31. Alleviate

Akihiko PoV

" I love you, Akihiko-kun."

Akihiko releases a deep sigh of shame and disappointment in himself. Despite telling himself over and over to drop it. He still hopelessly tries to pull her in, by the way he wrapped his arms around her despite all his self warnings-- despite the reality, his heart still wants her.

" Stayyy...." Her arms were stubbornly wrapping around his neck, trying to pull him down with her on the bed.

God, he wanted to stay. With her, anywhere, everywhere-- forever. As long as that forever was with her. But it felt wrong, and not just from where he was standing but also from the state she was in. The normal Bocchi would've never made such a tempting offer. Still, drunk or not, he would've taken care of her the rest of his life if he could.

" Good night.....love you.....sweet dreams..." he hears her say in a drowsy tone.

She's said ' I love you' to him-- twice, albeit drunk, but still. Akihiko has admitted to loving her in his thoughts, and to certain people. But he couldn't dare tell her that; the fear of pain just creeps in every single time, a haunting reminder that if he were to pursue her beyond what he's limited to. They'll both suffer in the long run. Especially her.

He's only said ' I love you' to her once. When he was sick. And when she swore to never believe him.

And he kissed her forehead just last night as his way of saying good night....and a silent ' I love you' back, before a sweet dreams.

That should be enough. More than enough.

He gets up from bed. It's already 5 am in the morning, it was his turn to cook breakfast on the weekends. Despite it being a Sunday, the two brothers would often find themselves naturally awake early unless they were really tired the day before. He tightens the apron around his waist and warms the stove.

" Hm....what to cook." he thinks to himself for a few minutes. He wasn't too inclined on eating heavy something heavy right now, so a light meal would be most preferable. 

" Tamagoyaki and Miso soup would do me good.....but then there's Seiji." He takes in consideration, his roommate and younger brother, Seiji. Not too long ago, he'd turned 13. And his appetite has naturally increased, so it's best to prepare something filling for him.

" Got it." He snaps his fingers upon hitting an epiphany, " A heavy rice bowl with raw egg on top, plus, the fried beef he brought from last night. Just gotta reheat that and reapply the sauce." He decided.

Chef Akihiko was on the go.

Immediately, he prepares the rice for steaming. He washes it properly, draining the water, and then placing the clean rice in the rice pot, filling it up with water again before placing it inside the rice cooker. He  plugs, and turns on the steaming. Immediately, he got the necessary ingredients from the fridge.

" Alright, time to--"


Akihiko immediately pauses. His doorbell just rung. He quickly goes to check who's at the door, he opens it and--

" Yo, Asachin!"

The familiar tall stature of his best friend stood before him.

" Kenji...?" Akihiko was bewildered by his friend's sudden presence.

" What're you--"

" Let's chat inside, yeah?" He grins.


" So delishcious~" Sakurai moaned whilst he chowed down on the first batch of Tamagoyaki, along with rice dressed in soy sauce.

Akihiko sighs, as he pours the next bowl of beaten eggs into the pan.

" You should've sent a message or called to let me know that you'd be coming here." Akihiko pours misin, a pinch of salt, and then adds chopped vegetables and salmon flakes atop the cooking egg.

" Well, I wanted to suprise--*burp*-- you!" Sakurai clasps his hands and bows to his finished bowl. " Thank you for letting me devour you."

" Besides, isn't it normal for a best buddy to drop by their best buddie's home without notice? " Sakurai asked, genuinely.

" I would've appreciated a heads-up, nonetheless." Akihiko slowly pans the egg to roll it up into a log shape. " The house is a mess, as you can see."

Sakurai raises a brow. " Since when did you starting thinking that I'd care about things being a mess? What's got you acting so stiff all of sudden?" He taps his chin with his finger as he hums in thought.

Akihiko's movements suddenly froze at that. He quickly swallows a lump down his throat before resuming his plating.

" ....Sorry, maybe it's just my hangover." Akihiko lied. " You see, someone spiked the fruit punch at the halloween event last night. I accidentally drank plenty cups full of it, and before I'd realized-- I was pretty much drunk at that point." 

Actually, that wasn't me.... Akihiko remembers the drunk Bocchi from last night. It was a cute phenomenon that he was happy to see even just once in this lifetime.

