Chapter-14 (Piano)

Y/n POV:

Its currently 9 30 Am and I'm having breakfast with my mom.

Y/N:- "Mom I need to go out today before my part time job"

Mom:- "Oh okay but where?"

Y/n:- "To Lisa's house we need to discuss something about our project"

Mom:- "Ya ok"

Y/n:- "Thanks"

I got up and headed upstairs and dialled Lisa's no and informed her that I've told my mom that I'm at her house as she wouldn't allow me to go to Jimins house like that alone.

Lisa:- "Can I tag along?"

Y/n:- "Lisa no. I'll tell you everything when I come back I promise"

Lisa:- "Ok. I'll hang up first. Bye see you in the evening"

Y/n:- "Ya see ya bye"

*Time Skip*

Its 10:35 already and I've not even left my house, its takes about 40 mins from here to Jimins house.
I booked a taxi and immediately left.

I reached his house at 11:10 and was standing outside his big house. How much money does he have. Aghh stupid y/n he's an idol known globally.

I rung his door bell and Jimin opened the door with a smile on his face.

Jimin POV:

I was sitting on my couch watching tv when the door bell rang and I immediately got up to open it as I knew its Y/n.

Y/n:- "Hey. I'm sorry I got a little late"

Jimin:- "Its completely fine I am free all day today."

Y/n:- "Oh"

Jimin:- "Oh come in, have a seat"

Jimin:- "I'll bring something for you"

Y/n:- "No its fine I'm good"

Jimin:- " No no you came to my house for the first time I have to offer something to you. Coffee or tea or any other drink?"

Y/n:- "Umm coffee will be fine"

Jimin:- "I'll be right back"

Y/n:- "wait I'll help you"

Jimin:- "Sure follow me"

Y/n POV:

We went to the kitchen and he started making coffee.

After few minutes the coffee was ready and we were walking back towards the living room when I saw a piano in one of the room, I guess its his music room I've wanted to play piano for a long time.

Y/n:- "Hey do you mind if I play the piano?"

Jimin:- "Sure"

We walked in that room and I sat down to play it but what the hell am I supposed to play I don't know shit about this

Jimin:- "Wait you don't know how to play?"

Y/n:- "No I don't. I've always wanted to play but never learned due to financial problems"

Jimin:- "Its ok lemme show you"

He suddenly put his arms from behind on the keys and started playing. I could feel his hot breath near my ears.

Jimin:- "Ok now you play what I just played"

He said removing his hands from the keys but......he kept his hands on my waist and I could feel my heart explode. And he leaned into my neck I moved a little to give him more access. He started leaving small kisses on my neck.

While kissing my neck he suddenly picked me up and placed me on the piano. Damn it will break what is he doing. As he did that, now I was sitting on the piano and he was standing and then he pressed his lips on mine and I just couldn't control so I obviously kissed him back.

I couldn't resist his touch I. I'm getting addicted to this, I'm getting addicted to him, his touch, his scent, his aura, his everything.






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