Chapter-26 (Tell me)

Y/n POV:

I was preparing for my graduation, yes today is my last day and I'll be graduated after this and then do MBA in finance. After that I've to meet Jimin too at 3. Should I call Jimin and ask him to come at my graduation....Noo Y/n you can't people will get to know.

*Time Skip*

We were now done with the graduation ceremony and I was biding farewell to my friends as I have to meet Jimin, just then I heard a ding on my phone. I opened the phone and it was from Jimin.

I rushed outside to meet him. I can't believe he is really here. I went out and saw him standing leaning against his car. I rushed to him and hugged him tightly.

Jimin:- "Congratulations for your graduation"

Y/n:- "Thanks. How did you know?"

Jimin:- "I have my ways" He said with a smirk.

Y/n:- "I was going to call you but then thought about people seeing you, that's why I didn't call."

Jimin:- "Oh. Let's go shall we?"

Y/n:- "Yeah lets go."

We reached Jimin's house in about 20 mins and we sat down on the couch.

Y/n:- "Ok now Jimin tell me about your past."

Jimin:- "Ok so. Two years back my girlfriend named Yuri who I loved for 3 yrs, died, because of me"

Y/n:- "Because of you? What do you mean by that?

Jimin:- "She had an accident and when someone was calling to inform me I didn't pick up as I was busy in the concert. That's why I'm scared that I can't protect you too as my life is very different and busy. And this is the reason I asked you to move in with me as I'm busy most of the time, but you said no"

Y/n:- "First of all its not your fault that Yuri died, you were at the concert not that you didn't pick up intentionally. And secondly I've decided to move in with you."

Jimin was shocked at my words. His face was priceless.

Jimin:- "Really?"

Y/n:- "Yes"

Jimin:- "Omg Y/n I love you so much"

He then picked me up & kissed me. I wrapped my arms around his neck deepening the kiss.






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