Chapter 58

Caleb lay in the mud, flies buzzed overhead. A rat looked down at him, its teeth clicking. Music reached his ears and he groaned. The commandant decided to play his horrible music again. It was loud today, almost like it was outside. Soldiers cheered and whistled.

Caleb rolled, his eyes trying to focus on the swirl of green near the gates. The commandant held a woman in his arms, swirling her through the dead man zone. Several union soldiers moved forward to watch the scene. Caleb's gaze was drawn to the tall man in a suit standing near the commandant's door. His arms folded and lips pursed.

Caleb returned his attention to the dancing pair. The woman laughed, a familiar sound so extremely out of place in this hell. She laughed again and his eyes widened. "Dani?"

Caleb dragged himself out of the hole. His strength almost failed him as he struggled across the muddy filth.

The commandant bowed deeply as the song ended. "My dear, that was the best dance I've had in years. Shall we retire to my quarters to discuss the terms of our arrangement?"

The Dani-ghost smiled at the hated man and followed him inside.

"No. Dani," Caleb pleaded to the mirage, his hand outstretched as if his will could keep her there, dancing until the end of time.

Caleb melted into the mud, his heart crushed as she disappeared. Moments later, his name was called. Several fingers pointed at him when he was unable to answer. The Rebs grabbed his arms and dragged him into the dead zone and dropped him in front of the commandant's quarters. Caleb rolled onto his side, his eyes widening when he realized where he was. He curled into the fetal position, waiting for the shots to end his life. When they didn't come, he watched the door, waiting for one last glimpse of the vision he remembered from many lifetimes ago.

Tiny candles twinkled on the tree as he swept Dani into his arms. Her green dress hung off her shoulders, its skirts twirling around his legs making him feel as if he were dancing on a cloud. She smiled, the candlelight reflecting in the depths of her eyes. He swung her around the parlor, enjoying the dance as she pressed inappropriately close to him. He lowered his lips to hers, stealing a kiss, knowing he'd be leaving in the morning.

The wraith once again appeared from the cabin, gracing Wirtz with a charming smile. He sighed. It's good that I've seen her once more before I die.

The tall man stepped toward him, blocking his view of the beauty, like an angel of death descending upon him. Her laughter sounded once again, soothing his soul. He wished she were the angel taking him away from this hell, away to heaven. The legs moved, giving Caleb a clear view as the Dani-vision planted a firm kiss to the commandant's cheek before stepping away.

"My dear, you merely paid to see that man, not for his release."

The Dani-vision turned, Caleb didn't envy the man her wrath. If the Dani-ghost was anything like the real thing, Wirtz was in for it. Instead of hitting him, she grabbed his elbow and guided him back inside the building.

"Mrs. Kirkland, wait." The angel of death rushed toward the building, making it through the door before it slammed closed.

He felt almost cheated by the dark angel's retreat. He was ready for the hell he was living to end. Caleb watched the figures through the filthy windows. Dani-ghost stepped forward and pressed a firm kiss to the man's lips. Caleb grimaced at the thought of the angel kissing that devil.

"Looks like the Commandant has a lady-friend."

"Let's move to the other side so's we can look into the bedroom."

Several minutes passed before the door opened once again. The black-clad man stepped out and strode to him, gathering him into his arms. Caleb fought to keep his head from flopping backward.

"You're safe now," the low voice crooned.

The door nearly bounced off it's hinges as the woman stepped out. Her face set in stone, she gathered her skirts and stepped to the gates. She glared at the gateman. "Open these."

He spit on the ground. "What'll you give me?"

She smiled sweetly. "The same thing I gave the commandant."

The man wiped his mouth and stepped forward, obviously expecting a kiss.

Her fist balled, connecting with his advancing face. "Open the gates."

The Rebs on the walls howled with laughter. Caleb's chest heaved. "That's my girl."

The commandant staggered to the door, nearly doubled over holding his groin. He waved. "Open the gates."

The soldiers laughed and swung the gates open. Dani vaulted into the waiting carriage and kicked the waiting pie onto the ground. The dark angel laid him onto the floorboards and carefully climbed in over the top of him.

"Drive," Dani commanded.

"Yes, ma'am."
