23. Difficulty level sky rockets! ( 2 )

I can't get enough of Bocchi the Rock Johnson

It's too goated

I'm literally shaking in my boots...

Bocchi evolution. ( And yes, it goes backwards. )

Anyways, off to the chapter!

" Oh, she's definitely out." Ryou says before poking Bocchi's cheek and gaining no reaction. " Yep, this is a certified Bocchi moment..."  she concluded.

" So she's alright?" Nijika asked while untying Akihiko.

" Yeah, she's probably fine. This happened last time too, didn't it?" Ryou mused as she recalled some fond memories-- er, well, fond for her.

" There's a last time?! " Akihiko exclaimed after the duct tape was taken off, absolutely bewildered by how nonchalant these two seem to be in mere seconds. Before he could say anything more about it, he turns to Nijika first and gives a polite nod. " Thanks for untying me."

" No problem." Nijika nods back and smiles. Akihiko smiles back before returning to the matter at hand.

Ryou raises a hand, opting to speak before he does.

"  Relax, there's no need to worry about it. She usually wakes up in 30 minutes." Ryou said.

" And if she doesn't?" Akihiko asked.

" Then, worry not. For I have procured a back-up plan." Ryou confidently states, placing both hands on her hips.

" We call an ambulance?" Akihiko asked.

" No." 



