13. Asachin! ( 1 )

2 chapters in a day ig

Wednesday, October 12th.

A bike parked right outside the gate of Shuka High. The driver, a boy, took off his helmet and squinted at the sign before him.

" Shuka High..." he repeats. A smile slowly started to form on his face.

Just the place he needed to be.

He has long silky jet black hair that reached up to the tips of his shoulders, crimson red eyes that shined like rubies, and a tall and fit build.

Passing students eyed him curiously, but the boy was lost into his own little world as he asked the guard if he could park his bike inside the school for now since apparently he was paying a certain someone a lil visit. After showing his ID, the guard granted him permission.


" So, how did it go?" Kita-chan interrogated me during lunch.

" Well, he ate with my family--"

" That quick!" She gasped before pointing at me accusingly. " And you say you're not together, huh?!"

She doesn't know when to give up.

" Did you follow through the umbrella thing?" She asked, looking giddy. Why does she look more invested in this than me?!

" A-Ah...yes..." I blushed, remembering how close we were. And how considerate he was when he smoothly switched sides with me.


" I'm glad it rained today....just so I could walk with you like always..."

Those words stayed in my head rent-free. I covered my face and groaned into my palms, is it really normal for someone to feel....so happy like this? After accepting the fact you like someone? What happens if they reject you, won't a person be devastated?

I guess this is why they say love is a double-edged sword....

" Gotou-san, are you okay?" I hear Kita-chan asked.

" Y...Yes, it's just...." I uncovered my face and looked at her, uncaring if im still blushing or not.

" How can I make it rain forever...?" I asked, she looked speechless for a moment before a smile adorned her lips.

" Aww~ you're so cute when you're in love!" She gushes, squeezing my cheeks as if I were a child.  " So precious!"

" Hey, sorry I'm late." Akihiko-kun arrives, a tired sigh escaping his lips. I felt tingles circulating through my entire nervous system when his arm brushes againts mine-- OH MY GOD, GIRL GET A HOLD OF YOURSELF!

" The thing with Mayafumi-san took a lot longer than expected." He chuckles.

" ' thing' you say?" Kita-chan raises a brow. " Mind elaborating~?" There was a shift in tone.

Akihiko-kun flinches, and I did too. We both felt an intimidating aura arise from her.

Never before have I seen a smile that had ' It better be not what I think it is or I'll kill you~☆' written all over the face of a kind girl like her...

" J-Just discussing about any thing else she needs help with for the halloween event..." Akihiko-kun said, slowly and considerate. He gives me a glance that indicated he was scared from the very bottom of his heart.

And I offered an awkward smile as comfort. She wouldn't do anything. She's nice.

" Ohh, I see!" She nods.

The aura disappeared...

Akihiko-kun and I both sighed in relief. Fortunately, he lives another day.

" Are you from Oreha High?"

" What's your name?"

" You look fit, do you play sports?"

Our attention turned to the crowd gathered near the entrance of the courtyard. I wonder what's going on there. And wait, did they just say--

" Oreha...?" I hear Akihiko-kun mumble.

" That's the school you were in before you transferred, right?" I asked.

He hums in affirmation.

" Maybe it's someone you know?" Kita-chan suggests. And I noticed that Akihiko-kun didn't seem all too happy about that suggestion, not a bit.

Did he have enemies in that school...?

Wait, is this how the plot is going to go?! Maybe he angered some delinquent leader back in that school and then transferred here by the principal's suggestion for his own safety. And! And! And the leader didn't like that and searched for Akihiko-kun till they heard news that he was in this school....oh no...and didn't one of the students say he was fit enough to suggest that he played sports?

Akihiko-kun is going to get beat up after school?!

" A-Akihiko-kun..."

" What is it? Woah, what's with that look, are you okay Gotou-san?" He asked me, worry stretched on his expression.

I shakily reached for his sleeve, tugging his arm a bit closer to me.

" I-I....I'm here...for you.....I won't let you...get beat up..." If it all comes down to it. I'll smash them with my guitar, but I pray that it doesn't lead to that since It's still brand new-

" S-So...don't be scared..." I finished, with a confident smile I tried my best to muster!

" I think I should be saying that to you." He snorts. " You're the one who looks scared, Gotou-san."

" But why did you say that all of a sudden?" He asked.

" Because--"

" ASACHINNNNNN!!!!!!!!!" A loud voice that boomed through the courtyard akin to thunder, shakened everyone in vicinity.

Akihiko-kun's face melts into one of terror.

" On second thought, Gotou-san please hide me--"


" Hide me quick--"

" H-He's running straight to us!" Kita-chan shakily pointed at the huge figure sprinting across the entire courtyard to get to us.


" ASACHIN~~~!!!" An evil grin spreads upon his face, his crimson eyes glowing in malice.

I-I can't move!

Why does my guitar case suddenly feel heavy?!

" Hey, little missy."

