Chapter-9 (Texting)

Jimin POV:

As they were exiting our waiting room. I then decided to tell the members that I invited them for tomorrows concert.

Jimin:- "Guys I've invited Y/n and Ara for the concert"

Suga:- Jiminahh you know that she is not her right?

Jimin:- "Yes suga hyung I know that. I just invited her because I was rude to her earlier"

Suga:- "good then"

J hope:- "Oh you invited them too I also invited Ara and y/n"

Jungkook:- "Hyung do you like Ara? I saw the way you were looking at her."

J hope:- "No Jungkook its just that she is nice and beautiful and even y/n"

Jimin:- "ya y/n is beautiful" I immediately regretted it after saying

The members started teasing me for what I said... aghh

RM:- "Okay guys lets go rest now, tomorrow is our concert"

Jin:- "Yeah lets go"

*Time Skip*

Y/n POV:

When I reached home I told Lisa what all happened today and yes even about the kiss cause I share everything with her. She quickly hung up the call and the next minute I know she is standing at my main door.

Lisa:- "Y/n you kissed Park Jimin? Wtf no way. I want details"

Y/n:- "Shh mom is inside keep your volume low. Now come with me" I dragged her in my room and shut the door so no one could hear us

Lisa:- "Ok now spill"

Y/n:- "first of all I didn't kiss him he did" then I told her about the rest of the story.

Lisa:- "Oh you're so lucky Park Jimin kissed you"

Y/n:- " aghh shop it. Also I'm going to his concert tomorrow he invited me, he will text the address"

Lisa:- "WHAT!!! I also wanna go and you have his number?"

Y/n:- "I don't have that much money"

Lisa:- "Pls call him and ask pls won't you take me with you pls y/n won't you do this much I'm your bestie since childhood pls"

Y/n:- "Umm okay lemme just text him."

I pulled up my phone from my back pocket and texted him saying

y/n:- "now lets just wait for his reply"

Lisa:- "yeah I hope he says yes"

Jimin POV:-

I was lying on my bed. As I was about to turn off the lights and go to sleep I hear a ding sound coming from my phone. Who can msg me at this hour? I picked up my phone and it was from y/n asking if she can bring a friend. I replied

I was struggling if I should put an emoji or not. But at last decided to send it.

I kept thinking about her soft lips and her beautiful face... aghh no jimin don't think these things. Then I keep my phone aside and went to sleep.

Y/n POV:

I received a text and when I opened it I saw jimins text, he said yes. I informed Lisa and she was so happy. With that I went to sleep. I was still thinking about that kiss. His soft tinted pink lips and his face aghh So handsome. 





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