" We pray for her safe journey to heaven." 

~~~ Gloomy ~~~

" It scares me how little you care about this situation..." Akihiko said with honesty. He turns to Nijika for help.

" You must have an idea, right? RIGHT? Because unlike a certain someone here, you actually seem to care?!" He pleads, desperation in his tone.

" .... " Nijika just smiles.

" You two are horrible friends." Akihiko depressingly concludes.

" Speaking of horrible friends....." Ryou pointedly looks at Sakurai who was currently under punishment. " Manager, what you're doing to him is cruel."

" No, I think it's pretty reasonable." Seika says.

Sakurai was smiling in pain as he was forced to kneel on the ground with his arms spread horizontally with two cold cans balanced perfectly on each arm and he must make sure the balance isn't broken or else Seika will inflict worse.

Nijika felt bad, but as soon as she tried to reason with her older sister. Said older sister quickly zipped her mouth ( literally). She didn't want to hear her pleas.

" Asachin....help..." Tears were trailing down Sakurai's cheeks, but he still kept that pained smile. if his back wasn't kept straight, then everything will fall. " I can't...hold on much longer..." He says as his arms were clearly shaking from all the strain.


Akihiko balances another cold on his friend's head, much to the latter's bewilderment.


" I agree with Manager Seika-san, this is an appropriate punishment." Akihiko says, passionately. Akihiko gives a thumbs up to her, and the older woman humors the exchange with her own gesture.

" Asachin, aren't we best buddies?!"

" Need I remind you that best buddies don't do the following; like knocking the other out unconscious, tying them up, putting duct tape on their mouth, and then stuffing them into a giant gift box? " Akihiko glares with reasonable contempt.

Sakurai chuckles nervously.

" Aw, c'mon! I don't do that with other people, y'know? Only to my best friend!"

" And that's supposed to make me special, how? " Akihiko grabs another can and places it on his right arm, without placing an additional one to the other. This causes imbalance.

" H-Hey, what the hell, A-Asachin--"

Nijika wondered how did it all come to this.

Ryou was recording the scene.

And our lovely manager was enjoying Sakurai's suffering with absolute glee.




However, Kita was silent, opting to sit beside the fainted Bocchi. She couldn't help but stare at Akihiko with negative feelings in heart. It's unfair, what he's doing, she doesn't get why and what's with the sudden change in him to start avoiding Bocchi like the plague since the week began. What exactly happened? Bocchi doesn't know, not because she's hiding it-- but because she really has no idea.

Kita can't help but feel sympathy for her. After all, it's been stated repeatedly that Bocchi is anxious in nature, and although she's been making new friends slowly. Kita knows that losing one friend will hurt her, mostly because since Bocchi has never made friends, she doesn't know what it's like to lose them.

She wants to do something about it. By that, she means going up to Akihiko and asking the question ' why are you ignoring her? ', the painful part behind this is that Kita knows what Bocchi has been thinking about. It's clear on her face. The lead guitarist was stressing herself more than necessary, blaming herself when it's not her fault. It's all from Akihiko's end, but she doesn't see that.

Kita is surely tempted to enact her plan and discover the problem here, but Bocchi refrained her from doing so. Even if Bocchi was hurt, even if Kita doesn't like that and wants to do something about it-- she can't. Bocchi doesn't want her to. Kita knows that if she tried to push it any farther, the girl will get on her knees and plead that she doesn't try it. Kita sighs, she's left with no choice other than to keep her mouth shut, remain civil, and act like she usually does. And maybe that is the better decision.

" Mnh...." A small groan came from the girl beside her. Kita jumps a bit and looks at her with a relieved look.

" You're back, Hitori-chan!"

" Hwah~?" Bocchi may have woken up, but her mind hasn't.

Still, it caught the attention of everyone in the room.

" Bocchi!" Nijika and Ryou immediately arrive to her side.

Ryou takes hold of Bocchi's hand.

" My prayers worked." She said, tearing up and leaning her head to Bocchi's palm. " Bocchi...I saved you..."

She really did not.

" No, you didn't. Stop taking credit when there's none at all." Nijika blankly tells her but it fell on deaf ears for Ryou.


What's.....going on...?

I can hear the girls talking....but my mind can't process what they're saying. Am I on the ground? That explains why my back feels so cold all of a sudden.....

How did I.....

Why did I....pass out?

I can't even remember...

" Ah, looks like her mind has finally caught up." Nijika points to me.

" Hooray." Ryou grins.

" Hitori-chan, are you feeling alright now?"

I'm fine but....what...happened...

[ Then suddenly, a surge of memories flow through her head after she thought that. Her eyes widened, and her mouth agape as she just realized the last memory she had before passing out.]

I immediately sat up, causing the three of them to look at me in suprise.

" H-Hey, don't move so fast after you've just woken up." Nijika advised as I feel her hand pat my back.

" S-Sorry...I....I just....did.....d-d-d-d-d-d-d-did--"

" Akihiko-kun is here, yes." Kita-chan whispers and I immediately froze in fear. I prayed that it was all a dream, when it was in fact a painful reality.

Someone please knock me out, again...no wait,

Social Anxiety-san, please, I BEG YOU! MAKE ME PASS OUT AGAIN!!!

" Gotou, good to see you're back." Seika-- Manager-san says with a curt nod. But her eyes look relieved.

" S-Sorry for passing out like that--"

" Asachin, c'mon! Stop stacking-- WAIT HOW MANY DID YOU ACTUALLY STACK?!"

" How has it not toppled over yet? I've stacked like twenty of them on your head--"

" Twenty?! "

" Well-- now it's twenty one."


I paused upon seeing Akihiko-kun, it felt like time just came to a stop. And once again, I was hit with the fact that....something has changed between us, that there's a problem I just don't understand. A painful reminder that for the past week, we've been distant.....but it's usually from his side that's increasing our distance. Why? Did I do something wrong? The more I think as to why, the more I'm lead to believe that I must've done something wrong somewhere down the line.

But my feelings aside....there's one question I have to ask first.

Why is Sakurai-kun kneeling and balancing all those cans?! And why is Akihiko-kun still stacking them?!


So that's what happened....

So I was right about that day, when I had that talk with Sakurai-kun. When he asked to clarify if we're busy on Fridays, I found it weird then. But I just brushed it off and focused on going home since it was late....

I never would've thought he'd actually pull THIS of all things! My feelings were all over the place when I saw him in that box-- shock, terror, mortification, a bit of longing, and a sprinkle of joy--  but the last two bits of that weren't really that important...

Lesson learned: Always expect the unexpected when it comes to Sakurai-kun.

Speaking of Sakurai-kun,

He's actually been told to bow in front of me--

" I'm..." Sakurai spoke slowly, as if hesitating for a moment as I noticed his crimson eyes stray away to something else.

[ Seika was behind Bocchi, an evil glare paired with her cold aura. Sakurai understood the message, it was do or die. ]

" I'm...sorry..." He says bowing on all fours.

" Y-You don't need to be....I was just suprised!" I assured him that it was fine but he wasn't getting up anytime soon, I wondered what's making him act like this? Since when was he so...afraid?

" Are you really okay?" A gentle voice asked me, I instinctively turned to Akihiko-kun, ready to assure him as well.

" I'm--" But I paused when I realized our eyes locked. It felt awkward, it felt foreign when it shouldn't be. I quickly turned away, avoiding his gaze. " I'm fine..." I said.

"....That's good." Was all he said. Did...I screw up again? I sneaked a glance and his eyes lingered on me for a bit before looking away as well. He looked flustered to have been caught.

Well, who wouldn't be flustered when you're caught looking at an existence you detest...

Yes...that must be the case.





" You two should head out now." Manager tells the two boys. She points to the clock. " My employees have to prepare for work now, we only have 15 minutes till business is open."

Huh, really?

I turned to the clock and gasped at the little time we actually have left. Wait! Please! Give me at least an hour to recover from having passed out! I have to woman up and tell manager that I need a bit more time to--

" Are you good to work, Bocchi?" She asked me.

" Yes, ma'am. I'm fine and dandy. Ready to give it my all!" I answered, feigning enthusiasm-- WHHAAATT?



She nods. " That's good. If you wanted take an extra break, I would've allowed it. I understand that you've just woken up a few minutes ago, so it's only logical you need a bit more time to recover."

