Chapter 36

Caleb turned to look at the wagon driving along the next ridge. After a week driving the team, Dani was nearly a professional. She had decided she'd liked being the trail cook. Most days, she drove the wagon and cooked. Every so often, she'd hop on her horse and help with the cattle.

Shots mad him whip around, hoping someone had seen a deer. Instead, a mob of horsemen bore down on the cattle, whooping and shooting. The confused beasts milled around for a moment before bolting away from the noisy charge. The thundering hooves and clacking of the horns sounded like a storm gathering on the horizon.

Caleb drew his rifle and galloped toward the outlaws. He watched in horror as Job was gunned down, the cattle swarmed over and around him. The wave of cattle poured over the landscape overtaking his riders like a rising tide.

Jeremy rode low to his saddle. Dodging the clashing horns, he forced his horse against the nearest beast's side, trying to turn the herd away from the lumbering wagon.

Caleb fired his rifle over and over again. He ducked and flattened himself against his horse's neck as shots whizzed by him. A scream pierced the air, distracting him from his deadly mission. He looked over in time to see the wagon topple and roll down the hill.


Cattle flooded over the white canvas. Horses screamed in fright. Caleb could only watch in horror as wave after wave battered the wooden frame. He gritted his teeth and chambered another round, his determination renewed. Sam rode between the cattle and the outlaws looking like a massive mythical beast. His muscles seemed to meld with those of his steed. He wielded his fists like giant clubs, bashing riders from their mounts.

Finally, they managed to turn back the attack. Sam dismounted and stood on the ground, quaking as if he were having a seizure. Caleb slid from his mount and stood in front of the big man, his hands outstretched.

"Sam. Sam look at me."

Caleb almost wished the man hadn't complied with the request. The deep seeded hate and fear almost seemed to burn through him.

"Sam. It's over. We need to deal with the cattle and make sure everyone is fine."

Sam sobbed. "Job."

"I know. I saw." He placed a hand on Sam's arm. "Can you help me?"

"Yessuh, Massah Caleb. I hewp."

Caleb smiled. "Good. Let's go find everyone and round up what we can. See if we can find a place to hold 'em."

Sam nodded. "Yessuh."

Caleb turned to his horse, gathering the reins.

"Missy Dani?"

Caleb shook his head, almost afraid to face Sam's question. "I dunno."

Sam threw himself onto his horse and rode off. Caleb followed, swallowing back the knot in his throat as they approached the tangled mass.

"Missy Dani?"

Caleb's horse pranced around, kicking up flour with the dust. He caught a movement out of the corner of his eye and slid from his horse. "Dani?"

"I'm here." She pulled herself from a badger hole on the lee side of the wagon.

Caleb wrapped her in his arms. "I'm so glad you're safe."

"Missy Dani!" He wrapped his mammoth arms around them both and held them close.

"What happened?"

"Those men from last week. Jeremy and I figured they'd be back. Didn't figure they'd attack like this though. We need to find a box canyon or something to hold the cattle in while we round up the strays."

Dani nodded. She pressed against their arms. Both Caleb and Sam released her. Caleb watched as she walked around the wagon shaking her head.

"Hop on with me. We'll come back for this."

She nodded and scooped up a bag of biscuits. "This'll hafta be dinner tonight."

"Is your rifle intact?"

She reached under the broken seat and withdrew a wrapped package. "Seems to be."

"Bring it too."

They mounted and turned to find a miniature rider on his horse. "David. Good to see ya."

"Jeremy said he found a box canyon about a mile or so that way. He's started moving the cows there."

"Perfect. Have you seen anyone else?"

"Everyone but Job."

Caleb turned away. "Let's go then."

"But I ain't found Job," David started.

"I have."

The boy's mouth formed an o as comprehension dawned on him.

"Let's go see about the cattle and any injuries."

Jeremy waved to them from the mouth of the canyon. Cattle streamed along in front of him, their constant bellowing echoed over the canyon walls as they paired up.


Caleb shook his head.

Jeremy nodded. "Everyone else is fine."

"How many did we lose?"

Jeremy shrugged. "Couple hundred, I guess." He grimaced. "Couple dozen ended up over the cliff there before I got 'em turned."

"Is this really a box canyon? I could see them setting this up and sneaking them out the back."

"The boys are checking it out right now."

Caleb held an arm out to help Dani down. "Set up camp just inside the mouth of the canyon. If you make a fire, keep it small."

She nodded and turned away.

"Keep your rifle ready."

She kept walking but held her rifle up.

Caleb almost smiled. "Let's get to work. We've got cattle to find."
