Chapter 28

Dani awoke to the smell of bacon frying. Cattle lowed nearby. Horses whinnied and the men groaned as they rolled out of their bedrolls. Caleb whistled as he rode back into camp.

"Gentlemen. We need to have a short talk before we begin our day. As you know, we're driving this herd of cattle north to Montana where I'm inheriting a ranch. I know you aren't here of your own free will. You're following instructions like you've been taught."

Dani watched the men around her nod. A chorus of Yessuh Massah's met her ears.

Caleb continued. "What I'm proposing is simple. Ride with me. Help me get these cattle to Montana. Stay on for a year and I'll sign over your freedom. In the mean time, you'll all earn a fair wage. You'll be able to make purchases for yourselves."

A smile crossed her face as she shared a look with Sam. Finally, we'll be free. Only one more year of servitude.

"If you'd like to stay on with me, we can discuss those options once you're free. Otherwise, you'll be free to go. I only ask that you let me know what you decide."

Whoops and hollers echoed through the camp. Hats flew into the air.

Caleb laughed. "Settle down. Settle down. You'll spook the cattle."

The men quieted, but only by a bit. Excitement filled the air as they ate breakfast. Caleb gave everyone their assignments.

Dani turned to help pack up the wagon along with breakfast. Jeremy stopped her. "We'll start lunch and dinner here, let it cook for about an hour and then pack up and catch up to the herd."

"Won't we get left behind?"

Jeremy shook his head. "Nah. Cattle move slower than wagons, unless there's a stampede."

Dani nodded. "What can I do to help?"

"There's a barrel of beans in the wagon. We'll need to cut up the left over bacon from breakfast. I can't remember what all we add, but I think molasses and sugar."

"What are we making?"

"Trail beans. It's what we'll have most days out here. There's not much variety. Once in a while, we'll add deer meat or rabbit or whatever we catch."

Dani nodded. "Where are the spices?"

"In those drawers in the wagon."

Dani opened and closed several drawers, pursing her lips as she reviewed the contents. She scooped several into a bowl and stirred the concoction with her finger. She stooped over the small fire, thankful she wasn't wearing a skirt. She sprinkled the spices over the beans and bacon and stirred with a ladle.

"Maybe you need kitchen duty more often," Jeremy laughed.

Dani blushed. "We'll see."

"I'll tell you one thing, you had this going well before anyone else could have."

"Did Caleb mean what he said?"

Jeremy coughed around a mouthful of beans. "What?"

Dani chuckled at the face Jeremy made. "Did he mean what he said this morning?"

"About what? Kitchen duty?"

"No. About freeing us?"

His jaw worked up and down for a few minutes. "You'll hafta talk to him. I'm pretty sure he meant it."

Dani narrowed her eyes. "Pretty sure?"

Jeremy looked at his boots. "He's a man of his word. He means what he says. It's just..."

"Just what?"

"Dani, you really need to talk to him."

She pursed her lips. "Why won't anyone talk to me? No one will tell me anything." She turned and stomped back to the wagon, slamming the tin plates into the washtub. She knew she sounded like a petulant child.


Jeremy's soft voice caused her to turn. A tear formed in the corner of her eye.

"Please give him a chance. He doesn't know how to talk to women." He paused, glancing over his shoulder. "He didn't have a mother around. His childhood wasn't great. He spent more time at my house than he did at his own."

Dani lowered her lashes and looked away. "Ana told me a bit."

Jeremy put a hand on her shoulder. "It'll all work out."

Dani nodded and turned her back to Jeremy, seemingly intent on her tasks. Her thoughts swam through a sea of turmoil with waves so big, she thought she'd drown.

Her shoulders quaked as she cried, more lonely and isolated than she'd ever been. Pans clattered behind her, making her jump with fright.

Jeremy's sad eyes met hers. "Are you ready to load up?"

She only nodded, afraid her voice would fail her.

"Have you ever driven a team?"

She shook her head. She'd just barely learned to ride a horse.

Jeremy patted the bench. "Climb on up. I'll tie my horse to the back and give you a crash course."

She attempted a weak smile before she settled herself on the wagon. Jeremy swung up beside her and handed her a pair of gloves. "You'll want these."

She slipped her hands into the gloves, surprised that they fit snugly.

"Huh. He can pick things that fit you," Jeremy said absently. "Driving a wagon is similar to riding a horse. You hold the reins like so. This lever here is the brake. Use it sparingly. Let the team do the work. This team responds to sounds as well as the reins. There is a whip, but I've not had to use it yet."

He snapped the reins. "Giddup, you."

The wagon lurched forward. Jeremy showed her how to turn the team, guiding them over the bumpy landscape. He stopped the team and had them back up. "They don't back up well. It's doable, but not the best idea."

Dani nodded, itching to try.

Jeremy showed her a few more things then pulled the team to a stop. "Your turn."

Dani gathered the reins in her hands, popping them over the team's back. "Hup."

The team almost shot forward. Dani's eyes widened in surprise.

Jeremy reached above him and held onto the ribbing that held the canvas in place.

She made a kissing noise and pulled the reins to one side then the other, zig-zagging her way through the sagebrush.

"Pull them to a stop over there." Jeremy pointed to a large tree.

Dani nodded and maneuvered the wagon into place and pulled to a stop. "Like that?"

"Perfect. You're doing great." He jumped off the wagon and untied his horse. "I'm gonna ride along beside you for a while."

"Are you sure?"

Jeremy shrugged. "Yeah. I'm pretty sure you're doing fine. I'll just ride beside you and give you a few pointers." He paused and scanned the horizon. "You see those trees over there?"

Dani followed his pointing finger. "Yeah. That's where we'll stop for tonight. Pull up over there and we'll finish those beans. Maybe make some biscuits to go along with it."

She nodded.

"Okay. Let's get going."