No, wait--

" But I'm glad you're good now. Being determined to work even after all that is a good work ethic worthy of my praise." She gives me a small smile.

" Hehe~ Thank you..." I giggled bashfully--




" U-Um, on second thought, Manager...I--"

" C'mon, Gotou-san. Let's go get ready for work!" Kita-chan says, yanking my arm and dragging me to the bar. NOOOOOOOO!!!!


She caught me looking at her. Dammit, Asahi, wayyyy to go about not being so obvious.

Today is just so...stressful. The complete opposite to how I initially thought my weekend would start off, but Kenji did a great job in subverting all of that and breaking down the walls I put up to stop myself from falling under Gotou-san's charm.

Good news, is that I haven't been affected too much. I'm not giving up. Manager Seika says we could leave now, so this my best chance to dip outta here and resume my short period of abstinence.

" Sorry for bothering you, Manager-san." I bowed apologetically, even thought it wasn't exactly my fault, I still saw the need to do this. " Kenji and I will be taking our leave now--"

" Eh? We're not going home yet!" Kenji interrupts and I smiled.

" Okay, then I'll be heading home--"

" We're not going home yet."

" Kenji, I swear to the heavens--"

" Sakurai," Manager-san chillingly calls his name, Kenji slowly turns his head to her, a strange sense of determination in his eyes. What's that look even for? Why does he want us to stay here so badly to the point he committed a crime to get me here.

" Manager Seika, please, allow us to help out for today." Kenji spoke with a rather serious tone, which suprised every one hearing this conversation-- Myself, Manager, Yamada-san, and Ijichi-san.

" Again, " Seika sighs, palming her face in annoyance. " We're not in need of any extra waiters. The girls can handle the job just fine--"

" We need waiters!" My eyes nearly bulged out in suprise when those words came out of Ijichi Nijika-san. 

But that's not the only suprise. In fact, my eyes caught onto something particularly strange. When she said that, her and Kenji locked eyes for a moment.

Is that what I think it is...?

" Huh?" Manager turns to her younger sister with a confused expression. Nijika grins, confident for how she's going to convince her older sister.

" You see, Bocchi just woke up. She might be feeling a little dizzy, and even if she said she's all good and dandy to work. It's still worrisome to let her work as normal, that's why I think it's much safer and better if we have Akihiko-kun and Sakurai-kun assist us for tonight!" She states with overwhelming brightness. 

" Not to mention, do you recall the last time we let Akihiko-kun work for us?"

Oh no, she's really going out.

" He managed to rake in a lot of money for the bar due to all the girls that gathered around-- troublesome as that was." She expertly reasons. " So what if we have Akihiko-kun on board again? Along with Sakurai-kun, who could also attract even more customers since he's also attractive!" 

I noticed Kenji's face fume a lil bit there. And let me say this, it doesn't seem to be stopping there. It's only growing redder and redder.

To say I'm shocked by that face is an understatement.

Kenji.....you actually like someone?!

" ... " Manager stares down Ijichi-san for a while.

It felt low-key tense in the atmosphere as two pairs of similar colored eyes stare back into the other. But I admired Ijichi-san's determined against her sister's cold stare, truly remarkable. Though, the fact that they're siblings must've contributed greatly to her confidence her-- I know that, because I have a sibling myself. And in situations like this...

The older will relent.

" Fine." Seika sighs. I hate that I ended up being right...

Of course, if I really wanted to, I could just leave regardless. I am not at all obligated into this job since I'm not formally hired in any way whatsoever. But...

My eyes trail to Gotou-san, who was currently checking out the displays on the bar shelves with Kita-san.

I'm worried about her.

I can't leave by my own without at least making sure she's okay-- no, even if she is. It's safer to stay just in case. I'm just worried for a friend, is all.

" Though, if they're staying. They both need to wear waiter outfits." Manager-san says.

" What?" Kenji said, his mouth open agape.

" Wouldn't want to accidentally stain your uniforms now, right?" Manager smirks. " Besides, when Akihiko wore that waiter outfit last time. It raked in the sales indeed."

Oh so now you're taking advantage of that too?

You two, are without a doubt, sisters.

" Hm, but I don't think Ryou-chan has an extra waiter suit for tha--" But Ijichi-san was interrupted when Yamada-san pulled out two waiter attires instantly.

" What the-- Again?! " Ijichi-san exclaimed at her friend with genuine befuddlement.

I wordlessly took my uniform from her hands, though, I'm not sure if Kenji's could fit. Our measurements differ quite a bit due to his height--

" What the-- this looks like it could actually fit me..." I hear Kenji mumble, to which my eyes widened in suprise.

How did....Yamada-san have his exact size...? 

Did she just manifest it outta nowhere--

" Just had a spare." I hear her say.

I snapped out of my trance and I was met with her yellow gaze.

" W-What?" I stuttered, feeling uncomfortable all of a sudden.

She grins in a strange manner, and shrugs. " Just had a spare..." She says, as if she were directing that answer to my thoughts.

I think chills just went up my spine.

[ If you noticed, she said the same thing back in chapter 7! ]


" God, I hate suits." Kenji complains aloud as he kept adjusting his bow tie.

" Even after hearing that same complaint all these years, I'm still suprised that it's coming from a rich kid's mouth." I teased and he looked unimpressed.

" It restricts my movement, I don't like it. It's choking the freedom out of me." He bitterly complains.

" I don't think it's that bad." I shrugged, I've worn other suits at times. That was Oreha tradition during formal events so I didn't really have a choice either way. In fact, shouldn't he be used to such formal attire too?

" Besides, it fits you just right." I said.

" I don't care. I'll forever despise suits--"

" Are you two ready? " Ijichi-san enters our conversation, eyeing Kenji carefully before letting out a satisfied smile. " You look extra handsome with that suit, Sakurai-kun." She compliments.

"..." I notice his ears turn red. I smirked from this rare moment.

" Yeah, we're ready. Is the bar going to open soon?" I asked.

" Mhm, last 5 minutes." She said. " Anyway, I'll go triple-check if everything is where they should be! See you two!" She says before running off to check all the shelves and tables, along with the stage supposedly set for the bands playing today.

Now....time for the fun part.

" Hey, Kenji--"

" I should buy more suits."

" Eh?" I was going to tease him, but I ended up being the one suprised. He turns to look at me, a completely dead serious look on him, but that faded blush made him look goofy.

" I love suits. I'll buy more from now on." He calmly declares.

It's scary what love can do....


In a matter of time, the club has officially reached the usual customers of the night. It was packed to the brim with people who hung out in groups, or individuals who were here because the bands they're following is going to play in Starry's.

Ryou served as ticket manager

Nijika and Bocchi as bartenders

Kita as the club maid ( which is a waitress but with her in a maid outfit, it definitely attracted more males towards the club )

And of course, the two boys ( Sakurai and Akihiko ) serving as the eye candies/waiters for the female club-goers.  




" What a familiar scene!" Nijika says, referring to the girls that were swarming Akihiko-kun once again. Of course, they were ' newcomers' this time.

" I don't like the way you said that..." Bocchi deflates from Nijika's teasing gaze. " Are you...implying something?"

" ' They should leave him alone'." Nijika said, trying to simulate the seriousness Bocchi had that night.

The latter immediately cringes and was on the way to melting to a puddle on floor but Nijika laughed and reassured that she was only teasing, she didn't mean anything by it. Bocchi foolishly believed that obvious lie.

" Um...Nijika-chan, is it okay if I ask you something?"

" Hm?" 

" Do you....maybe....like Sakurai-kun?" Bocchi asked out of curiosity. It's been bothering her a bit from time to time, especially today. She'd also noticed the way the blonde complimented him and made him blush a bit.

" Do I like him? In a romantic way, you mean?" She asked.

Bocchi nods, to which Nijika hums in thought. A small smile forms on her lips.

" Hm...I don't know." She says, sweetly,  while shrugging her shoulders.

" You don't know..?"Bocchi lit up, a sense of relatability has potentially been sparked!

