Chapter-7 (Meeting BTS and apology)

Y/n POV:

We were sitting on the couch for about 45 mins now and J hope is still not here.

Y/n:- "Hey Ara I think we should leave now. J hope and rest of them must be busy"

Ara:- "No way he said he will come lets wait for 15 more mins if they still don't come then we'll-

As Ara was talking a sound of door opening came and we looked that way and saw Jimin entering. Well Shit...

Jimin:- "Yaaaaa what are you doing here now? What do u want just tell me, I'll give you money or anything. Just leave my sight I don't wanna see you."

Y/n:- "We're waiting for J hope so please don't bother us"

Jimin:- " Hobi hyung?? Why and how do you know him?"

Y/n:- "I don't think I need give an explanation to you."

Ara:- "Y/n how do you two know each other? And pls don't be rude Jimin he is an angel"

Y/N:- "Angel? SURE"

Just then J hope entered with a big smile on his face. He seems to have such a nice and bright personality. Other members entered too behind him.

J hope:- "Hey Ara and y/n you're still here. I thought you guys would leave as I took so much time. Anyways Jimin meet Ara and y/n"

Jimin made a face and took J hope aside for a sec. Till then i met others. They were so sweet.

Jimin POV:

Jimin:- "Hobi hyung how do u know her?"

J hope:- " I just met them today."

Jimin:- "You don't know that girl she sneaked in to meet us and she wants money that's all. I don't like her"

J hope:- See Jiminina I know she looks like her and another thing she didn't sneak in here voluntarily her friend that is standing beside her forced her to as she is a big fan so don't judge too quickly"

Jimin:- "Jinga? Shit I was rude to her earlier."

Now I really need to apologize to her for being rude and that kiss..shit. I walked near the couch but only found Ara.

Jimin:- "Hey I'm Jimin."

Ara:- "Hey I'm your biggest fan. Can I have your autograph?"

Jimin:- "Sure."

I gave Ara my autograph and started looking for y/n. I looked around and found her talking to Taehyung and Jungkook. I walked up to them

Jimin:- "Y/n can I talk to you for few mins?"

Y/n POV:

As I was talking to Taehyung and Jungkook, Jimin approached us and said he wanted to talk to me. Huh why do he want to talk now..?

Y/n:- "Sure" I said not being rude. We moved to one corner

Jimin:- "thanks for agreeing. I wanted to apologise to you for everything"

Y/n:- "Woah woah what got into you? few hours ago you were blaming me of being a gold digger. Did you hurt your head or something?"

Jimin:- "No I just got to know that u did come here on your own Ara forced you to, so I misjudged you. Really sorry and that kiss... I'm sorry for that too."

y/n:- " its okay ig cause I called u a jerk too that day when u by mistake spilled coffee actually I was in a hurry that day. But can I ask something."

Jimin:- "Yeah sure"

Y/n:- "Why did u kiss me?"  

I paused for a moment before answering

Jimin:- "I told you that just happened at that moment and I'm sorry"

Y/n:- "Okay then"

Jimin:- "wait..." 




Sorry again for the cliffhanger guys. Bye pls vote/.
