that would make sense.

While I don't think there's anything deep going on between Nijika and Sakurai-kun rignt now. They still do make a bizarre pair to be spotted at the mall like that. Sakurai-kun's personality is....hard to explain, but while he does exert extrovert tendencies-- he's a bit chaotic with it.

Nijika-chan is a cool headed person, but there's only so much she could take I believe. So her interacting with Sakurai-kun is like Fire interacting with Ice. Even Nijika-chan's extroverted aura couldn't top the beast that is Sakurai-kun...

Still, this made a good first time experience for girl talk.


Time quickly led me to Friday. And still, for the past few days, Akihiko-kun had not attended school. I sent a few messages but to no avail, he hadn't responded to any of them.

Right now was dismissal, the official start of another weekend to sit back and relax--

" Ah, Gotou-san!" My teacher calls out to me, just as I was leaving class.  I immediately froze in fear.

W-Why would sensei suddenly call me?! Did I do something wrong? Did she catch me writing down lyrics instead of paying attention to class and taking notes?!

My brain overheated as I tried to think of multiple reasons, but I was faced with my answer when she held up an envelope filled with papers.

" Gotou-san, is it okay if you were to deliver this to Akihiko's address?" Teacher asked with a smile.

Deliver to his address...?

Ah, he did miss school. And there was a new batch of homework this week.

I don't mind sending it but...

" U...Um, he never told me where he lives--'

" No problem." Teacher gives me a note to his address.

She looked a little too ready when she pulled that out so quickly...

" Okay, I'll do it." I meekly said.

" All right! And please tell him to get well soon."


" So this is where he lives..." I ended up at the parking lot of his apartment complex. I can see his bike chained to one of the posts.

It actually looked pretty homey from the outside for an apartment complex.





Okay, now here comes the hard part.

I stood outside of his room number. My hand was hovering over the door, ready to knock. But then my anxiery kicked in and once again turned a menial task into a military SEALS operation.

Oh come on! Just knock on the door!

Is what I'm telling myself. But I'm considering doing that and just dropping the envelope here before boltimg. That sounds like the ideal solution. But then another problem arises: What if it wasn't Akihiko-kun who opened the door?

What if I'm standing in front of the wrong room number?

I immediately double checked and sighed in relief that I was definitely at the right one. Number 13. Okay, at least that's out of the way, but now the problem lies in how to approach this.

But it should be easy. But my mind and body can't help but make it more difficult than it has to be!

I internally cried.

I am a victim of my own mentality. How sad is that?

I can wallow on self-pity as much as I want, but I need to get this done! Think for Akihiko-kun's sake, if I back out now and fail, he won't have much time to complete the homework for next week. His grades depend on me!


' His grades depend on me...'



The task has become much more difficult?! Because of my own thoughts?! Oh god, I'm so sorry, Akihiko-kun. I can't do this, my entire body is going against me. You're not going to be able to get your--

" Asahi, get back to bed you piece of s--"

" Knock it off! I told you I'm fine!"

" You have a fever!"

" Fevers are for losers!"

" THEN YOU'RE A LOSER-- oh my god just stay in bed!"

" No!"

Eh? That was Akihiko-kun's voice. Who in the world is he arguing with? Should I run? I should run--

Suddenly the door opens and I froze.

" Tch, I told you I'm fine--....." he pauses.

His emerald eyes were sharp, a fierce gaze.

He spoke with a gruff tone.

" What the hell's with all the pink? You're painful to look at." He says.


[ Bocchi was hit with Emotional Damage! ]

~~~ End ~~~

Decided to split the chapter because i needed to rework the second half cuz a better idea came to mind.

Sick Akihiko, Bocchi coming to his apartment....you already know where this is going right?


Bocchi the Lewd is about to begin--

N o.

Part 2 will come out tomorrow!

See ya~ ( stop lewding Bocchi on this fic! )