" Whether I like him or not in that way, I can't seem to tell. After all, he's just like the wind-- free in whatever he does, wherever he goes. I can't possibly keep up with that type of personality now, can I?" Nijika thoughtfully says. " I'm like....a tree stuck to its roots." She referred to her only sister, and their dream.

" While he's, as I said, the wind. A breeze that comes once in a while and sways my leaves before eventually leaving off again." She said, referring to Sakurai's struggle of staying in one place. Or so she thinks.

" Different personalities, absolutely opposite in terms of background. And I like to follow the rules if there's any given, while he doesn't mind breaking them as long as he gets what he wants." 

" So for me to like him after all of that......hm, it sounds like a fairytale!" She perks. Nijika didn't seem down about it, she only stated the facts after all. But Bocchi thought differently, for her, the mood felt somber.

Nijika notices the sad expression on Bocchi's face, so she quickly tried to switch up the pace.

" A-Ahaha! But that isn't to say he doesn't have some attractive qualities to him!" She quickly went to say.

" Despite how spoiled and chaotic he may be, he's actually pretty thoughtful in his own rough way of going about it." She leans cheek to palm as she continued. " And to my suprise, we do actually get along quite well. I'm not often close to boys, so that's something."

" And above all else.....when he decides to throw away all that bravado he puts up, that spoiled rich brat attitude.....he's actually pretty....." She trails off in thought. Bocchi waits in silence, feeling her own heart pounding for Nijika's next words.

And it only escalated when a faint blush spreads on Nijika's pristine face.

" Nijika-chan...."

" Hm?" She snaps out of her trance and looks at Bocchi.

" You're...blushing." Bocchi points out.

" O-Oh!" Nijika straightens her back, coughing to herself and covering the lower half of her face from view. " Am I, now...?" She said, nervously.

From what Bocchi concluded from this conversation....what she has learned, is that small tidbit of Nijika's perspective. The drummer sees the boy as the breeze to her tree, that comes and goes. Another interesting note, derived from Bocchi's occasional 3 am youtube shorts scrolling ( due to her having nothing better to do and zero friends at the time--)

One of the videos talked about how wind can help trees mature. A good breeze of wind can help the tree's roots grow deeper, which helps the tree itself grow stronger and supports it as it grows in height. Maybe Sakurai can do the same for Nijika, Bocchi thinks. The video ended with a simple quote, " Strong Winds, Strong Roots' it said.

" Bocchi-chan, how about I ask you a question next?"

" Huh? O-Oh! Sure." Bocchi snaps out of thoughts and awaits her question, although she already has a feeling as to what it's going to be...

" Are you okay? "

" Eh?" Bocchi jolted in suprise by the question. She didn't expect that one at all. Did she mean if she was okay after having passed out?

" Don't worry, I'm used to passing out--"

" That's not what I mean." Nijika shakes her head.

" Huh?" Now Bocchi was even more dumbfounded. " Then what do you...?"

" Last meeting, I noticed you were...a little glum." her expression turned to one of genuine concern. " I was wondering if something was bothering you, but I'd forgot to ask."

And there was no better place to ask than now. Since all the customers were preoccupied with the band playing, and there doesn't seem to be any newcomers entering the bar for now. So they were free to talk like this however long-- or just until things get busy again, maybe during the interval before the next band begins their set.

" A-Ah....I had hoped nobody would notice..." Bocchi confessed. 

" I've known you for quite a while, and I was confident enough to determine that you were a lot more depressed than usual." She said the last bit in a joking tone, but things reverted back to seriousness again. " If there is something bothering you, then please talk to me if you want to let it out."

" I can't let our precious guitarist go through these things by herself without informing the band, y'know?" She smiles.

" Nijika-chan...."

Bocchi lets out a small smile, suddenly feeling bashful from all the support.

" Thank you..." She meant it.


" So that's how it is..." Nijika says and Bocchi nods.

"....How strange, I've known Akihiko-kun for less but I just can't seem to imagine he would make you feel that way. Doesn't he like you?"

" E-Eh?! L-L-Like me? No way! Anything but that..." Bocchi stammered, whilst also ignoring his words from that accursed day.

' Yeah, right, like that's convincing in any way...' Nijika thought amusingly.

" Well, anyhow, the only thing I can tell you  is......don't just wait around. " Nijika says her thoughts. " If there's a problem between you two, and if neither are confronting the other. Someone HAS to. And I think it's better if it's you."

" I-I can't--"

" You can." Nijika stresses, making Bocchi shut up for a second. Along with her self-doubt. " I know you can! " She cheers.

" When you value a relationship, you should always want to take the initiative. Don't just wait for them to make the move because what if they don't? What're you going to do then? It will have been already too late to make your move by the time you realize." She said, to which Bocchi can't help but actually take in consideration.

Nijika had once again provided Bocchi with her sagely wisdom.

On the other hand, Akihiko was constantly bombarded and surrounded by girls. It was just like last time-- except this actually got worse, their numbers have multiplied. Akihiko knew he was being used as a selling point to have girls rack up the money for the club with his presence, but this was just ridiculous. He couldn't catch a break. Trying to stay polite, trying to accommodate them equally, while also gently refusing their more....extreme demands. It's taking a toll on him, but that's not even the worst part.

Sakurai dipped 10 minutes ago.

' Kenji, c'mon...where the hell are you?!' Akihiko thought in panic.

" Aww Really? You sure you don't want to have fun with us this Saturday?" One of them boldly asked.

" It'll be great! We'd love to have you around!" Another insisted,

" We think you're interesting, so we'd love to get to know you better!"

Compared to the girls from earlier, these girls didn't indeceny with their requests by any means. But they were persistent-- and their pressure was heavy with their puppy eyes and sultry smiles. 

" Ahaha, I'm sorry but, I can't--" Before Akihiko could finish, one of them went nearer to him and spoke in a soft tone he'd somehow picked up on despite the band playing in the background.

" Why? Do you have a girlfriend already?" She asked.

" Girlfriend?" Akihiko repeats, astounded for a moment.

" Yes, a girlfriend. We'll back off if you do..." The same girl said, and the other girls looked suprised but they didn't object it either. It seems even they have morals when it comes to...relationships between two people.

"I...uh..." Akihiko rarely stuttered with questions like this. Where had that old confidence go? And at such a crucial time? Wasn't he the same person who told her bandmates that he'd marry her? Where did the shamelessness and truthful attitude go?

Wearing his heart on his sleeve. That's always been his trademark.

And it shouldn't be any different now but...with recent issues that have come up, promises, and the dreadful future. He can't just....lie, right?

" Well?" The girl pushed him to answer. 

" I--"

" Hello ladies~ What might you be all surrounding my friend for?" Akihiko hears a voice, and he also feels an arm slung over his shoulders. A breath of relief escapes the young man from this familiar presence.

" Huh?" The girl backed away in suprise upon seeing the taller boy, who looked like a thug if you make him out to be, but there was a certain charm to him with the way he grinned--

They gasped. It was the ' bad boy' type!

" U-um, we're just..." One of the girls spoke, visibly flustered by another attractive guy. " We were...asking him if he'd like to...hang out with us..." She mumbled, but Sakurai could still hear it.

He smirks. " Really now? Well, that's no good! You see,"

He points a finger to Akihiko. " My buddy here has a loving girlfriend by his side. And if she were to hear this then......well, " Sakurai left it at that. Because Bocchi would actually pass out instead of fighting back-

However, the girls interpreted that as a threat ( it really wasn't ) and they quickly looked to each other nervously before turning back to Sakurai-kun.

" W-Who might she be....?" They dared to ask.

' Kenji, don't--' Akihiko couldn't even finish his thought before Sakurai began running his mouth off.

" The beautiful pink haired maiden tending the bar of course." Sakurai grins.

" Eh?" Bocchi spasmed, choking from her own saliva after somehow hearing that.

" Bocchi-chan?" Nijika turned to her, confused. She wasn't able to hear it.

" Kenji, you--"

" Take a look for yourself, ladies." Sakurai huffed, challenging. " You're no competition compared to his lady."

The girls turned to look at Bocchi at the bar....