" Ah, well, you always did dislike alcohol." Sakurai nods. " You didn't do anything crazy while I wasn't around, have you?"

" Of course not." Akihiko says as he cracks an egg on Seiji's bowl of rice, glittered with sesame seeds and glistening in soy sauce. He places the finished bowl on the vacant part of the table.

" Anyways, what about you?"

" Hm?"

" Your halloween party, I mean. How was it?" Akihiko smiles as he asked that, reminiscing fun moments with the team in their past party events back in Oreha. 

" It was fun." Sakurai answers, though he stopped grinning. This caught Akihiko's attention, he felt the mood between them drop down all of a sudden.

"...Kenji, did something--"

A yawn, followed by groggy footsteps, entered the room. Both boys turned to the younger figure who'd just entered the dining area.

" Morning, brother..." He greets.

" Good morning, Sei--" Akihiko was about to return it in kind, till Sakurai interjected.

" Yo! Seichin, wazzup!" He says in a loud, boisterous tone.

Seiji pauses. He slowly turned his head to the boy with long black hair seated at the dining table, his crimson eyes greeting him in a chipper mood, with a matching grin, typical of him.

"...." The 13 year old's mind took a few minutes to process the presence before him.

"....Asahi," Seiji turns to his older brother with a serious expression.

" What is it?" Asahi replied.

" Did this beast break anything in the apartment--"

" WELL OUCH! THAT'S THE FIRST THING YOU SAY TO ME, HUH?!" Sakurai immediately responds by tackling the younger Akihiko and attacks his head with a noogie.

" W-Wah! Stop! I was-- joking-- well, mostly joking, but still--!"

" You're still the same annoying brat, aren't you?!" Sakurai continued to playfully apply more noogies on the head.

" WAHAHA--! f**k that hurts! Sto-- OKANDJSNAJDNJIASNDIN--!"

" You had it coming, Sei." Asahi watched, amused.

This was a familiar sight. Though, it's been quite a while since he's last seen it. Sakurai has always been close with Asahi ever since the latter picked him up, and that same closeness is also linked to his kinship with Seiji. The taller boy has always seen Asahi as his brother, and he also sees Seiji as his own younger brother, after all, Sakurai is an only child. So his relationship with the Akihiko's has always been a little extension to his family, his parents agree too.

Life was never dull for the three.

" It's really good to see you again, Kenji-san." Seiji said.

" Now that's what I like to hear. And the same goes to you as well, Seicchin." Sakurai grins.

" Asahi told me that Oreha made it into the finals. It's set for December right?" He asked.

Sakurai does a thumbs up. " Yep."

" Good luck on that. I hope you'll win--"

" We'll win." Sakurai said with an uncharacteristically serious tone. " We won't lose like last time."

That immediately caught Asahi's attention. Seiji too. The both of them thought something felt oddly....furious about Sakurai's words just now. 

" W-Well...that enthusiasm is...." Seiji releases a nervous chuckle in an attempt to ease some of the tension. Save the food for thought later. " That enthusiasm of yours is a lot more passionate than I thought."

" Of course it is. I'm winning this battle for Asachin!" Sakurai grins again, confidence blazing. " A proper tribute to the 'Pride of Oreha'."

Asahi feels the cringe running through his veins as he said that title. But it brought him back to the days when soccer was almost everything to him, be it win or loss; he always had fun with it. With Sakurai. With his teammates. And his ambition to win the tournament for his late father was what fueled him.

But....he puts it all aside now. There are things, far more important things, for him to think about now.

As he thought that, Akihiko took a gulp from his water.

" But enough about me," Sakurai rests his chin on his palm. " So, Asachin, did you tell Gotou-chan that you love her yet--"

"  Guagh!" Asahi suddenly forgot how to drink water and somehow began drowning from the water going down his own throat-- or is it choking? Wait, he's dying--!

" H-Hey!" Seiji immediately panicked and went to his brother's side to save him.


Asahi was saved by his brother, though he was still coughing. Seiji looked relieved, but quickly resumed his previous cool expression. While Sakurai showed zero concern as always, and simply flashed an amused grin at Asahi's near-death experience caused by chaos incarnate himself.

