Chapter-11 (The concert)

We both were now ready to leave and its 6 20 already... We booked a taxi and said our goodbye to my parents. We picked up Ara on the way.

*6:50 pm*

Thank god we reached 10 mins before. Now I need to contact Jimin to ask how do we get in as we don't have any passes. So I dialled Jimin's no and he picked up in one ring.


Jimin:- "Hey y/n are you guys here?"

Y/n:- "Oh yes we are outside, How do we get in?"

Jimin:- "Ya relax I'm sending someone"

Y/n:- "ok cool"

Then I hung up and we waited for someone to come and escort us in.

??:- "Y/n?"

Y/n:- "Yeah that me." I said

Guard:- "Jimin sir sent me to pick up guys and escort you in follow me"

Y/n:- "Yeah lets go"

Ara:- "Yeahhhh lets go I'm very excited"

Lisa:- "me too"

The security guard escorted us in into a room and told us to wait for the boys. After I guess about 2 or 3 mins I heard loud voice of someone laughing.

Ara:- "That's Jins voice. omg they're coming"

Y/n:- "How do you know that its Jin?"

Lisa:- "we just know y/n you won't understand only armies know these things"

Y/n:- "Huh whatever"

The door opened and I saw Jimins beautiful face. He was looking so good in a Gucci shirt and leather pants.. Omg his legs.. Stop y/n stop. Control yourself.

Jimin outfit

Jimin POV:

We entered the room where y/n and her friends were waiting for us. I saw Y/n and she was wearing a jeans and top and her hair was in a bun. As usual she looked beautiful. The things she does to me. We went near them to greet them.

Jimin:- "Hi Y/n and Ara and your name? I asked the other girl who I was meeting for the first time

Lisa:- "Its Lisa"

Jimin:- "Oh nice to meet you Lisa. I'm- " she interrupted me

Lisa:- "Of I know you. you don't need to give an introduction"

Jin:- "Hi guys"

Y/n POV:

We then greeted each other. And they went to get ready and one of the guard escorted us to our seats and it was vip seats.

The concert started and BTS were performing but my eyes were particularly glued to Jimin his moves his voice was so mesmerising I was fascinated. They were now performing silver spoon and when j hope did a hip thrust Ara shouted like hell in my ears omg.. I think I'm deaf now. During silver spoon performance only Jimin came near out seats and was singing and suddenly he did a sexy move his hands running down from his chest to aghgggh and I was shocked by his hotness omg he is so sexy. Shit I'm simping so bad.

Jimin POV:

As we were performing I looked at y/n and I swiftly went towards her during my verse and did some cool moves.. And I even winked at her I don't know why but I did. She look fluttered and looked away immediately. I smirked thinking about that i have that kinda effect on her.. I just can't get over the fact that she resembles her so much.

After the concert ended we all were tired and sat down in our room and were waiting for y/n, Ara and Lisa to come as J hope invited them to have snacks with us. After I guess about 5 mins they came and we all began to eat and drink and Ara and Lisa kept complementing us for our dancing and singing whereas Y/n kept sitting there quietly.

But then she suddenly spoke up.

Y/n:- "Ara, Lisa we need to leave."

Ara:- "Oh ya I remember what yor parents said. I'll just come from the washroom" Y/n nodded

Jimin:- "Why to you need so early?"

Y/n:- "Actually my parents are very strict they want me back by 11"

Jimin:- "Oh I see"

J hope:- "Ok guys I'll go and change now it was nice to meet you" With that he left

Y/n:- "ok so we'll leave now. Ara will come out directly. Bye guys and thanks"

Jimin:- "Y/n...."



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