~~~ Random Bocchi Self-Defense Mechanism Noises ~~

The girls turned back to Sakurai, and a blushing Akihiko.

" Charming, isn't she?" Sakurai beamed.


" Well...she certainly is....um...." The girls didn't know what to say. From what they got, she looked like just some any other random introvert that probably doesn't touch grass and absolutely boyfriendless.

" Well, now you girls are going to leave him be from now on, yes?" Sakurai says, ushering Akihiko away. " He should be with his girlfriend now, where he belongs."

" K-Kenji, what the hell--"

" Just go along with it, I'll explain why I did the things I did today later." 

Akihiko, upon hearing that, shuts his mouth and tries to un-blush as best he could before going to the bar where Bocchi is. 

Sakurai shoots Nijika a look where a hidden message lied.

Nijika locked eyes with him for a moment, and quickly understood.

" Bocchi-chan, I'll let Akihiko-kun sub in for a while, okay?" Nijika whispers.

" Eh? Why?!" Bocchi panics but Nijika pats her shoulders, trying to calm the girl down.

Nijika smiles. " Take this as a chance to talk to him."

"..." Bocchi was stunned, frozen like a rare creature from the ice age. Nijika leaves the bar, shooting one last supportive glance before leaving the spot for Akihiko.

Akihiko gets behind the bar, and although he did well in hiding it-- he was nervous. Absolutely nervous as he stood beside Bocchi. The girl was also nervous, so nervous to the point of sweating while staying absolutely still.

Exchanges of words were blank and none for a period of time.

They simply accommodated customer after customer that came to the bar and ordered a drink. Their work was fluent and in harmony, but it was also uncomfortably silent and cold. Even the customers felt it and wanted to get out of the vicinity as soon as they'd be handed their drinks.

"...Hey." The first move was made by Akihiko, unsuprisingly.

"....Hi." Bocchi replied, rather dumbly. She was hyping herself up mentally, ready to make the first move but all then went out the window when he made the first move instead!

" Hi?" Akihiko turns to her, repeating what she said.

Bocchi turns to look at him too. For some reason, she cracked a weird smile as if that would remedy her embarrassment.

" Hi..." She repeated.

Akihiko snorts in amusement, looking away and placing a hand on his mouth to cover his laughter-- but failing to do so. Bocchi's embarrassment and nervousness slowly fades upon seeing the way his eyes creased upwards, indicating that he was smiling just like he used to. Her smile grows genuine and less forced from that.

" You really are.....a strange person." Akihiko states before uncovering his mouth and looking at her with a fond expression. " But I guess that's what makes you....you."

" And I'm in love with that." It slips from his mouth.

" In...love?!" 

" Ah- wait! wait, wait, wait!" He raises his hands up in defense, his emerald eyes turning into slits of panic, and his face flushing. " I-- well, t-that came out of nowhere--! I didn't mean to--"

" O-Oh, I see...y-you didn't mean anything by it...right?" She asked, trying to make sense of him.

Akihiko vehemently nods, taking that excuse. " Y-yeah...that came out....wrong, I'm sorry." He apologizes.

" R-Right...." Bocchi nods too, but a bit of disappointment ached in her heart.

" Right..." Akihiko mentally curses himself again. His mouth just SAID it! Unconsciously? It sounds ridiculous but that's how it felt to him.

His heart spoke to her, before he could notice.

The atmosphere between them turned silent again, an uncomfortable silence after a screw-up like that.

But neither of them wanted to let it stay that way....

Not when things were just....going right again.

" So...." The both of them spoke simultaneously. They looked to each other in suprise at what the other said, before their gazes softened.

" So...?" 


Both of them had a thousand things to say, but both of them didn't know what to say either. Apologies hung in both their throats, itching to be said to the other--but the crushing awkwardness of it all wouldn't let it. They turned away from each other again, eye-contact was getting difficult by itself recently when it shouldn't be. They look into each other's eyes plenty of times, they secretly admire the other's eyes just as much. So this was disastrous....

But still...

They have to fix this. Bocchi needs to know the problem. Akihiko needs to admit it. Both of them need to admit three little words that hold so much meaning. But neither could say it outright, this isn't the time, and each are unknown to the other's circumstances. So how does one fix this?

