Chapter-21 (Love)

*Smut Warning* (Skip this ch if you're not comfortable)

Y/n POV:

As we were kissing he suddenly picked me up and placed me on the kitchen counter. Then he grabbed my legs and his hands grabbed my waist started kissing my neck, leaving small pecks.

Then he picked me up from the counter and placed me on the ground.

Jimin:- " deserve this" he said then pushed me on the wall, kissed me while pulling my waist hard that i can feel his dick poking me. He smells so good. He kissed me down to my neck leaving marks then back to my lips. He unzipped my dress then i lifted his shirt. Damn. His abs. He chuckled then i realized I was looking for about 5 minutes. He pulled away and looked into my eyes.

Damn he's hot. "Umn...i..." shit i didn't know what to say. He chuckled again and then kissed me again. His lips. So addictive. He unhooked my bra, played with my breast, got rid of my panty, threw it on the floor, then rubbed my clit .

Y/n:- "Ugh stop teasing me "i said. He smiled then did it again. Aghhh he drives me crazy. I want it now.

Y/n:- "Ahh please " 

Jimin:- "Please what baby?

Y/n:-"Please fuck me"

He again picked me up and started walking towards his bedroom. 

He placed me on his bed and hovered over looking at me. 

His smirked like a devil, unzipped his pants, and wow he's so big. I imagined it once like only half of what i'm seeing right now. Guess i'm wrong. He entered me slowly

Jimin:-  "Ahh fuck. You feel so damn good" 

he was now breathing heavily. He started slow then increased his speed little by little.

Y/n:- "Ahh Jimin. .don't stop"

His thrusts are getting faster and deeper hitting my spot perfectly. 

Y/n:- "Ahh faster. I'm almost there"

Jimin:- "Me too babe. Say my name out loud"

Y/n:- "Ahhh Jimin i'm cumi-" I couldn't complete my sentence as we both cumed. Breathing heavily trying to catch out breaths

Jimin POV:

Jimin:- "I don't care about anything now. I'm sorry for breaking your heart Y/n, I'll not do that ever again. I'll protect you. I promise. I love you" I confessed my entire felling what i had been hiding for days.

Y/n:- "I love you too" I was happy she said it back.

I gave one  last peck on her lips and then she placed her head on my shoulder and we slipped into deep slumber.




I'm not that experienced in writing smuts but i tried my best so please bear with me. Please vote and comment. BYE!
