Chapter- 19 (At the party)

Y/n POV:

It' currently 5 45 pm and Ara came to my house early so that she can pick a dress for me. She made a mess of my cupboard while searching and then said

Ara:- "Y/n why don't you have any sexy clothes"

Y/n:- "Excuse me I've many sexy dresses. They are in the top self, look"

Ara:- "Oh ok I didn't see"

She started searching and picked out my light purple velvet dress

Ara:- "Wear this you'll look sexy"

Y/n:- "No not its too revealing."

Ara:- "No you'll have to wear this"

Y/n:- "Ok fine. I can never argue with you"

With that I went inside to change. I wore that dress with a necklace.

We then all got ready and headed in Lisa's car. Yes Lisa has a car. Her family is kinda rich so yeah.

After 1 hr:

We reached J hope's house. As we stood outside his huge house Ara rang his doorbell and Taehyung opened the door.

Taehyung:- "Hey welcome girls"

Lisa:- "Hi Taehyung."

Taehyung:- "Hi. Get in"

As we walked through the corridor its big just like Jimins house. Damn they are rich af. The corridor led the the living room and it was fucking huge.

J hope:- "Hey guys finally you're here." J hope said hugging Ara. Aww this shows how much j hope loves Ara already.

Ara:- "Ya I know but there was a little traffic"

Jungkook:- "Ya but atleast you are here now. Lets start the party guyssss"

There were 4 more girls there already who i'm guessing are their girlfriends.

J hope:- Ya we'll start but let me introduce first. So guys this is Seo yoon, Jin's girlfriend. This is Ji woo Suga's girlfriend. This is Ji Sung Rm's girlfriend and this is Seo jun-

Y/n:- "Jungkook's girlfriend."

J hope:- "Ani Jungkook don't have a girlfriend yet. Seo jun is Seo yoon's sister" 

Y/n:- "Oh sorry"

J hope:- "Its fine. Now lets start"

Jin:- "Ya lets start. But wait a min....where is Jimin?" Aghhh why Jin why I don't wanna see him or hear his name..

Rm:- " There he is" Rm pointed towards the stairs and our heads turned that way.

Jimin's outfit

Jimin POV:

As I was walking down the stairs I heard Rm hyung voice saying 'there he is'. I knew he was referring to me.

I looked around the room and saw Y/n standing in the living room with a purple velvet dress, she was looking so fucking hot and sexy. So sexy that I wanted to kiss her so bad right now but I have to hold myself back. I can't let her think that I like her or something. (Authors note:- Guys I know you must be thing he is so desperate for kisses but I promise he's not just bear with me)

With that I walked down the remaining stairs and greeted them.

Jimin:- "Hi guys"

Ara & Lisa:- "Hi"

Y/n didn't say anything and kept staring at me. So I waved my hands in front of her eyes. And she then came back to her senses.

Y/n:- "Oh Hi hi"

Jimin:- "I know I'm handsome but staring is bad" I smirked after saying that. I kinda like teasing her.

Y/n:- "You wish" she rolled her eyes and went to talk to Jin I guess..

After we ate few snacks and had our drink. And i then played with Yeon Tan for a while.

Then Suga hyung said

Suga:- "Lets play truth or dare"

Jungkook:- "Ya lets play"

Shit this is going to be bad..i thought......






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