" Excuse me, Ojou-chan, may I have 3 cans of corona?" An unfamiliar voice snapped them out of their own little world.

Bocchi looks up front, and sees a boy that looked close to her age staring right at her. And what? He ordered a corona? Should she ask for his ID-- yeah that's probably what she should do but how can she do that without choking on her own words? She needs an answer to that first--

" Huh, you look pretty beautiful, Ojou-chan." The boy grins.

" Huh?"

Akihiko picks up on that, and discreetly takes a look at the stranger. Bocchi was suprised by the sudden compliment, she mustered up the words to respond to it...albeit shakingly.

" T-Thank you...?"

" No problem. By the way, what school do you go to?" The guy asked, smiling as his eyes surveyed her from top to bottom. Bocchi feeling nervous by that-- is a huge understatement.

There are no words to describe how....perturbed she's feeling about it.

" I...uhm..."

" And what grade?"

" G-grade? U-uh..."

Her eyes look downwards as the boy fired follow-up question after follow-question question, and how many did she answer? None. She didn't get the chance to since the boy was relentless. She wondered if he was just this naturally talkative, but it didn't seem that way-- it felt like there was a hidden motive here behind that smile of his, whether it was good or bad, Bocchi doesn't know.

" So, may I have your number?" The boy finally asked and Bocchi jolted. Why would this person ask for her number?

" M-My number--?"

All of a sudden, two hands gently palmed her shoulders from behind. Bocchi let out a small squeak when she was being pulled back, and before she knew it, she was standing behind Akihiko. The male customer looked confused and a little annoyed that the male bartender pulled his target away like that.

Akihiko stares the boy dead in the eye for a moment, but broke off that little staredown to glance at Bocchi for a moment.

" Why don't you take a break?" he smiles. " You look a bit tired, so you should probably take one." He adds.

" Huh? But...." Bocchi pauses, this could be her chance actually! A tactical retreat has been given to her, she could use the break to think of things to say to Akihiko when they are to speak again. She closes her mouth and nods. 

" Y...Yeah, I will." She said. Akihiko nods, and he gently ushers her to the staff room before returning to his post, where he was finally left alone with the boy closer to their age.

" What the hell was that for?" The young man complained, glaring at Akihiko. " I could've gotten lucky with that." He said, but Akihiko knew these type of people well. There were a few in Oreha here and there that operated like this.

Hitting on women they deem ' easy'. Play with them for a little while, before dropping them. 

" I'm sorry, sir." Akihiko stresses, he plasters on an empty smile. " But my co-worker actually has standards in men, and you fall a ton below that mark. Sorry to tell you."

" W-Wha--?!" The boy was caught off guard by Akihiko's attitude. 

Akihiko hands him the three corona cans. " That'd be 300 yen."

" Hey, we're not done--"

" 300 yen."

" Bastard, don't think you could just--"

" Sir."

His smile turned dangerous as his emerald eyes sharpened like a predator staring down a measly prey. The customer froze in suprise with how quickly the young bartender's aura switched up from a passive-aggressive mood to a dangerous one.

" I suggest you leave the money, take your cans, and --"

"-- F**k off elsewhere." A new voice enters their confrontation. " Is that right, Asachin?"

Akihiko grins upon seeing the taller beast slinging his arm over the customer's shoulder in a casual manner, but filled with dangerous intent if need be. The boy trembles nervously upon seeing a dangerous giant, with his long hair, and scary red eyes. The dangerous grin on his face said it all. If things were to turn physical, Sakurai is willing to throw down most definitely.

" Hey, I don't want to do anything when I don't know the context here. So, mind filling me in on this, Asachin?" Sakurai cheerily asked. " Depending on how bad it is, I'll see to it that he gets taught some club ' manners '."

The guy's breath hitched at that, it was a hint, a hint that he'd get beaten up. And by a guy like this? He'll surely die! he thinks.

" Sure," Akihiko nods and the customer's eyes nearly bulged out at him. 

" You see, this guy was trying to--"

" H-here! Take your 300 yen, I'm sorry!" The guy yelled in panic before Akihiko could finish. He drops the money and quickly picks up the 3 cans. " L-Let me go....I give up..." He conceded completely.

" Ehhhh~? You give up?" Sakurai asked, frowning in disappointment.

The guy nods repeatedly, to which Akihiko secretly chuckled to himself at the sight.

" Bah, how disappointing." Sakurai lets out an extremely disappointed noise before lifting his arm and letting the guy go. The previously tilted customer left without hesitation as soon as he was free from the beast's hold. 

" Thanks for scaring him off. If you hadn't, I would've done it." Akihiko nods in gratitude, to which Sakurai laughs.

" This world is not prepared to encounter an angry Asachin." The taller boy said with a smile. " Nobody should aggravate the captain-- former captain of Oreha High. They'd s**t their pants."

" I think you're projecting yourself unto me with that." Akihiko chuckled. After all, whether or not Sakurai likes to admit it, he's the much scarier guy of the two. Someone you definitely don't want to anger. And it's not just because of its status.....

He's already a crazy person....so to imagine if he were angry....well.....it's not a pretty image, to put it lightly.

" Where's Gotou-chan?" He asked.

" I had her take a break." Akihiko answered.

" Why? Was she feeling unwell-- ohhh....." Sakurai interrupted himself as he hit the realization mid sentence. He recalled to the guy from earlier, that must've been the reason. Akihiko confirms with a single nod.

" Well then, why don I take her place for now?" Sakurai sighs as he does a pointed glance to the group of women looking at him with hunger in their gazes. " Being a waiter here, is exhausting."

" Be my guest." Akihiko presents the spot next to him. 

Sakurai hops over the counter and lands on the other side, and stands next to Akihiko. For a short while, they served the customers as professionally as they could, showing a little finesse in how they served their drinks by doing bartender tricks they tried to replicate from online-- only to end up soaking Sakurai in beer.

" Fu--" Sakurai looked at his drench smelled and was irritated by the smell of it, his face scrunched. Both Akihiko and the line of customers who got to see it happen, laughed heartily. Entertained.





