Chapter 57

Dani took great care to dress in the vibrant green dress. Her tresses curled and coiffed. She powdered the skin that showed on her shoulders and chest and plumped her bosoms. She was determined to win her husband's freedom no matter what the cost.

She counted out the money she had sent to Matthew Pinkerton as well as the funds she had brought with her from the ranch and sighed. Just over four thousand dollars. The steaming sweet potato pie laid on the counter as a willing sacrifice for her endeavor.

She stepped into the parlor, aware that all conversation stopped. Matthew stepped forward and bowed over her hand. "My dear, you look ravishing. I don't think Mr. Wirtz will know what hit him."

"David, watch Charlotte please. I don't know how long I'll be."


Heber sat on a chair, watching the fire.

Matthew tucked her arm through his and led her from the room. Dani's hands shook as she climbed into the carriage.

"You'll do fine, Mrs. Kirkland. I've seldom seen one so determined."

She handed him a billfold. "That has the money in it."

"How much?"

She grimaced. "Not nearly enough. We only have four thousand dollars."

He nodded and tucked it into his jacket pocket. "We'll make it work."

She smiled.

The horses stepped lively as they rode through the dreary, rain-filled afternoon. "When we get there, they'll open the gates and usher us inside. Be prepared. It is truly horrible. The stench is nearly unbearable. Vermin are everywhere. You'll want to burn that dress when we get back to the inn."

She let out a breath she didn't realize she had been holding.

"I'd suggest breathing through your mouth. Keep your teeth clenched so as not to breathe in the insects. Try not to hold a kerchief to your nose. He sees it as a sign of weakness."

She shook her head. "I don't know if I can do this."

"You have to. He needs you to. I don't believe he'll last another month."

Her gaze shot to his face. "He's that bad?"

"He's given up. Not many last long once that happens. I didn't want to say so in front of the children."

Dani nodded. Her eyes widened as the towering walls of the prison came into view. All too soon, the horses pulled to a stop and a young man dressed in a gray uniform stepped forward, grasping the horses' bridles.

"Thank you, young man."

The boy nodded, his eyes glued to Dani as Matthew helped her down.

Dani squared her shoulders and stepped toward the gates. She faltered as she saw the state of the men within. "Good God."

Matthew squeezed her hand and guided her to a small building.

She pasted a smile on her face as she stepped up to a well-dressed man. "You must be the commandant." She curtsied and held out a hand for him to kiss.

"That I am. Henry Wirtz at your service. And you are?"

"Danielle Kirkland, sir."

She stepped past him into the sparsely furnished room.

"I brought you a sweet potato pie. I fear I've left it in the carriage though," she pouted.

"Not to worry. Not to worry, ma'am. I'll send one of the men out to get it."

She breathed a sigh of relief. "Wonderful. I am quite afraid of rats and I saw several on the few steps to get in here. I'm ever so glad that I have such a wonderful man as yourself to protect me from them." She batted her eyes at him.

Henry smiled. "Yes, ma'am. I'd be happy to do so."

Matthew cleared his throat. "Mr. Wirtz, Mrs. Kirkland is here about her husband. The man we have discussed on several occasions."

Henry nodded absently as Dani fanned herself, drawing attention to her bosom.

"Would you like some tea, my dear?"

"Of course. One mustn't have a social visit without some sort of refreshment."

She held the dainty cup in her hand, sipping the steaming liquid. "Henry, may I call you Henry?"

He nodded. "But of course."

"Wonderful. Henry, I'm surprised that you have such niceties amidst such, such..." she blinked. "I fear my vocabulary has failed me."

Henry laughed. "Yes. One mustn't forget one's roots in the midst of war."

"I'm told you're willing to barter for a prisoner's freedom from time to time."

"Yes ma'am. From time to time I can be persuaded to allow a prisoner to leave the facility."

She smiled. "You see, my darling husband was quite literally stolen from me on our honeymoon. He had no reason to fight against my South."

"I'm told he's from Montana."

She nodded. "Yes. However, as you can probably tell, I'm from Louisiana, deep in the heart of the South. My husband purchased several slaves to ensure my comfort on our way north. He is still in possession of these slaves."

Henry nodded. "I see. I do believe your man is firmly planted in the "death before dishonor" camp. He's had an opportunity to defect to the South at several different occasions."

"I see. He stated in several letters that he only wished to go home. He didn't wish to fight."

"I have it on good authority that your husband was a trusted man in the Union ranks. He relayed messages. Rallied troops. Led charges."

"All of these things any honorable man would do in the line of service," Matthew quipped.

"Yes, quite. As you know, I've set the price for this man at five thousand dollars."

Dani rose. "Pooh. I'd hoped you'd take a might less what with the pie I brought. I'd hoped we could come to an agreement, one Southerner to another." She stepped to the window, pretending to look out at the crowded lot. In reality, she looked at the cracked paint.

Henry sighed. "What did you have in mind?"

She turned and smiled. "Would you take three thousand, the pie and a dance with me?"

"Three thousand, the pie and a night with you."

Dani raised her eyebrows. "That was quite forward. One would think a night with me would be much preferable to the money."

Matthew coughed.

Henry stood. "My apologies. Would you do thirty five hundred, the pie and a dance? I have a music box." He pointed to the corner.

Dani smiled. "I believe we have come to an accord." She held out her hand to shake on the deal. "What tunes to you have?"

Henry pulled several drums out of boxes and named them.

"Oh, Dixie Land is on of my favorites."

"There is limited space in here. Would you mind stepping outside for our dance? I believe it would also give a morale boost to the troops to see their commander dancing with such a woman as yourself."

Dani smiled. "I believe that could be arranged." She ignored the slight shake of Matthew's head.
