Chapter 1

"Missy Dani. Riders."

Dannielle looked in the direction of Sam's nodding head. Her brow knit with worry. It's too soon. They couldn't have noticed yet.

She took a deep breath before responding. "They don't have dogs. Let's hope its just travelers."


The pair melted into the shadows. Dani pulled her cap lower over her short hair, hoping it hid what was left of the auburn locks. Her breath came in gasps as she pressed against the tree trunks. She prayed her breeches and filthy shirt effectively camouflaged her from the horses that passed mere feet from her. She sucked in a ragged breath, hoping she could hold it as the riders passed, almost mocking her attempts at silence.

"Caleb, we've been over this too many times already. Nothing has changed and nothing is going to change. THIS is the only way."

"It's stupidity, ludicrous. Taking untrained men on horseback would be one thing, but a cattle drive is totally different. There are too many variables. Too many things that can go wrong. I'm risking too many lives. Yours. Theirs. Mine." He shook his head. "I just don't know anymore."

"The gamble is worth it."

"They won't have a choice. Cowboys take the job knowing the risk."

"Offer them their freedom at the end of the drive."

Dani risked a glance at the passing horsemen.

One of the men looked into the trees, seeming to meet her gaze. Dani ducked under the dense foliage as the horses drew near and passed. Her fingers drew in the rhythmic vibrations of the horses' hooves on the path as they drew further and further away. Still, she waited. Not daring to breathe. Not daring to move.

Finally, she released her breath in a whoosh as the hoof beats faded into the distance. She inched away from the tree. "Sam, let's go."

An overwhelming weight settled in her chest as a hand too small to be Sam's clamped on her shoulder. She felt the fingers tighten on her shirt as she tried to bolt. She struggled for a few minutes before the man's other arm snaked around her waist.

"Hold on there, boy. I won't hurt you, unless you lie to me. Why were you watching us?"

Dani fought against the stranger's grasp. "Let go," she hissed.

"Why were you watching us? We don't take kindly to ambushes."

"I wasn't..."

"Why were you hiding, boy? You a thief?"

The other man approached, leading the second horse. Dani shrank against her captor's chest. His grip slackened.

"I'll be danged, Caleb. You were right. We were being watched. Watcha gonna do now that you've caught that little rascal?"

Dani felt the man shrug. "Dunno. I figure he's just a runaway. You run away from home, boy?"

Dani nodded, hoping to play on the man's sympathies. It wasn't a lie after all, she really had run away.

An owl hooted in the trees above them.

The man stiffened moments before a crushing weight slammed into them from above. Dani struggled to free herself from the man's grasp. She recognized the squeeze of the snake coiling and frantically increased her efforts.

The men swore, horses whinnied and pranced in fright. Dani's ears rang with the sudden cacophony surrounding her.

Sam's strong grip tightened around her arm. "Thisa way, Missy Dani."

She let herself be led into the dense undergrowth.