" Ee?!"

I squeaked. I slowly turned up to see his terrifying crimson eyes staring right into the deep end of my soul, seeing all my sins and judging me for my worth.

" What's your name..." he asked.

" Пожалуйста, сделай мою смерть быстрой и безболезненной. "

" Is that russian?!" Kita asked, absolutely shocked, but she immediately turned to the bigger problem at hand.

" U-Uh, please come another day! My friend is not ready to die, please spare her!" Kita-chan begs. " And she's switched languages so asking her is pretty--"

" Your friend is hiding Asachin." He says before leaning closer to me. " Where is Asachin."

" Who is Asachin? We don't know any Asachin!" Kita-chan says, shoving him away and standing in between.

" He was just here." He twists his head upwards, sniffing. " That damn cologne is undeniably his."

" No, seriously, maybe you're mistaking it--"

" Lies! He's in here! " he yells, grabbing my guitar case.


The beast pays no mind to her please and opens the bag. A grin stretched on his lips as he digs his hand through and then pulling an entire Akihiko Asahi right out of my case?!

" A-Akihiko-kun?!" Kita-chan screamed. " H-HOW DID YOU EVEN--"

" Asachin, finally we meet again." The beast puts him down.

Akihiko looks at him. " You...." was all he said.

" Why did you come here?" Akihiko asked, cautiously.

" Why? Heh!" He cracks his knuckles." I have some business with you."

B-Business?! He really IS here to beat him up!

" Let's talk outside then. Not here." Akihiko sighs. " And make it quick." He says, his shoulders slumped.

" Gladly--"

" N-No!"

" Huh?" The beast looked at me in suprise as I stood between them, facing him despite the sweat pooling like a waterfall.

" I...I won't let you hurt him!" I yelled as confidently as I could.

He raises a brow.

I feel a hand pat my shoulder from behind. I glance at the person I'm protecting.

" Gotou-san, wait, it's not what you think it is--"

" You think you can protect him, little lady?" He grins, stepping up to me, he was so tall that I had to look up. I swallowed a gulp and nodded.

" I admire your courage, but you'd better step aside before you get hurt." He threatened.

" G-Go ahead!"

" G-Gotou-san?!" I hear Kita-chan looking at me, horrified at my stupidly confident reply.

Kita-chan....live on, and become the new guitarist.....if it's you, then I know you can do it...

The beast makes a fist. I shuddered, he was really going to punch me here. But I'm ready to take the hit. At least...I will have died protecting my loved ones, instead of dying as a NEET in the dirtiest corner of my room.

This...is an honorable way to end my life, I suppose. I closed my eyes, hopefully this deed will deem me worthy of heaven.


I feel a gentle fist pat my cheek.

" H...Huh?" I slowly opened my eyes to see a...gentle smile on the beast's lips. A complete turn-over from before.

" You're courageous,  I'll give you that. It was stupid, but incredibly kind of you. Are you single by chance?" He smirks.

Akihiko-kun pulls me back, almost protectively while I was still stuck in the loop known as confusion. I watched as he releases a heavy sigh, before flicking the beast's forehead.

" Don't do that to her ever again." He said.

" H-Hey! Damn, your flicks still hurt-- and in my defense, she was the one who misunderstood everything!" The beast...pouts?

" Hey...what's going on here? I'm confused.  Are you two friends or something?" Kita asked.

" We're brothers in arms!" The beast proudly proclaims as he wraps his arm around Akihiko-kun's neck, pulling him closer. " Besties till death!" He grinned.

" Yeah, we've been friends since childhood." Akihiko lets out an apologetic smile. " Sorry if he gave you two the wrong idea, he's just unintentionally intimidating due to his build and choice of words."

" Oh....that makes sense." Kita nods. " Well, I'm glad it didn't end up being what we thought it was. Right, Gotou-san?" She nudged me.

" Y-Yes!" I said.

" Ahahah! So you two are Asachin's friends, ey? Nice to meet you two! Sorry for scaring you earlier!" He bows his head politely....the same way Akihiko-kun does it. Full of sincerity.

I wonder if all rich people are like these two-- well, Akihiko-kun said he isn't rich, so maybe I should just target it towards this childhood friend of his.

" U-Um...." I was curious of one thing, the most important one.

" W-What's your name...?" I asked.

He smiles, offering his hand.

" Sakurai Kenji, captain of Oreha High's soccer team. Pleasure to meet you~"

~~~ End ~~~

A  character of Asahi's history has arrived!

You can imagine his character as that of a Himbo ( if yk what that is ) in terms of appearance at least.

Though, the mans was lucky to had been spared. If Super Bocchi took over in that moment, he'd be gone in the blink of an eye.

Don't underestimate our girl! He was lucky i nerfed Bocchi's powers for this fic ( by that, i mean I wont be using em often )

Anyways, i hope you enjoyed the last chapter for today! See u tomorrow for the next one!