" Kenji-san, you almost killed my brother--"

" Hey, hey. Seiji you know who I'm talking about, right? Gotou Hitori? Your brother must've at least mentioned her ten times a day." 

" W-WHY TEN TIMES?!" Asahi exclaimed, feeling embarrassed by that assumption. Sure, he's not good at hiding his feelings for her-- but he's not that hopeless!

[ He's only stayed faithful to mentioning her at least 5 times a day--]

" Well, we do know each other." Seiji left it at that.

" Ohh~ So she's already met the little brother, eh?" Sakurai shoots a suggestive look towards Asahi for a split-second before turning back his attention to Seiji.

" Well, what do you think of her?" Sakurai asked.

Seiji didn't want to continue the conversation, he truly didn't. Not because he disliked talking about Bocchi, but he can clearly see Asahi's crumbling resolve--


Seiji hid his suprise when he saw that Asahi kept a rather stoic look. An expression that betrayed little to nothing. Although the blush was still visible, stemming from his thoughts of her that day probably-- it doesn't seem like he's wavered this time.

Just go along with it, that's what Asahi communicated with a single look.

Seiji does as told.

" To put it frankly, she's an introverted mess." Seiji starts, " And she's clumsy. Pretty bad at coming up with topics for conversation-- and she melts like a snowman in summer day when she's around my brother."

" But..."

Seiji smiles. " I like her. She's cool."

Seiji left it at that. He was never really good at complimenting people unlike his brother, so that was the best he could do. He can flip through an entire dictionary to find synonyms that could help make his sarcastic remarks or insults sound more eloquent-- but he always fumbled the vocabulary ability to praise someone. The only woman exempted from that, is his mother. He can easily find the words to describe just how great she is in a heartbeat-- but conversely, he can also speak the issues regarding her just as easy. Especially with the situation at present.

" Looks like the little brother approves!" Sakurai claps. " Asahi, you should tell her your feelings now!"

" I can't do that." Asahi answers immediately, shaking his head. 

" Huh? Why not?" Sakurai raised a brow. " Don't shy away from the obvious opportunity presented before you." He said.

" Well, why don't you confess to Ijichi-san then?" Asahi shoots back, trying to divert the course of conversation by bringing up Sakurai's own situation.

" Huh? Who's Ijichi--" Seiji tried to ask but Sakurai responds quicker.

" I'll have you know that we're going by first-name basis now. At least I'm making progress here unlike your sorry a**." Sakurai smugly says.

" Eh? What?!" The tables were turned on Asahi in an instant.

" No, seriously, who in the world are you two talking about--"

" Since when?!" Asahi interrogated.

" A few weeks ago." Sakurai said, sticking a tongue out in mockery. " So you can't say anything against me~"

" Tch." Asahi admits defeat.

[ Seiji was still confused by who they were talking about. He's given up on asking. ]

" Seriously, what's the hold up with you two?" Sakurai fusses. " Clearly you two like each other."

" And you're not exactly dense when it comes to feelings, Asachin. I'm sure even you realized that Gotou-chan likes you a bit-- no, a lot more than just friends." Sakurai pointed out the truth.

And it was true, Asahi wasn't dense. He can see the obvious, but simply opts for denial because he believes it's better that way. The proof of this is the fact he suspected Mayafumi's feelings for him all along, but chose to continue and keep silent until she either loses feelings or decides to confront them. It ended with the latter.

But the intention behind then and now. Are completely different. He was giving Mayafumi a choice from back then, and cruel as it is; it was also a means for him to avoid having to confront it himself. Her feelings should be respected, he thinks.

Moving to now, the intention is for Bocchi to never confess. By acting aloof or dense about her feelings, he can avoid having to reject her. Although, the more likely scenario would be that he couldn't reject her if she did. 

She'll break his resolve effortlessly, within seconds.

He can handle holding back the words ' I like you' from being voiced out to her.

But if it's the other way around, he'd surely...

" It's just....I think Gotou-san deserves a lot more." Asahi smiles. " There's plenty of people who can be with her and love her better than me."

Seiji gives a pointed glance, nodding slightly in approval. While Sakurai looked confused and almost offended.

