Chapter 41

Caleb nearly floated down the hall with Dani on his arm. He'd endured Derek's snide remarks and glares all afternoon. They'd been especially bad once he'd gone to the bathhouse. He stiffened as they came to the parlor. She squeezed his arm.

"Let's go," she urged.

He wanted to scream. You don't understand. But he only nodded and took a deep breath before moving forward.

All conversation stopped as they entered. Dani fidgeted nervously and moved closer to his side.

Jeremy stepped forward and kissed her hand. "Dani, you look ravishing."

"Dang, Miss Dani. You shore look different," David said as he hugged her. "You smell lots better too."

Caleb chuckled and ruffled the boy's hair. "You smell a darn sight better too."

The boy blushed. "I didn't mean nothin'."

Jeremy placed a hand on his shoulder and pulled him aside. "It's fine. No harm done. Dani's been with us a long time. She understands."

Dani reached a hand out to caress his cheek. She winked at him, making a smile spread across his face.

Caleb stiffened as his father stepped forward. "Father, this is my wife, Danielle. Dani for short."

Dani dropped into a deep curtsy. "I'm pleased to make your acquaintance, sir."

"The pleasure is all mine, to be sure. I hope you find our home pleasing."

"It is quite magnificent."

Caleb's eyes widened as his father took Dani's arm and led her through the room, pointing out portraits, furniture and engineering features.

Jeremy leaned close and whispered, "That's a good sign."

Caleb barely nodded.

Derek approached him. "I underestimated you, Caleb. I hope you have all your papers in order. If this marriage is a sham, the attorney will know."

"I can assure you, it is quite real."

Derek scoffed. "We'll see."

Caleb bristled as his cousin walked away and the vulture-like attorney stepped forward holding out a hand. "Mr. Kirkland, I'm surprised at the caliber of your choice in a wife given the short time you had available."

Caleb lifted an eyebrow. "You are? I'm not. Men have conquered armies given proper planning and resources."

"Quite so, sir. Quite so."

Rosa stepped into the parlor. "Dinner is served."

Caleb glanced around for Dani and found her smiling up at his father as he guided her toward the dining room. Jealousy surfaced as she laughed at something his father said.

He turned as Jeremy placed a hand on his arm. "She's playing the part. Let it go."

Caleb turned to face David. "How to you like the ranch?"

"I like it jes' fine, Mr. Caleb."

"I dare say, this young man'll get in even more mischief than you did, Caleb," Jeremy said.

Caleb grinned. "Quite possibly." He and Jeremy had created quite a bit in their day.

He took a seat next to Dani. "You're doing great," he whispered, leaning close.

She smiled at him and returned her attention to his father. His lips twitched as Jeremy teased David. Derek leaned in close and whispered in the attorney's ear. He narrowed his eyes when his aunt failed to make an appearance.

"Derek, what are your plans now that Caleb has returned?"

Derek nearly choked on his wine. "I see no reason to change anything as of yet."

Caleb placed a slice of steak in his mouth, chewing slowly.

"What of you, Caleb? What are your plans?"

Caleb swallowed. "I plan to get a feel for the ranch again over the course of the next few days. We'll run smaller herds of cattle to the nearby pastures. I've got several contracts out to locals that'll be bringing in hay for the winter." He took a drink. "We've got our work cut out for us, but I feel the future is in cattle."

Derek shook his head. "I beg to differ. We'll make more money selling off tracts of land for mining."

Caleb shared a wicked smile. "Why make money only once? When can make it over and over again by feeding these same miners our cattle."

Derek pounded a fist on the table. "The gold rush won't last forever, then where will you be? Stuck with all these cattle and no place to sell them."

"That's where you're wrong. A cattle drive to Belle Fourche shouldn't take more than a couple of weeks. There's always need for healthy beef. Plus the stock I've brought will make a bigger, better carcass. They're fast growing and thrive pretty much anywhere."

"I believe we should sell off the land to the miners and buy it back at a fraction of the price when the gold runs out."

"And end up with a fraction of the land." He shook his head. "More money is to be had through cattle."

He glanced at Jeremy who nodded at Dani. She sat, running her fork making tracks through her gravy.

"How are you finding Montana, Danielle?"

She glanced up. "I haven't seen much past the dust of the cattle."

His father chuckled. "We'll have to change that. What are your plans now that you're here instead of the South?"

She smiled. "I'm not sure I have many plans yet. I didn't have much time to make plans when Caleb asked me on this adventure." She placed her hand over his.

Oh, she's good. Caleb breathed a sigh of relief and squeezed her hand.

"What are some of your hobbies?"

"Hobbies, sir?"

"Please don't call me sir, Danielle. We're much less formal than that. What is it you like to do?"

How's she gonna answer this one?

Dani dipped her head. "I'm not certain I understand. I've acquired knowledge of how to run a household, cook, clean, and I know how to sew. I've been told I'm fairly good at it. I honestly don't know how I'll fill my time now that we've finally made it here."

"Since Clara passed last winter, Rosa has been quite lonely what with being the only woman for miles. I'm certain she'd love some company."

"I'd like that," Dani said quietly.

"I'm sorry. I didn't realize Aunt Clara had passed away," Caleb added.

"My condolences as well, sir," Jeremy added.

Heber nodded absently. "Danielle, tell me. How did you and Caleb meet?"

Caleb almost choked on his wine.

Dani batted her eyelashes. "It's rather comical. The inn we were staying at put me in the wrong room. I was dead asleep when he stumbled in and fell into bed - on top of me. In my attempt to escape, he fell and hit his head. Obviously, he needed nursing back to soberness."

"Caleb, didn't I teach you better?"

Caleb rolled his eyes, instantly glad he was sitting away from his father. "Yes, sir. I had received some rather troubling news that day." He glared at his cousin.

"The next day, he told me of his plans and asked me to accompany him."

"What of your family?"

She dipped her head. "I was in a fairly precarious position. None of my family were in a position to assist me."

"That is tragic my dear. Has Caleb treated you well?"

"Yes, sir. He's been most kind and generous."

"I can't believe you'd take such a gem on a cattle drive, Caleb. It's rather insane."

"I didn't have much of a choice," Caleb muttered.


"Mr. Kirkland, it was my idea. Caleb was going to leave me with his sister and have me meet him when he arrived. However, we discovered the trail cook was a drunkard. He tried to swindle Caleb and Jeremy out of quite a bit of money and the herd. It was quite scandalous. I insisted on joining the drive so as to provide meals for the men and my new husband."

"How noble of you. He should have hired someone else."

Caleb shrugged. "No one would cook for my hands."

Heber slammed a fist on the table. "Which brings about another point. Why would you own slaves? I thought I raised you better than that."

"We had several setbacks and couldn't hire experienced hands. We had to adjust the plans at the last minute."

Beside him, Dani suppressed a yawn.

"I'm sorry, my dear. I should pick better topics so I don't offend your tender sensibilities."

Dani smiled. "My apologies. I fear I may have overtaxed myself today. Thank you for the wonderful meal, however I must ask to be excused." She pushed back her plate and stood. The men around the table followed suit.

"Yes, quite. Thank you for joining us. I believe we shall retire to the parlor for a drink."

Dani curtsied. Caleb caught her hand and brought it to his lips for a quick kiss.