" Do I still smell like alcohol?" Sakurai says after a change of shirt, sniffing himself to be sure.

" Nah, you're good." Akihiko answered.

" Yeah, I'm never trying that s**t ever again." Sakurai says, darkly.

" Well, you definitely sucked at it. And I didn't know what I was doing either. But it worked pretty well....I mean, we did entertain the customers at least." Akihiko says, shrugging.

" Guess so. Well, at least I'm out of that stupid suit, so that's a plus." Sakurai releases a sigh of relief. " I swear it felt suffocating the entire time."

" You didn't seem to say that when Ijichi-san came over and went, ' Oh! You look handsome in that suit, Sakurai-kun!' " Akihiko said, trying to give the worst voice mimicking of Ijichi Nijika possible.

He gives him a blank, clearly annoyed, and very disgusted stare.

" So, did you two make up yet?" Sakurai asked, glancing to the crowd.

" Huh?"

" You and Gotou-chan. Did you kiss and make-up now?" Sakurai clarified.

" We certainly did not kiss FYI. But....no, we didn't-- wait, hold on. How do you--"

" Asachin, it's painfully obvious!" Sakurai lets out an exasperated sigh before meeting his crimson eyes with emerald ones. " Seeing you two awkwardly interact with each other today is proof of that and also..."

"....' Also'?" Akihiko repeated.

Sakurai's grin dampened till it eventually closed to a thin neutral line. 

" Gotou-chan is.....confused. About what's happening between you two." Sakurai spoke, honestly. " She came to me, asking if you were acting weird these days."

Akihiko stiffens.

" I told her, that I wasn't sure since I haven't personally seen you face to face in a while. But now," Sakurai gives him a pointed stare. " I think I know what she means now."


" I did all of these things today because of that. To see for myself if you really were acting any different, and also to rest Gotou-chan's worries. And it seems she was right. Again, you're hiding something and distancing yourself. "

" Kenji..."

" I know." Sakurai sighs, tapping his fingers on the counter in a slow pace. " It's none of my business but.....whatever it is, it's not an excuse to treat someone you like that way."

" I don't--"

" You do. Stop trying to deny it, you didn't do that before, right?" Sakurai said, irritated by Akihiko's demeanor. " What happened to the confident Akihiko Asahi, who always wore his heart on his sleeve."

Akihiko opened his mouth, but closed it again after finding no worthwhile response to that. He was right. Akihiko was no longer-- well, he's trying not to wear it on his sleeve so much, he's trying not to have his heart be affected by Bocchi so much. But today's difficulty just....skyrocketed and it's slowly slipping from his control the longer he stays here. The more he talks to her again.

" Stop being an a**hole." Sakurai chuckles. " It doesn't suit you one bit. You can leave that role to me."

"....Nah, it doesn't suit you either." Akihiko finally responded, and it was in Sakurai's suprise. The former captain smiled. " You're more kind than you think, Kenji."

But then he frowned, rather glumly.

" So I'm....hurting her, huh." He mumbled, to which Sakurai responded with a hum of affirmation. " That's....now what I wanted. I just..."

Akihiko pauses, this shouldn't be something he should be saying right now. Whatever he's about to say next will only lead to more questions from Sakurai. He should leave it here for now. Sakurai mustn't know the truth about recent events, or else it'll spell trouble down the line...

" Never mind." Akihiko instead dismisses the topic. " I'll apologize to her, for everything. You're right, she doesn't deserve that type of treatment and I was an idiot for giving her that."

" Hurting Gotou-san in any way, shape or form. That's a sin I wouldn't be able to take." For the first time in their conversation, Sakurai notes that what Akihiko said was his honest words. Nothing false about it, just like how the normal Akihiko would operate.

Sakurai grins. He guesses that'd be enough for now. " You'd better." 


" Thanks, you two! " Nijika says to Akihiko and Sakurai. " Your help was really appreciated."

" It's nothing." Akihiko smiles. " Glad we could help." Even though Sakurai dragged him into this. He's learned something, and he has something to do now.

" Thanks as well, Ijichi." Sakurai sports a softer smile than usual, something that everyone in the room-- except for Nijika -- picked up on. And also, much to Seika's annoyance, though she kept that quiet.

" Huh? What're you thanking me for? You deserve the most thanks since you did a great job in extracting money from all those women!" Nijika laughs.

Everyone got chills from that. That sounded like something Ryou, in particular, would say. Even Ryou herself was slightly concerned by Nijika's wording.





" I'll walk you home." Bocchi was thrown off balance when she heard that. Akihiko was the one who requested that.

It takes a moment for Bocchi to recover from the shock, ushering a quickly little nod.

" Sure..." Although she didn't seem to sound too excited about it. She was worried that.....the silence will be back again, and mock her.

" I'll be waiting outside for you." Akihiko gives a small smile before heading out of the building.

Bocchi releases a sigh, and she feels a hand patting her back. She looks to her side, and discovers that it was Kita patting her back.

" It'll be okay, Hitori-chan." Kita gives a supportive smile. Bocchi thinks Kita must've known the entire time, she utters a small ' thanks' for the support. But also for the fact the redhead kept quiet to herself regarding the situation.

" Here." Akihiko tosses a can to her.

Bocchi panics in trying to catch it, and she did. ALthough it fumbled on her hands for a bit due to how shaky she's been. Akihiko smiles, thinking that was cute, but once again kept that in the back of his head.

Akihiko opens his soda can, hearing a loud pop and fizzle, before drinking it.

Bocchi stared at him for a moment, wondering why he suddenly wanted to walk together like this. She feels something was about to happen, and she's not sure if it's going to be a good thing or not but...

She decides to pay attention to her own drink as well. Maybe this'll help her finally say what she needs to tonight. There's no better time than now.

She pops hers open as well and proceeds to drink, the sugary, fizzling, needle-like sensation goes down her throat. She feels a bit more awake now due to the sugar, and also a bit refreshed. After her break was over, she worked the rest of the hours vigorously with Nijika ( Since Akihiko and Sakurai were sent to accommodate the club goers again ).

