Chapter-31 (Let me talk)

Jimin POV:

I was frustrated idk what to do anymore. When I was going to follow y/n, but Yuri called me as she wasn't feeling well. After I gave her the meds I and asked Jin to take care of her and I left for y/n's house to clear things out. I have rehearsals too for todays concert...

I rung Y/n bell and her mom (Mrs. Kim) opened the door.

Mrs. Kim:- "Jimin! What are you doing here?

Jimin:- "I just wanna meet y/n please le me"

Mrs. Kim:- "Haven't u hurt her enough? She didn't tell me anything but I knew it you must have hurt her"

Jimin:- "I know its all my fault just let me meet her and clear things out please."

Mrs. Kim:- "Okay. She's upstairs"

Jimin:- "Thanks a lot"

I rushed upstairs quickly. I knocked on the door twice but there was no reply...........................








Hope you liked it. Again a cliffhanger...hehe *evil laugh*
