Chapter-10 (Permission and outfit?)

Y/n POV:

I woke up as the sun was hitting my face. It's a Sunday so no college today. Suddenly I remembered Jimin said he will text me the address in the morning and its 11am already. I picked up my phone to see if there is any text from Jimin but there was none. I kept my phone down feeling a little disappointed and went to take a shower.

After I was finished with my shower I went down and sat at the dinning table to have breakfast, my dad was already there reading a newspaper.

y/n:- "Good morning dad"

y/n Dad:- "Morning sweetie. How is your new job going? I hope its not that tiring."

Y/n:- " No dad it pretty good"

Y/n mom:- "ok now eat"

As mom started serving breakfast I suddenly remembered that I didn't ask my parents if I can go to the concert in the evening as my parents are really possessive of me and the concert will go on till 9 or even 10pm.

Y/n:- "Mom dad I need your permission for something?"

Mom/dad:- "For what?"

Y/n:- " Can I go to a concert today with Lisa and Ara?"

Dad:- " Firstly how did you get so much money for a concert ticket? And whose concert? And secondly whose Ara?"

Aghhhh so many questions....

Y/n:- "Dad I didn't spend any money its for free. Jimin from Bts invited me we met when I went to deliver coffee at the MAMAs and Ara is my new co-worker."

Dad:- "oh. Okay you can go but be safe and don't roam around after the concert".

Y/n:- "Yes dad and thanks"

Mom:- "But why would a bts member invite you and your friends?"

Y/n:- " Mom he was rude to me at first because of some misunderstanding that's why he invite us as an apology. So chill mom"

Mom:- "ok y/n."

*Time Skip*(12 pm)

I was chilling on my bed reading a book when the door creaked open and Ara came in shouting.

Ara:- " Y/nnnnnnn!!!! I don't have any clothes to wear tonight. Lets go shopping."

Y/n:- "Why do u need something special its just a concert"

Ara:- "Are you serious? What if I get to meet j hope again.."

Y/n:- "Do u like j hope or something huh?" I started teasing her I know her bias was j hope but after she met him she is became even more crazy.

Ara:- "You know he is my bias. Now lets go shopping pls" she said grabbing my arm

Y/n:- "Ok chill let me change I'm wearing pajamas"

Ara:- "Ok go fast"

I got changed and then me and Ara went shopping and we even asked Lisa to accompany us

*Time Skip* (2pm)

Its currently 2 PM I'm back from the mall and Lisa is here only at my house as she decided we will leave together from here.

I hear a ding sound

Lisa:- "Is that Jimin?"

Y/n:- "lemme see first"

I opened my lock and yes it was Jimin.

Then I quickly replied with

We ended the convo.

*Time Skip* (5:30 pm)

Lisa:- "Y/n get your sleepy ass out of the bed its already 5 30 we need to leave by 6 or 6 15 lets get ready..."

Y/n:- " Ya ya you start I'm coming"

Lisa:- "ok but you better hurry"

I sat up and started searching for clothes to wear.. And then decided to wear a top and a jeans

Y/N's outfit

Lisa's Outfit





Hope you enjoyed... bye see ya
