Chapter 18

Dani gathered her things into her open trunk. She folded the blankets neatly on the bunks and crawled around the room looking for anything that might have rolled under the beds and desk. Satisfied the room was as clean as possible, she sat on the chair and waited for Caleb's return. She could hear him whistling long before he pushed the door open as he juggled two plates heaping with food. Her eyes widened in shock as he handed one to her.

"Didn't know what you wanted so I grabbed a bit of everything. That boy was a bit disappointed when I canceled the meal delivery this morning."

He sat on the edge of the bunk and forked some eggs into his mouth. "Ya gonna eat?"

Dani fingered a slice of bacon before popping it into her mouth. She closed her eyes, savoring the taste. Her eyes popped open as Caleb chuckled.

"Never seen anyone enjoy bacon quite that much."

Dani looked down at her plate, heat rising up her cheeks.

She picked at her food, unwilling to make a fool of herself again.

"For heavens sake, Dani. Eat."

Dani winced at his voice.

Caleb stood and walked to the door. "I'm gonna go see if Jeremy needs anything."

Dani watched the door close and shoved food into her mouth, gulping down the meal.

The door squeaked and she glanced up in alarm. "Glad I don't hafta talk some sense into ya," Jeremy chuckled. "Seems you can eat just find when no one's around."

She swallowed the huge bite and reached for the water.

"Caleb seems to think you're scared of him for some reason."

Dani glanced down at her shoes.

"Wonder where he'd get that idea."

"I, uh..."

Jeremy smiled, a twinkle sparking in his eyes. "Don't worry, Dani. You'll be treated fairly. You've done a great job cleanin' up in here. Captain says we're off first. Seems he don't want us around for longer than necessary. Caleb has a wagon waiting on the docks. You and he'll go down the gangplank first. Sam and Rasmus'll haul your trunk. Luke, Job and I'll follow. Stay close to Caleb or Sam."

Dani nodded as she took another bite.

"We're gonna be in sort of a rush to get outta town. I've been hearin' rumblings to the effect that someone wants my hide for killin' that man earlier. We're gonna ride hard and fast."

"Ride?" she squeaked.

"Yeah. Your trunk'll be shipped to Caleb's sister's place. We're pickin' up the cattle not far from there."

"B-but, I ain't never ridden a horse."

Jeremy chuckled. "Neither has anyone else. Sides Caleb and I acourse." He shoveled a bite into his mouth.

Dani stared at her plate.

"You know he saved your life, right?"

Dani's eyes popped up to meet his.

He nodded. "Gater tried to get ya. He jumped in after ya, knowin' what was happenin'. Not many men'd do that."

"I don't remember."

"You konked your head pretty hard. It's not surprising."

A quick knock sounded at the door. Jeremy jumped up and opened it. "Let's go. Captain wants us waiting by the gangplank."

Jeremy turned to face her but she was already on her feet. He dragged the trunk to the door. She stepped through and took Caleb's arm.

"Turn on your acting skills. Act like you like me," he muttered.

They turned the corner onto the deck and Dani gasped. Several dozen pairs of eyes followed them, barely attempting to conceal their malice. Some men displayed their pistols while others openly played with their long knives. She stepped closer to Caleb.

"It's fine," he whispered.

Dani felt rather than saw Sam step closer to her.

"If anything happens, keep Sam under control."

She nodded just as a man stepped in front of them. She immediately let go of Caleb's arm and turned to grab Sam's hand. "Let's get off this boat, shall we?"

Sam obediently followed her lead down the gangplank. She glimpsed a waiting wagon and made her way toward it. Shots rang out from the boat. Sam immediately huddled, his hands over his head. Dani stepped closer to him, trying to comfort him as well as see what was happening.

A man shrieked as he was launched through the air toward the dock. A sickening thud shuddered through the wood.

Dani's eyes widened in horror as she saw Caleb bent backward over the ship's rail, a knife pressed to his throat. The man was ripped backward by an unseen force. Shouts echoed through the air around them as men pounded toward the boat, guns drawn.

Shots echoed through the chaos causing an unearthly hush to fall over the scene.

A man touched her arm. "Ma'am, I'll need you to move on. There's nothing to see here."

Dani pasted a smile on her face. "Of course. Come, Sam. Let's be off."

Sam followed her like a puppy as they left the waterfront. They made their way through the city until she saw a local shop with a bench outside. She looked at Sam who kept shooting anxious glances over his shoulder. She sat and patted the bench beside her. He collapsed onto the boardwalk steps and sobbed.

"Sam, what's wrong?"

"Massah Caleb sayd he gib me pepmint iffn I beed good. I's tryin' Missy Dani. I shore is."

She cradled his huge hand in her lap. "I know, Sam. I'll tell Caleb how good you've been."

Sam's tears dried up as he slumped against the corner of the shop. Dani watched the crowd ebb and flow as the sun traveled across the sky.
