Chapter 39

Trepidation, angst, fear, distrust, longing, loneliness. Caleb couldn't place exactly which emotion played at the edges of his mind as the ranch came into view. He glanced behind him, trying to catch a glimpse of Dani. The canvass on the wagon billowed and snapped but the driver couldn't be seen in the milling throng of cattle.

He whistled and waved to Jeremy, indicating the direction he wanted the cattle to move. Jeremy waved his hat in response. Caleb tried to get Dani's attention, but there were too many things going on around her. He turned in the saddle to see several riders heading out from the ranch. He gritted his teeth. He'd have liked to have a unified front with Dani on his arm. Instead, it was just him.

"Caleb. I didn't expect you. The lawyer said you were quite unreceptive to the terms of the will."

Caleb lifted one shoulder. "It was a dirty trick on your part."

"Since you only brought cattle, shall we retire to the den for a drink? We can discuss the future of my inheritance."

Caleb forced a smile. "Thank you, Derek. I'd love a drink. Your hospitality in my father's home is overwhelming. I'll see to my men and horses first."

Derek nodded. "As you wish. I'll send for the attorney."

"Do what you gotta do." He wheeled his horse around, a wicked smile playing across his face. I can't wait to see his face when I walk in with Dani.

He spurred his horse toward the cattle and whistled shrilly. Standing in the stirrups, he waved. Jeremy's answering whistle rang out above the herd. A small form darted forward and opened a gate. Caleb grinned as the animals turned into the pasture. They instantly slowed, munching on the long, dry grass.

Jeremy pulled up next to his horse. "What'd Derek want?"

Caleb grinned. "He's getting the attorney. Seems he thinks I only showed up with the cattle."

Jeremy raised his eyebrows. "Really? That'll really blow his skirt up when she walks in."

"That's what I thought, too. We still need to keep our eye on him. It's another couple of months til Christmas."

"Yeah. He's a sneaky one."

"I'm actually wondering what he'll come up with."

Jeremy clapped him on the back. "Only time will tell. Want the horses over by the barn?"

"Yeah. They'll all need a good rub down. Have Rasmus bring the wagon to the back of the house. I'm gonna see what changes dear Derek has made and if I still have a room or not."

"I'll keep Dani here, helping out for a bit. Probably a good thing she's still dressed for the drive."

"Thanks Jeremy. I shouldn't be long."

Jeremy laughed. "We'll see."

Caleb guided his horse to the front walk. He tied the horse and went inside.

"Oh, Caleb! My Caleb!"

The rotund housekeeper bustled toward him, her arms outstretched, gathering him into a warm embrace.

"Rosa. It's been a while. I'm surprised you're still here."

"I couldn't leave without seeing you again, my boy."

Caleb smiled at her. "You're one of the only reasons I came back."

She patted his scruffy cheeks. "You need a shave."

"I need a warm bath and a shave. First, did Derek take over my room?"

She shook her head. "No. Your pa wouldn't let him."

Caleb scoffed. "Don't know why. That man never cared a lick about me."

She looped her arm through his and walked with him to his room. "He did. He just didn't know how to show it."

Caleb opened the door to his room, amazed that the familiar furniture was just how he'd left it. Rosa bustled about the room, opening windows. The big bed against one wall caught his eye. "Rosa, can you arrange for a bath?"

She huffed. "The bath house is still in the same place."

"I know. I'll bathe there. But I don't think Dani would appreciate it much."

Rosa's eyes widened. "Dani?"

"Danielle. We're also gonna need a room for a boy. He's six."

A grin split her face. "You come home with a wife and an heir. That shyster lawyer was wrong."

Caleb crossed to the door and swung it closed. "Dani is my wife. David isn't my child. We found him on the cattle drive. His family was murdered. I don't know that the bunkhouse is the place for a boy that young."

Rosa's mouth dropped open. "Oh that poor boy."

"He's a good kid. Don't be spreading it around about Dani. I'd like it to be a surprise at dinner. Derek has already formed his own conclusions."

She nodded her agreement. "Does your father know you've arrived?"

Caleb shrugged. "I'd guess he's figured it out what with all the commotion today."

"You should go see him."

He swallowed. "I will, later. I still got things to do today."

"Should I let Cookie know about the extra mouths?"

Caleb nodded. "There'll be four men eating at the cookhouse from now on. Jeremy and David will be here at the house."

"So, seven of you, brought a herd of cattle up?"

Caleb jerked and turned to meet his father's gaze. "There were nine to start. Eight of us made it."

"You only accounted for seven, boy."

Caleb nodded. "You missed part of the conversation." He watched a much older version of his father he remembered walk with the assistance of a cane. He lowered himself into a chair and breathed heavily for a few moments.

"I see. Who is our mystery guest?"

Caleb sighed. "I'd rather you meet 'er later." His words ran together as he attempted to disguise Dani's identity.

His father's bushy white eyebrows shot up. "You brought a woman on a cattle drive? What kind of stupid are you?"

"Apparently, I'm some kind of stupid. But we all made it. If you'll excuse me, I've still got work to do before dinner."

"Caleb. Caleb!"

His father's shouts echoed through the house, chasing him down the hall.

He met Jeremy near the front door. "Sounds like that went well."

Caleb rolled his eyes. "As well as can be expected I guess. My stupidity and incompetence has been established once again." He shook his head. "Shoulda just gone to Colorado."

"And gotten arrested for squatting."

Caleb rubbed his temples, trying to chase away a headache. "Have Sam help haul in Dani's trunks. I think they multiplied during the trip."

"Women's clothing tends to do that."

"I don't think my father'll bother you if Sam is there."

Jeremy shook his head. "He's never bothered me, Caleb. Only you."

"I know. He had nothing but praise for everyone but me. I thought maybe he'd change while I was gone, but I was wrong." He stared at his boots. "Such is life I guess."

"Caleb, give him a chance. There ain't too many men that'd bring a woman on a cattle drive. Wagon trains are hard enough."