They walked side-by-side now, with the same silence as before. But someone was going to break it tonight--- no, someone has to. Either one of them. Because neither want to keep this awkwardness go on more than it should.


Now's the time.

I glance to him as we walked before staring into nothingness again.

If he won't say anything....then I should!

Remember what Nijika-chan said, Hitori.

You can't just " wait" for things to happen. I have to...take the initiative this time because...

" I have something to say--" We both paused.


Did we just say the same thing?

" I'm sorry, you go first--..." We both paused again.  Okay, we definitely said the thing...

I turned to him...

"..." I noticed his head was also turned to me. We'd both stopped walking because of this.

What did he want to say? Were we finally going to actually talk? On another note, it's been a while since I stared so...deep into his eyes, I'd almost forgotten that was like-

"...Can I go first, Gotou-san?" He smiles as he said that, scratching the nape of his neck. 

" O-Of course!" I responded, feeling flustered and ashamed that I was too concentrated on his emerald orbs. He takes his time, the night chill enveloping the both of us.

And then, he finally spoke.

" Gotou-san.....I'm sorry." He said in a somber tone, which caught me off guard, but I stayed silent as he continued.

" I must've...gave you a hard time, didn't I?" He sighs in remorse. " I didn't mean to. I really didn't. And...I realized, I shouldn't have treated you like that anyways-- distancing myself without explaining anything. You must've been confused."

I nodded slowly.

" I can guess what you were thinking at the time. Were you thinking that you were doing something wrong? That you were the reason things felt off?" He asked.

" Y....Yes..." I admitted in a whisper. I looked down, fumbling with my soda can to calm my nerves. " I thought....that I really did do something."

I looked to him with a sad smile. " I wouldn't be suprised if I did....I tend to mess things up, after all--"

Suddenly, he dropped his can and dashed towards me, I felt my heart race before he--

" Stop that." He places his hands on my shoudlers, causing me to jolt back in suprise but he kept me still as he stared at me seriously. " I'm the one in the wrong here. I made you feel that way, and I'm sorry."

" I know..." After all, you don't like it when people you make people feel bad...when they shouldn't be.

Akihiko-kun, sometimes, I think you put things down on yourself too much. 

"  But Akihiko-kun....it's okay if I'm really in the wrong." I told him, " There's no need to fault yourself if it was really mine to pay..."

"....I get that but..." he retracts his hands quickly, and back to his sides.

" But?" I asked.

" I don't like it when you're sad, Gotou-san.  A depressed expression....doesn't do justice to your beauty."

I let out a small gasp before falling down to a smile. He said exactly what Sakurai thought he'd say, and.... I can't help but feel warm inside when I hear it from Akihiko's mouth. 

" Thank you.....and...it's okay." I assured him. " Can I say something now?" I asked.

" Of course! You had something to say too so....it's my turn to hear you out." He looked a little bit flustered, it was unusual and rare, but it made my heart race because of cute he looked.

I was planning to say something similar to what he said.....and it would've probably led to this same conclusion...

That's why....I suppose, I should take the initiative in saying or doing something I wouldn't normally do with sound mind...

" Gotou-san? What is--"

" H-Hold my hand!" I said in a loud voice, feeling the redness and warmth forming on my cheeks again. I'm sure I'd be a tomato in no time.

" W-What?" He choked mid question, It definitely suprised him. Oddly enough, I felt smug that I got that sort of reaction of him, but now I'm feeling the regret quickly creeping in.

No, screw the regret!

If Nijika-chan says take the initiative... 

Then you mustn't falter!

" L-Like this!" Letting my left hand hold the soda can, I used my right hand to grab his left. As soon as we made contact, I was hit with the feelings from that day-- the warmth and comfort of holding his hand.

" Gotou-san...? Why--"

" I...I want to hold it..." I didn't want to mention the last time we held hands. He must've been too sick to remember or maybe....

No, It's better to assume he was sick...

If he did love me, he would've said it....that's the type of guy he is.

And he hasn't said it. So this will do just fine.

[ Akihiko feels her warmth envelop his hand once more. His heart races, and his breathing was ragged-- but he tried to keep that all under the rug while holding her hand. He doesn't want her to know that he's fallen for her this hard, that he's failed to stop falling for her any harder, when in fact, this sealed the coffin. ]

I feel him intertwine his hands with mine.

" So this is what holding your hand feels like..." [ Again, Akihiko thought to himself. ]

" Is it....bad?" I asked, worried and ready to let go-- but his grip turned firmer.

" No, I like it. Thanks for giving me the pleasure to hold your hand, Gotou-san." He smiles genuinely and I blush, quickly turning away.

" A-And...one more thing..." I mumbled after a moment.

" Hm?"

"....Please, don't run from me again....at least give me a reason...." I asked, meekly. 

" I won't treat you that way again. I won't make you feel that way again." He looks to our intertwined hands, raising them a bit as if to make an oath. " I promise."




It's as if it's about to explode right out of my chest....this happiness.....I can't contain it. 

" Okay!" I beamed brightly, and said it in a louder tone. Akihiko-kun looked taken aback for a moment, but he looked just as happy as I am. 

I'm glad.....things took a better turn now.

Even though this came after a bad time between us....or well, an awkward one when neither of us could talk. Even if I still don't know the reason ' why'. I feel content-- no, more than satisfied with this.

~~~ The End ~~~


Finally done.

Sorry, I didn't update for 3 days or so.

School was having its way with me, without my proper consent. They bribed me to stay silent about the things they've done to me...

So I hope this long chapter made up for the wait!

The issue between them has definitely been cleared up-- but only from Bocchi's end. Akihiko still has that little circumstance chaining him!

But the heroes of this chapter is definitely Sakurai and Nijika. They rlly clutched up for the main couple!

Halloween event is finally upcoming within the chapter after the next ( that's the main plan at least )

So look forward to it!

See ya~
