Chapter-27 (Happy ever after?)

Jimin POV:

Its been one month since Y/n moved in with me and we are living very happily. She is the sweetest girl I've ever met. I don't miss Yuri when I'm with Y/n. She has successfully won my heart, my soul my everything. I belong to her and she belongs to me. We can concur everything together.

We've told the members as well about our relationship after she moved in. Today is Valentine's day and I've decided to ask Y/n's hand in marriage..That means I'm going to get engaged if she says yes. And if she says yes I'll make it official to the word, cause I don't want to hide my love from my fans.

Y/n:- "Jimin, Good morning" She said coming down

Jimin:- "Good morning babe. Breakfast is ready on the table, lets go"

Y/n:- "What would I do without you Jimin." She said laughing

Jimin:- "Y/n I need to leave now for recording and for a meeting with PD nim. I want you to be ready at 7 sharp I'll pick you up."

Y/n:- "Ohk. But where are we going?"

Jimin:- "That you'll find out"

Y/n:- "Ok"

With that I pecked her lips and exited my house.

*Time Skip*

Y/n POV:

I was confused as I couldn't decide what to wear tonight, so I called Lisa over and went shopping with her.

I wore this red slit dress. Jimin came to pick me up at 7 and put a blindfold on my eyes. As we reached the location we went into a room and he removed my blindfold and what I saw was phenomenal.

Jimin:- "Y/n I hope you like this surprise." He then slid his hand in his suit pocket and took out a rectangular box.

Jimin:- "This is for you."

Y/n:- "What is it?"

Jimin:- "open it"

I opened it revealing a beautiful necklace.

Y/n:- "Its beautiful Jimin" I hugged him immediately

Jimin:- "Lemme help you" He took the necklace and tied it around my neck.

Y/n:- "Thanks a lot. I didn't bring anything for you I'm sorry"

Jimin:- "Don't be. And come with me" He said grabbing my wrist

Y/n:- "Where?"

Jimin:- "There's one more surprise"

I followed him and it lead to the backyard which was beautifully decorated. He pulled a chair for me and I sat down.

He sat down as well. We drank wine and ate snacks, when suddenly he asked for my hand and stood up he sat on his knees and...

Jimin:- "Y/n I know I might sound cheezy but you're my light in the dark. You have successfully stolen my heart and I'm all yours now and I want you to be mine now. I love you so damn much I can't even express with words."

I was at loss of words I never imagined this. I felt my eyes getting little teary as he continued.

Jimin:- "So Kim Y/n will you become my forever. WILL YOU MA-"









Hope you enjoyed. I know the cliff-hanger is irritating but that's what I like hehe. Evil me. Bye pls vote and comment.