" That...doesn't make sense to me." Sakurai furrowed his brows, slowly feeling irritated by Asahi's denial. " It doesn't matter whether there's someone better than you or whatnot. What matters is that SHE likes YOU.

" Kenji, it's not that simple."

" Then why? It's not like you're going to leave us or anything, right?"

Asahi freezes.

Kenji doesn't know.

Kenji doesn't know.

Kenji doesn't know.

That sentence rung in his head over and over. His best friend was unaware of the truth as to why Asahi is like this. Asahi never told him. Why? Because Sakurai would try to follow, or at least protest greatly against it. Sakurai's parents likely knew about this too, but they also refused to tell their own son that his best buddy would be leaving Japan for an uncertain amount of time.

Even Seiji flinches. realizing the same thing. But he immediately covered up his reaction and maintained a cool composure.

" Kenji-san, the truth is..." Seiji finally spoke up, seeing that Asahi couldn't make up an excuse on time. " My older brother is afraid of accidentally hurting her."

Sakurai turns to him.

Seiji continues.

" I mean, you should know it too, right? He's never seen someone in a romantic light until now. As much as I agree that he should make his move, I also understand his point of view when it comes to this. Besides, Gotou-neesan is a mess like I said, and by that I mean fragile in various senses when it comes to relationships. Asahi doesn't want to hurt her. Or mess up." Seiji explained.


So what? Sakurai thought to himself.

Even he, himself, wasn't perfect for Nijika. But he's still trying to reach her heart, because he wants her more than anyone. He's slowly softening up and changing for the better all for her-- but he also thinks that there are plenty of other guys who could match with her perfectly. Maybe Sakurai wasn't even her type to begin with.

But so what?

It didn't matter, right? Sakurai is also being careful in exploring what love is like. And of course he doesn't want to hurt her either but--

Selfish as it is.

He doesn't want to see her with another guy.

He's still learning, but he's managed to get a grasp on one thing; To never let go of love once you've found it.

" Just love her." Sakurai mutters.

" Huh?"

" Just love her, you idiot." Sakurai says in a bland tone, suprising both Asahi and Seiji.

" If you mess up, then apologize. if you break her heart then that's also on you. But...what's wrong with loving her?" Sakurai genuinely asked. " Are you really going to be fine if she finds a     ' better' guy as you say? "

" Will you really be happy with an outcome like that, Asachin?"

Stop talking... Asahi mentally pleaded.

Sakurai's words began ringing incessantly in his head over and over. Repeating that question. Would he be happy? It's a distracting thought, but he's left with nothing but to ponder on it more and more. Her image began to appear in his head, her blue eyes reminding him of the clear skies, her doll-like skin, fragile yet beautiful, her long pink hair; he'd love to brush his fingers through it. Her smile that brightens up his day. All of her. He loves all of her.


He'll have to let that go. Let her go.

Even if he might never be happy with that choice. Even if he might look back with regret.

" I--"

Before Asahi could give him his answer, Sakurai's phone suddenly received a call. The latter quickly checked and his eyes widened upon seeing the contact, he immediately stood up.

" Hold on. I'll be right back." He holds a finger up. " Just got an important call. I'll be outside."

" Sure." Asahi said.  Sighing in relief once Sakurai stepped out, the door clicking behind him.

" Seriously...that guy..." Asahi shakes his head, slapping himself in the face repeatedly. " Making it a lot more difficult for me..."

" You did good." Seiji felt the need to acknowledge that. " For someone that wears his heart on his sleeve....you did great in keeping it under wraps this time."

" Yeah?" Asahi sighs. " Well, I guess I did. "

" It'll be worth it." Seiji assures, " She won't be hurt by you when you leave."

" That's what I'm hoping on..." Asahi said. 

The brothers look towards Sakurai again, who had just entered the room. The atmosphere from before seemingly forgotten due to the strange grin he was wearing on his face.

" Okay, so you two must be wondering why I'm here, right?" He asked.

Asahi and Seiji nod.

" Okay well; SUPRISE! I'll be staying here in your apartment for an entire week~!" Sakurai proclaims, whilst shooting a confetti bomb in the air.

" WHAT?!"

" I have some important business to do here, so please take care of me--"

" GET OUT--"

" W-What?! Hey, aren't you two supposed to be welcoming-- HEY STOP PUSHING ME OUT--!"


