Chapter 16

Dani curled up on the bed.

"Anything I can get ya?" Caleb asked.

Dani sighed. "Maybe a drink."

Caleb nodded as he turned to pour a cup of hot tea. He helped Dani into a sitting position.

"Can I ask you a question, sir?"

"Sure," Caleb answered with a shake of this head.

"Did you, um, did we..."

"If you're askin' what I think you're askin', the answer is no. But that's something we need to discuss."

The cabin door burst open. "Caleb. I need you."

Caleb handed over the steaming cup and bolted out the door after Jeremy.

"What's going on?"

"Those men came back. When they attacked, I may have killed one."

"What? What happened?"

The pair raced through the ship, arriving at the stall at the same time as the captain who already had his pistol drawn.

Caleb stepped between the captain and the slaves. "Hold on, now. Let's figure out what happened."

Jeremy grunted as the butt of a rifle connected with his stomach. Caleb watched as he collapsed to the ground.

"Your man killed one of mine," the captain stated.

"Yeah. I don't doubt that. How 'bout you put that weapon away and we'll discuss this," Caleb said with his hands raised as if in surrender.

The sailors gathered around, as if wanting to see the captain off someone.

"I warned you, Kirkland. Your men get out of hand, I'll take matters into my own hands. I'm the judge, jury and executioner on this boat."

Caleb nodded. "You did say something like that. However, the way I remember it, you were talking about my man, Sam. Jeremy was merely protecting my investment and his own life."

"Were you here?" The captain raised his weapon, pointing it at Caleb's heart.

"No. I was in the cabin with my wife. However, when I was down here earlier, that man and his friend there indicated they'd like nothing better than to take out me or my friend in order to get to my slave. If you'll recall, I was quite plain about what would happen if any of my possessions or employees were attacked."

The captain holstered his weapon. "I'm listening. What happened?"

Caleb turned to Jeremy who had his arms held behind his back. "Jeremy?"

"It's as you said would happen, Caleb. I was feigning sleep on the wall there when the men came up and dragged me off my perch. The short, fat one hit me with the pig sticker in the ribs." He nodded to his side where a crimson line was visible as it advanced down the fabric. "Naturally, I fought back. Things got a little out of hand and your man ended up dead, his skull cracked on that metal box there."

Caleb and the captain stepped forward and fingered the blood on the box. "If he fell there, why is he lying over there?"

Jeremy shook his head. "I dunno. At that point, I ran for Caleb."

The captain turned to his men. "Newell, what say ye?"

The man stammered for a few minutes before breaking down. "Twas his idea, sir. A way to make a quick buck. A man on the dock promised us a hundred a piece if we'd bring the big one to him in Galveston." His jaw worked up and down. "I didn't wanna hurt no one. Just wanted the money."

The captain turned away. "Lock him up. Haul away the body." He watched his men do his bidding. "We're done here."

"Not quite, sir. What's gonna prevent this from happening again? We still have two days left on this boat. Since one of us needs to stay with my wife who is still quite ill, we can't be down here around the clock."

The captain scratched his beard. "I've an empty cabin. Move your slaves there. Lock the door if you leave."

Caleb nodded his agreement. "Very well."
