Chapter 51

Dani sat next to him. The breeze ruffled the leaves in the trees above them as the creek bubbled and played just feet away. She laughed as she popped a piece of apple in her mouth, closing her eyes and sighing with enjoyment. Caleb reached a hand out to brush the curls out of her face but the wind had other plans, sending them tumbling back into her eyes. He held her face in his hands as she opened her sparkling eyes.

Caleb, dance with me, she pleaded.

He pulled her to her feet and wrapped her in his arms as they swayed to the music in the grove. He whispered her name as he bent to kiss her lips.

Caleb reached for his knife holstered at his waist as someone kicked his foot. He was halfway out of his bedroll when he recognized Jeremy's laughter.


"You're dreamin' again."

"Shoulda let me dream," Caleb muttered.

Jeremy scoffed. "If I hafta hear about Dani every night I may kill you myself instead of lettin' some Johnny Reb do it."

Caleb cursed as he wrapped the blankets around himself and rolled over.

"So you really love her?"

Caleb sighed. "What's not to love?"

Jeremy poked at the fire, sending sparks shooting into the darkness. Caleb watched them fizzle out.

"What are ya gonna do when we get home?"

"Go back to the ranch. Court my wife. Get back to livin'. You?"

"I dunno. Ain't got naught but bad memories in Montana."

"It wasn't all bad," Caleb countered.

"No, but enough was." Jeremy was silent for several moments. "I just don't know if I can go back there."