It was nearly 11 am when I suddenly received a message. 


Mayafumi-san: Gotou-san, do you have some time to spare for today? I'd like for us to talk.





A-About what?!

This wasn't the first time Mayafumi-san has sent me a direct message. But it is unusual, we may be friends, but we're not at that level of friendship whatsoever that she'd text me daily. So I can't help but wonder and panic as to why Mayafumi-san wants us to talk. Did she find out that I saw everything last night? 


Actually....aren't they....dating now?

Akihiko-kun never denied it last night. And why should he? He's going to be dating such....a nice girl. Someone who genuinely wants to act on her feelings for him, someone ready to pour her entire heart to him, regardless of what she or what others might think. Unlike me, who's too unconfident to spill my heart out.

I only told him my feelings because I was drunk....and he doesn't even believe me....

"....Maybe she's calling for us to meet, because she wants to announce her relationship with Akihiko-kun to me..." I muttered to myself as I stared at her contact.

She was still waiting for my response.

Should I even....

In all honesty, I wanted to lie and say I didn't have time. I didn't want to hear the dreaded words be uttered from her lips, that she's won his heart.

But if I don't go....won't that strain this friendship we have? Even though it's small, and even if we don't often confide in each other....but to someone who's never had friends for a long time. I've come to value every friendship I have with different people. I don't want to break something due to my own faults for not confessing sooner.

I took a deep breath before typing my response, agreeing at the place and time.

Brace yourself, Hitori...

It'll hurt, but you've got to put on a supporting gesture.

For Mayafumi-san.


" He rejected me." She told me.


" H-he what?" 

" You heard me." She smiles, a tinge of sadness in her eyes. " He rejected my feelings."


I leaned back on my seat, too shocked to processed this information. Multiple questions were running through my head at the moment. Why? Why would he reject a girl like her? Does he actually have someone else he likes--

" I love you, Gotou-san."

N-NO! Get that thought off of your head! Don't even think for a second that h-he actually meant that! He was sick. S-i-c-k. S-So he was just saying random things...

Still, I couldn't help but slightly entertain that idea a little bit. Just a teensy bit. Things would've turned into a fairytale for me, if the person he ended up actually liking was me....

" Gotou-san?" Suddenly, I was brought back to reality. 

I quickly sat up straight.

" I-I'm sorry..." I didn't know what else to say in response.

" ... " She was silent for a moment. Oh no. Did my response made her angry--

" Hey, I want to ask you this question again." She suddenly said. Leaning her chin against her palm as she stared through my soul.

" W-What?" 

" Gotou-san, do you like Akihiko-kun?"


It was that question again. The question where I had lied to her because....I didn't want to admit it, because I wanted Mayafumi-san to claim his heart. Because I valued my friendship with her more than I did my feelings for him.

But did I really?


I was just....scared.

Falling in love is scary. But it's also because of that, that I've turned a bit braver.

"....You know," Mayafumi-san purses her lips in thought as her eyes trails towards the window. " I thought that after getting rejected by him, I would've gone through a depressing character arc that would've ended up giving me the character development I needed. Just like a manga."

She chuckles.

" I cried when I got home that night." She smiles somberly. " Love can improve the heart in more ways than you could think. But it can also kill it."

" I guess....I was just unlucky....that mine ended up being the latter." Her tone wavers. " It didn't matter how much I changed, or how much I loved him. He'd already set his eyes on a different girl. Seriously, she is one lucky person..."


Secretly, I felt envious of that girl he's already set his eyes on. I wondered who could it be, what she's like, and how he came to like her. But even if I did know her, I had no right to interfere with that because...

Some dark part of me was a bit happy that Mayafumi-san got rejected. Relieved.







" G-Gotou-san?! Why are you crying all of a sudden--"

" I-I'm...s-sworry....M-Mayafwumi-san..." I clinged to her arm, muttering apologies over and over.

" I'm...a howwible....pwerson--!" I couldn't speak clearly, but judging by her shocked look turning into one of understanding-- it seems like my message got across to her.

" I-It's okay...." She pats my head. " You really are so random, you know?"

It's not okay.

I have something important I need to tell her. She has the right to know.

" I...I have something I want to tell you." I said, after calming myself down.

" What is it?" She asked.

" I was there, when you confessed to him." I told her, and her lips thinned to a straight line.

I was scared of what her reaction would be, but I pressed on anyway. 

" I know...your story of how you changed after seeing him play in the middle school tournament for the first time, how real your love was for him." I looked down to the table. " How colorful your world became after meeting him."


" So when....you told me you got rejected...I....was in disbelief."


" Even I, thought you were the perfect girl, or the perfect female lead as you'd like to call it." I fiddled with my hands, trying to not drown in this cold silence. " I'm sorry....even though I had the chance to leave earlier. I decided to stay. And I found out things you didn't want to let anyone know but him."

" Gotou-san--"

" Y-you can hit me! Or maybe public execution would be better!" I tried to appeal. " Make it as painful as you like, I can take it--! Maybe use a guillotine to cut my head off at the end and then feed it to the crows--"

" Gotou--"

" D-Do anything you want, Mayafumi-san. If it's the only way I can repent for my sins then--"

Suddenly, I felt a hand zip my mouth. Literally zipping it.

" Mmfpph?" I stared at her, confused.

" I already know." She said.

For some reason, I couldn't sense any anger from her. Sadness, yes. But no anger, malice, or hatred.

" And..." She continues, " I already knew I'd be rejected. Yet I tried anyways." She sighs.

" I guess, it's better that I did something about it and failed. Than leaving my feelings swirling around for no reason, right?" She tells me, but I felt as thought she directed that to herself.            " Yeah, it's better this way."

I unzipped my mouth.

" I...I see...." I nodded slowly.

Doing something about it....even if you fail....

Those words resonated within me in a way I didn't expect.

"....I have one more thing to say, Mayafumi-san." I said after a while.

" Yes?" Her golden eyes seemed to contain a sort of expectation. Is this what she called me here for?

To tell me this? To push me into...admitting it?

Mayafumi-san...was this your way of telling me to confess instead of waiting around?


You really are an admirable person. 

" I love Akihiko-kun." I finally told her. Admitting my feelings for him to her after she's asked me this question for the third time.

"....Then tell him." She finally smiles brightly. " I'm a hundred percent sure that he loves you too." 

" Really...?" I asked.

She laughs heartily. " I have no doubt about it, Gotou-san!"

No doubt about it, huh....

No matter how much I try to deny it, I'll always come back to that same thought. Nothing can make me forget the fact he told me he loves me.

 But I was afraid of receiving a misunderstanding, that's why I held myself back from confessing. I didn't want to face rejection because of my own misunderstanding but...

Seeing Mayafumi-san stay strong, seeing her sitting in front of me right now, even after going through the outcome she didn't want....

Maybe I should do the same.

Even if I misunderstood the whole thing, even if he never really meant the words " I love you".

I'll do it for myself, even if I get rejected!


 Mayafumi watched as Bocchi was pumping herself up for what's to come. She couldn't help but smile, she knew that unlike her, Bocchi's feelings will definitely be reciprocated. But then another thought enters her mind...

What did Akihiko meant when he said he can't love her?

She wonders if he seriously meant it or if he was just trying to hide his feelings.

She hopes that it isn't the former. 

~~~ End ~~~

I'm sorry... I didn't upload for an entire week ;-;

I was tired last week because of our school's sports festival. So I was extremely fatigued.

But the worst part was that during the weekend, I caught a stupid flu...

So this chapter got delayed even more-- AAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I've mostly healed now though, I'm just left with this annoying sore throat. But I can start uploading again.

So it seems Bocchi is ready to confess! ( mostly )

Mayafumi gave her the push she needed.  ( Sorry for breaking your heart Mayafumi-san ;-; )

And Sakurai staying for a week at the Akihiko apartment? The brothers couldn't help but be suspicious of his intentions.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter, and look forward to the next one!  It's going to be a fun next chapter~

Also, another fanart has been dropped! This time by @ammar123ivy <3

Seriously, I'm genuinely shooketh by how much fanart this fic is getting, with the ship of Bocchi x Akihiko being the main inspiration.

Thank you again! Things like these always motivate me more when writing the fic!

I'll see you in the next chapter! ( Will prolly come out today-- )
